News of March 1873

Newnan Herald



February 7, 1873: DIED. In Hogansville, Ga., January 29th, after a short, but painful illness, Dr. DAVID S. McIVER, in the 32d year of his age. As a citizen, the deceased was quiet and unoffending- as a friend, constant and true- as a Mason, devoted to the interest of the fraternity- as a husband and father, kind and faithful- as a soldier firm and unflinching in the discharge of duty- as a Physician, he had the confidence and esteem of the entire community- and as an elder in the  Church, none were more zealous and active then he, in the promotion of Christ's kingdom. Though thus cut off in the midst of his usefulness and the prime of his manhood, we have every reason to believe that our loss is his eternal gain.

February 14, 1873: ATTEMPT TO STEEL A BALE OF COTTON- On Saturday 4 A.M. (night) Mr. Witcher, of Heard county, left his room in the Bank Block, to see his horses in the wagon yard, and after feeding them, picked up a pine plank with which to kindle a fire, and was returning and when near Wilkinson's ware-house, seeing a rock, struck his plank and split it when he heard something fall. Looking around he saw three men running toward the square. Mr. Witcher pursued, but failed to capture either of the three. A subsequent examination disclosed the fact that these men had, by some means, had extracted a bale of cotton from the ware-house, and were removing it when they heard the noise made by Mr. W, in splitting the plank, became alarmed, dropped the cotton and ran. No arrests have been made.

February 21, 1873: PERSONAL.- H. B. M. Long, and M. C. Summerlin, representatives of Carroll and Heard counties, pass through the city yesterday, on their way home.

February 21, 1873: A SAD DEATH.- On Monday last, Mrs. Huggins, aged 65 years, wife of Mr. Asa Huggins, of this county, died very suddenly. On the day named, Mrs. Huggins hearing that her daughter, who lived hard by, was very ill, hurried to the latter's residence, and on entering her chamber found her convulsed with violent spasms. The sight so alarmed and excited the mother that she dropped upon the floor, gasped three times and died.

February 21, 1873: MARRIED. On Thursday morning (20th inst.) By Rev. Jas. Stacy, at the New Brick Hotel, in this city. Mr. W.W. WATTS and MISS CALLIE NALLS, all of Newnan.

February 21, 1873. A FATAL ENCOUNTER.- An altercation occurred last Wednesday the 12th instant, between Mr. A. C. Halliday who resided near Glennville in Russell county, and a negro man, which resulted it he death of the former.  Mr. Halliday is represented as having been a very desperate man, and the action of the negro is looked upon with many degrees of allowance. Eufaula News, 15th.



March 7, 1837: DEAD. Theobald Fehrbach, a German who was found a few days since in a cabin on the Savannah River near August with his throat cut, died in the hospital in that city on Monday.

March 7, 1837: BURNED TO DEATH.- Friday night, February 28th, the clothes of a little girl, at the hotel at Whitesburg, Carroll county, caught on fire and burned her person so badly that she died the next morning.- the name of the little unfortunate was Miss Nannie McCall.

March 14, 1837: KILLED BY THE CARS. About a week ago Theodore Ashburn, a freight conductor on the North and South road of Alabam, was instantly killed by the engine of a passenger train running into his caboose. He had failed to put out the proper signal. Mr. Ashburn was a son of George W. Ashburn, whose tragic death occurred in Columbus several years since. He was at one time connected with the State Road, and was represented as an Industrious and hard-working man. Atlanta Sun.

March 14, 1837: (NOTE: This article spells the surname two ways, Thomas & Thomaston) DEAD. Mr. Joseph May, whom we reported last week shot by John Thomas, died on Saturday evening last. The coroner held and inquest over the body on Sunday, but we are not advised as to the verdict. We learn that young Thomaston has disappeared, his father William Thomaston has been bound over to court, as accessory. We forebear comments on this tragic affair. - Franklin News.

