William Abram Love, M.D. Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/copyright.htm Contributed by: Barbara Walker Winge Email: WILLIAM ABRAM LOVE William Abram Love, of Atlanta, Georgia, was born in Camden, Kershaw District, South Carolina, May 16, 1824. His parents were residents of that place in colonial times and suffered much at the hands of the British Tories during the Revolutionary War. By the death of his father, in his infancy, he was left an orphan. He was educated in the school of Camden, and at Russell Place Academy. At the age of twelve, with a view to the study of medicine, he entered the drug-store of Dr. George Reynolds, continueing his studies under private tutors. As a medical student he was for four years under the preceptorship of Dr. Samuel G. Morton, of Philadelphia.... He received his degree of Doctor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. In July , 1846, he located at Locust Grove, Taliaferro county, Georgia, where January 11, 1849, he was married to Marion Louisa, daughter of Hon. Abner Darden... During the late War, he served on the medical staff of the Confederate States of America. In 1870, he moved to Atlanta, Georgia, for the purpose of widening his field in the special practice of gynecological and neurological medicine... Ref: Stone, R. French, M. D., BIOGRAPHY OF EMINENT AMERICAN PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, 1894. Carlon & Hollenbeck, Publishers, Indianapolis, pp. 654-655.