Richmond Barge January 1800 - Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed by: Shirley Holland Email: Author: J. M. Baker Richmond Barge and his family were among the earliest settlers of the section of Fulton County, GA coming from Fayetteville, NC.He was a boarwright by trade, coming to this section primarily, to build and operate a line of boats on the Chattahoochee Riv er, which project, was, however, impractical then, as it is now. He located about five miles SW of Mt. Gilead Church in what was Campbell County, in 1924. His old homestead was about a mile south of what is now Owl Rock Methodist Church. During the period 1820-28 there came into existance a new faction or party in the Methodist Church known as the Mutual Rights Party, who contended for the mutual rights of the ministry and laity against the Episcopacy or control of the church by Bishops. Richmond Barge became a supporter of this new faction, which afterwards, became known as the Methodist Protestant Church. It is said that on one ocfasion, during a m,eeting at Mt. Gilead, an opportunity was given to all members of the church to declare themselves either for or against this new faction, tahta a line was drawn upon the ground in the church yard across which all dissenters might go over to the new faction, the faithrul members of Mt. Gilead to remain. Richmond Barge and his family crossed over the line. Other families also crossed over, whose names we have not recorded. Richmond Barge, with his negro slaves, had built a house of worship near his home, on a lot he had given for that purpose, which was used as a mission, a branch of Mt. Gilead Church. In 1828, when the split came between the Methodist Episcopal Church and Methodist Protestant Churches, Richmond Barge rolled the little log house, which he had built, off the lot where it stood, and moved it near the present site of Owl Rock Church, and organized what was known as the Owl Rock Methodist Protestant Church. He was an officer and Superintendent of the Sunday School until his death, which occurred many year later. He left a large family, notably among them John, Edward, Richmond and Jacob. This Barge Family history was furnished by J. J. Barge, grandson of Richmond. Owl Rock Methodist is located on Campbellton Rd, SW, Fulton County, Ben Hill, GA