March 14, 1837: THREE NEGROES DROWNED. On Friday last, three negroes- a man, woman and boy, nearly grown- were drowned in the river at Jackson's mill, five miles from this place. The boat in which they attempted to cross the river capsized, drowning all three.  At last account, the bodies had not been recovered. Franklin News.

March 14, 1837: DIED, suddenly at her residence on White Oak Creek, on the 18th of February, Mrs. Nancy Persons, aged 71 years. She was the daughter of the late Randal and Pheriba Robinson and widow of Judge Turner Persons, whom she survived thirty years. For many years I had the pleasure of her friendship, and can say with truth that I never knew her to make an unkind remark of any one, or even tell anything that would create strife. She was generous, industrious and kind; social. without being a gossip. and a most sincere christian, without being a bigot. For more than forty years she was an honored member of the Baptist Church at White Oak Grove, and by her upright conduct merited the universal regard of her neighbors, and in fact all who knew her. I have faith to believe that she has gone to where the spirits of the just are made perfect- to that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens where she will be forever united to her blessed husband and children. Many were the afflictions of the estimable woman, but the Lord has had power to deliver her out of them all.
M. E. U.

Newnan Herald March 28, 1873 edition: BAD RESULT OF EMIGRATING -

On the first of November last, Mr. Crawford Nally, an old and highly esteemed citizen of Paulding county, Georgia, together with his family, consisting in all of twenty-one persons, left their quiet comfortable and healthy home for Arkansas - While on the route, some of the family were taken sick with the small pox caught on board a steamer on the Mississippi river, and on the 25th of December thirteen of the family had died from the fatal disease. A few days ago information was received to the effect that the remaining eight members had also died from the same disease, which leaves not a single one to tell the tale of the great affliction which befell them. This is indeed a sad occurrence, and to the relatives and friends of the family residing in this country we tender sincere condolence.
 - Atlanta Herald

March 28, 1873: NEWS ITEMS. FELL DEAD. We learn from a gentleman who came up on the Georgia Train yesterday evening that Col. Smith, of Washington, Ga., fell dead yesterday morning at 8 1 /2 o'clock, while working in his garden. Although the gentleman was in Washington at the time, he could give us no other particulars.- Sun

March 28, 1873: DEATH OF JUDGE SHROPSHIRE. Died March 10th, 1873, at his residence in Fayette county, Ga., Judge Joshua P. Shorpshire in the sixty-eight year of his age. His disease was an affection of the kidneys, and his demise was sudden an unexpected.

March 28, 1873: FOUND DEAD. The Chronicle and Sentinel learned that on Sunday night last the dead body of a white man named Belcher, a resident of the neighborhood, was found lying near the track of the Central Railroad at Millen. The only wound, we hear, was upon the back part of the head, which appeared to have been caused by a heavy blow inflicted by a passing car. Although it is possible that the unfortunate man may have met his death at the hands of a murderer, who placed the body near the railroad track in order to make it appear that he was killed by the cars. The engineer and fireman of a locomotive which a short time prior to finding the body had been backed to the turn-table, near where it was discovered, saw nothing of the dead man, although the
impression that Mr. Belcher's death was caused by a blow received from the tender of an engine as it was being shifted.

March 28, 1873: HEARD SUPERIOR COURT. Heard Superior Court met Monday morning last - his Honor Hugh Buchanan, presiding, Mr. Buchanan stands in front rank of Judges of this State. His charge to the Grand Jury was elaborate, and a model of perspicuity. We recognized in attendance, besides the local bar, Featherstone, Davis, Sparks and Douglass of Newnan; Beall, Harper and Merrill of Carrollton: Spear, Mabry, Whitaker and Solicitor General Cox, of LaGrange.
Many cases have been disposed of on various dockets. Wednesday evening the criminal docket was taken up, and the following cases tried:

The State vs. Gilbert Zachry, stabbing:  verdict, not guilty. Sol Gen Cox for the State, Lottin for Def.
The State vs. Wendell G. Echolds, stabbing: verdict, Guilty: Cox for State, Mabry and Whitaker for Defendants.- Franklin News.

