VIRGIL EMORY ADAMS Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed by: Mollie Story Email: Author: - ~VIRGIL EMORY ADAMS~ Social Register and Who's Who in Atlanta, 1934 Edition Social Editor Erskine Jarnagin; Publisher, Joe Rosenfield, Jr. copyright June 1934; 503-505 Norris Building, Atlanta, Ga pg. (1) A VIRGIL EMORY ADAMS Virgil Emory ADAMS is another of Atlanta's citizens by adoption in which any city takes pardonable pride. Born in Milton County, Mr. ADAMS followed earlier school days at Reinhardt College with college work at University of Georgia. He is the son of James and Anna (HARDEMAN) ADAMS, of Milton County. From his office in Atlanta National Bank Building, Mr. Adams has engaged in general practice of law since 1914. Mr. ADAMS is a Methodist, Past Master Gate City Lodge No. 2, F & A. M., and a teacher of the Men's Bible Class in Grant Park M. E. Church. Mr. ADAMS married Miss Louise PAYNE of Marietta. They make their home in Delmar Avenue, S. E.