Biography of Frank Gordon Copyright. All rights reserved. Transcibed by: Candy Grubb Email: ( From:"An Illustrated History of Stevens, Ferry, Okanogan and Chelan Counties, State of Washington." Spokane, WA: Western Historical Publishing Company, 1904. FRANK GORDON Frank Gordon is numbered among the agriculturists and stock men in the Colville valley. His home is about two miles south of Meyers Falls, where he has a very nice estate, well improved and skillfully handled. Frank Gordon was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on April 19, 1853, the son of Alexander and Julia (McGregor) Gordon, natives of Glasgow, Scotland, and Georgia. They were married at Atlanta, Georgia. They went to Missouri later, and there remained until the death of the father in 1863. After this the widow went to England where she died in 1868. Our subject has six brothers and sisters, Richard, Marcela, Jennie M., Agnes, Edwin, and Kate. He was educated in the common school and at the tender age of ten years stepped out to meet the responsibilities of life for himself. We see him first in Ohio, then in Nebraska, and later in Wyoming, where he followed the wood business until 1874. In the next year Mr. Gordon made a visit to the east, and in 1876 enlisted in the regular army. He took part in a number of battles with the Indians among which was the battle of Big Horn, where Lieutenant McKinney was killed. After his honorable discharge in 1881 he went to Colorado and did railroad contracting in Boulder county and at Aspen. It was in 1889 that Mr. Gordon came to Stevens county, and he soon selected his present homestead. Since that time he has devoted himself to farming and raising stock with good success. The marriage of Mr. Gordon and Miss Adella C., daughter of Squire and Julia (Terrill) McClure, natives of New York, was celebrated in 1882. The McClure family are related to Samuel J. Tilden. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon: Hugh M., Vivian C., Marshall E., Roy and Frank E.