March 28, 1873: FOUND DEAD. We learned, in passing through Madison county, last Thursday, that the body of Henry Wade, for some time past a resident of this place, had been found the day before on the plantation of a Mr. Moone, where it had been lying and was supposed, since the Saturday preceding Madison Court. It is supposed that Mr. Wade's death was the result of intemperate habits.

March 28, 1873: A VETERAN. Mr. John Smith, of Columbia county, who was a soldier in the war of 1812, is now in the city. He was eighty-eight years old in February. He is the father of Mrs. W. W. Johnson, of this. He went into the war of 1812 as a substitute for David Stanford, and served under Capt. Carr, in the regiment commanded by Col. Ignatius Few.  Mr. Smith is anxious to find one or more (if there are any left) of his old comrades in arms. He is entitled to pension money from the government and is delayed in getting it only by lack of witnesses to identify him as a soldier as above stated. If there are any of his comrade living, Mr. Smith would be glad to be put in communication with him. Though he is 88 years old, he is hale for one of his age, and was able to do a good deal of plowing last year. Latterly, his eyes have failed considerably, but otherwise his health is good.- Macon Telegraph.


April 4, 1873: CRIME’S INNOCENT VICTIM. - Mrs. Foster, since the death of her husband, has been partially deranged, and so precarious was her condition on Monday that is was deemed advisable by her family physician to consult other physicians. She resides in one of the upper stories of a tenement house on East Twenty-fourth Street, and no persons except her relations are admitted to her apartment. Everyone in the neighborhood has the deepest sympathy for her.

April 4, 1873: RESOLUTIONS OF THE GRANTVILLE SUNDAY SCHOOL. TO THE MEMORY OF CHARLIE SMITH. WHEREAS, we have been suddenly called by the dispensation of God’s providence to mourn, the loss of our beloved little Sunday School scholar, CHARLIE SMITH, son of hon. W. C. and Mrs. Emma Smith, it becomes us, as a Sabbath School, to give expression of the emotions of our hearts, caused by the sad event, as a tribute of respect to his memory, therefore, be it.
Resolved, That in the death of little CHARLIE SMITH, our Sabbath School has been deprived of one of its most promising young members - of one whose devotion to the school, and faithful discharge of all duties had encouraged us to look forward with bright anticipations on the time when he would become one of the most zealous advocates.
Resolved, That we deeply deplore his loss, and will endeavor meekly to submit to the inscrutable providence of God, feeling assured that he has passed to the bright shore of a happy eternity.
Resolved, That this Sunday School tender their sympathies to the beraved family in their separation from one who was the sunshine and joy of home, and the pride of the doting father and mother.
Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of our Sabbath School, and be sent to the Newnan Herald, Atlanta Constitution and Southern Christian Advocate for publication, and that a copy be forwarded, by our Secretary, to the friends of the deceased. T. E. Zellars, W. A. Post, S. Leigh, committee. Grantville, Ga., March 23rd, 1873.

NEW YORK, March 31. - the death of Mrs. James Gordon Bennett is announced by cable dispatch. It occurred this morning, at Koenigstein, Saxony.

April 11, 1873: TORNADO IN HEARD. Last Tuesday, about one o’clock, P.M., a tornado passed over a portion of Franklin Heard county, doing considerable damage. The tornado appeared to be about half-a mile wide and tore up trees and fences generally. Coming from the South, it struck the bridge across the Chattahoochee at Franklin, lifted it off its foundation, turned it over, and it is now resting on its side, against the peers. The bridge is not torn to piece, but simply turned on its side, and people walked on it across the river. - La Grange Reporter

April 11, 1873: MR. STEVENS THOMAS DEARING, son of Dr. W.E. Dearing, of Agusta, died Friday afternoon after a long illness. He was well known as an attache of the Southern Express Company, and deservedly esteemed by a large circle of friends.

April 11, 1873: A negro implicated in the murder of Miss Richards, of Greene county, was arrested last week.

