Biography of L.H. Mason Copyright. All rights reserved. Transcibed by: Candy Grubb Email: ( From: "An Illustrated History of Stevens, Ferry, Okanogan and Chelan Counties, State of Washington." Spokane, WA: Western Historical Publishing Company, 1904. L.H. MASON L.H. Mason, a leading man of Ferry county, is now operating a large general merchandising establishement in Republic. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on September 9, 1861, and had very scanty privelages for schooling as most of his younger days were spent in laboring on the cotton plantation. Being of an inquiring mind, however, he has made careful personal research, becoming well informed in the leading matters of the day. When tewnty four years of age, he came west, and lcoated at Conconully, Washington in 1887. He labored at different employments there for wages. After a decade, he embarked in the general merchandise business. Following a period spent in that business, he came to Republic and built the second frame structure in that town. He opened a general merchandise establishment and has conducted the same until the present time. He is a skillful business man and wisely selects the goods that are needed in this section, and this fact, together with his uniform and deferential treatment of all customers, has given him a large patronage. His frame structure has given way to a large brick building, the most commodious in the city, which is well stocked with goods. The store is located at the corner of Clark avenue and Eighth street and is the largest of the kind in Ferry county. Mr. Mason carries a full line of dry goods, general furnishings, shoes, clothing, and so forth. His energy and ability have done much in this new country to help improve it since he has been here. Mr. Mason is also interested in mining and is a progressive man on all lines. Fraternally he is affiliated with the A.F. & A.M., being junior warden of the lodge. Mr. Mason married Miss Lelia A. Lindsey of Spokane on October 7, 1897, and to them two children have been born whose names are Elnor and Lelia.