Jackson County Georgia Genealogy Lookups



Jackson County Lookups

Various people have offered their time and energy to assist others by searching for information in books that they own. Feel free to ask for a look-up from the following books. Address your questions to the individual volunteer and please limit yourself to one name per request.

Please put JACKSON COUNTY LOOKUP in the subject line of your request. In the first line of the message please put the name of the book you are requesting the lookup in.

If you request a lookup, don't forget to thank your volunteer for their time.


Books Available On Jackson County

Gone To Georgia
by William Stewart

Covers Jackson & Gwinnett Counties and their neighbors in the western migration, roughly 1796 to 1827.

 Carolyn Martin 

Historical Sketches, Presbyterian Churches
and Early Settlers in N
.E. Georgia
by Reverend Groves Harrison Cartledge

Compiled by Jessie Julia Mize and Virginia Louise Newton. This book is copyrighted to the Historical Foundation of the Presbyterian and Reformed Chuches, Monteat, NC, and contained a great deal of information on early settlers in Northeast Georgia. Last reprint was by Madison County Heritage Foundation.

 John Carpenter

The Early History of Jackson County, GA
by G. James Nash Wilson

This book is out of print and hard to find. 

Gigi Tanksley


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