Newnan Herald; April 18, 1873: OBITUARY - DIED, April 11th, at her husband's residence, in Newnan, after an illness of scarcely three days, Mrs. MOLLIE L. ARNOLD, age 24 years, 1 month and 24 days. What a heart-breaking history in one sentence! A devoted husband has lost a loving wife, a widowed mother her only idolized daughter, a brother his darling sister, three sweet little children a tender mother and ME church a promising member, her friends a generous, cheerful, genial companion and a society at large a sweet-blooming flower that gladened an eye and cheered the heart. Seldom has it been our mournful privilege to see one so universally regretted, so lately moving among us, sweetly conscious of the many pure draughts an innocent life held to her. No lingering illness warned her that her buds of promise must bloom in Heaven; but swiftly the shining angles came closed her sweet blue eyes,
softly sealed the smiling lips, and, as we fondly believe triumphantly bore her soul, over the shining way. No trace of pain marred the marble like response of her countenance but she lay like one, who sleepeth long and well, her waxen fingers folded over her pulseless breast.

Her dreamless sleep an aspect wore
But rarely seen in death before.
In snowy garments like a bride
Decked for the bride groom ere she died,
She seemed for earthly taint set free,
Made white and pure, oh! God for thee.

Grant her sweet spirit may be the medium of consolation to our hearts, so bruised, so crushed. Let Faith, that heaven descended boon, span the grave with a rainbow promise of the cloudless morrow of eternal bliss. May the afflicted husband, clad in the whole armor of righteousness, follow the Captain of his salvation, till the pearly gates to him shall open wide, and his lost treasure be his for ever more. May the sorrowing mother who hoped in her latter years to lean for support on HER fond arm, cling closer still to Him who is husband to the widow. How priceless now are those words, Earth hath no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal!- How true that by affliction the heart is made better. We feel that whom he loveth, he scourgeth.

And, Father, we meekly pass under the rod, For the hand that uplifts it is thine,
Oh! My God. D. W.

Southern Christian Advocate and Star. (Griffin,) please copy.


Newnan Herald; May 2, 1873: DIED- In Hogansville, Ga., April 26th, Mrs. GENNIE GLANTON in the thirtieth year of her age. Death is ever an unwelcome messenger but when it enters the peaceful home and removes the faithful wife and devoted mother from her tender charge, our hearts are steeped in sorrow, and our tongues are mute with wonder at the strange dispensation. It has seldom been our duty to chronicle a sadder death than that of Mrs. G. Possessed of amiable disposition naturally, and of a heart subduded by grace - it would seem that such an one could not be spared from earth but Providence has ordered otherwise, and we bow with humble resignation to the will of Him who doeth all things well. Her end was peace.

Newnan Herald: May 2, 1873; ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING - We learn that Mr. Thomas
Dailey, son of Daniel Dailey of Johnson county, was instantly killed on Sunday morning last, by the accidental discharge of a pistol in the hands of another young man by the name of Anderson. The facts are, we learn about these, Dailey had out his pistol, cocked it and gave it to Anderson, Dailey holding the muzzle and Anderson the handle when the pistol fired. The ball penetrating the body of Dailey passing entirely through the body and heart. Persons present who saw it differ somewhat in their statement, but the general conclusion is the discharge was accident. -This is a but another victim to a careless handling of firearms.

Newnan Herald; May 2, 1873
(NOTE: This is in the column entitled here and there and does not specify and a place or date)
Here and There: Hon. James Brooks died Wednesday evening.

Newnan Herald; May 2, 1873: DEATH BY POISON - Mr. Rich Boggs, aged about twenty seven years, living in Chulio District, twelve miles from the city, killed himself by taking a dose of strychnine. He had been married about one year, and had apparently lived a happy life with his wife. A short time ago he left home without cause and remained away for some time. Just before and at the time of leaving his family, friends though that his mind
was unsound, but hoping that time would cure him, they took no action. He returned home a few days since, and after being there severe days asked for the package of strychnine that was kept to kill rats. He took a dose of the deadly poison, and all efforts to relieve him proofed futile
- Rome Commercial

Newnan Herald; May 16, 1873 (BIBB COUNTY): DEATH OF JUDGE T. G. HOLT. -
This gentleman, one of the oldest residents of Macon, died in that city Thursday, aged eighty years. For many years he was Judge of the Superior Court for that circuit, and in that honorable office, as in all others, displayed those qualities that in time past so specially marked the Judiciary of Georgia as men of fearless soul, of unblemished repute and stainless

Newnan Herald; May 23, 1873: DEATH OF A CENTENARIAN. On Tuesday last there
died at the Alms House, near this city, a negro woman well known to old residents, as Aunt Fannie Mimms. As near as can be ascertained she was about 114 years of age. She formerly belonged to General Mimms, of this city, and she used to claim to have been a steward of Mr. Washington and frequently spoke of, The father of his country.- Atlanta Sun.

Newnan Herald; May 23, 1873: MARRIED. In Atlanta Tuesday 13th inst., by
Rev. Mr. Elliott, assisted by Rev. Mr. Estil J. M. DENT, Esq., of Newnan and Miss IDA WRIGHT.


Newnan Herald; May 23, 1873: DIED in Newnan, at the residence of Col. Wilcoxon, May 17th, Mrs. Margaret Leigh, wife of Mr. Anselm Leigh and daughter of the late Rev. J. Y. Alexander, aged 47 years. Mrs. Leigh was dedicated to the lord in early infancy; was reared by pious parents, and through the whole course of her life shed around her the light of a
Christian. For many months previous to her death, she was in declining health, but in every pain, she recognized the Ruling Hand, feeling assured that the sufferings of the body only purify the soul and better prepared it for a home in heaven. She leaves a husband and eight children whose hearts and home are desolate with out her. But the comforting thought is theirs that their loss is her gain.

Newnan Herald; May 23, 1873: DEATH OF MRS. LEIGH.- Mrs. Margaret Leigh wife
of hon. Auselm Leigh died Friday evening 5 o'clock in this city at the residence of Col. J. B. Wilcoxon, where she had been staying by a cordial and Christian invitation of Col. Willcoxon, since the burning of her husband's residence a few weeks since. Mrs. Leigh was a good woman in every sense of the word, and her death is universally regretted, and regarded as an
indescribably great calamity to her family.

Newnan Herald; May 30, 1873: MARRIED. On the morning of the 22d inst., in
the storeroom of H. Q. Wilkinson, in this city, by J.P. Reese, Esq., Mr. S. J. McBURRNETT and Miss MITTY E. WINKLES; all of this county.

Newnan Herald; May 30, 1873: DIED. - MRS. NANCY S. ARNOLL, wife of J. G.
Arnoll of this county, died Monday evening, the 26th. On the 6th of May, Mr. And Mrs. Arnoll visited Newnan and were returning home, and when near the residence of Judge Swint, in this city, Mr. Arnoll heard the noise of a train on the S. G. & N. A. R. R. approaching in the rear and, hastily jumping out of the buggy to hold his horse, but he animal was freightened and moved partially around so that Mrs. Arnoll was thrown out and hurt. A suit for $10,000, damages was promptly instituted against the Railroad Company. Mr.
A. alleging that the engineer failed to blow the whistle at the crossing. Mrs. Arnoll, however, appeared to improve speedily and was apparently in good health and spirits early Saturday morning, but at 8 o'clock she was seized by a fainting spell and was not conscious anymore until she died, the following Monday. Her friends think the hurt from the fall caused or at least hastened her death.


Newnan Herald; June 6, 1873: MARRIED at the residence of Mrs. S. Kingsberry
in the city on 29th of May by Rev. A.M. Thigpen, Mr. B.F. GODFREY of Cartersville and Miss. M. P. KINGSBERRY of this city. Mrs. K. will accept thanks for different varieties of cake from the marriage feast.

Newnan Herald; June 6, 1873: ROBERT THOMAS Carpenter and Joiner, Newnan,
Ga., is now prepared to contract for any work in his line, in the city or surrounding country and solicits a fair share of patronage. As to his efficacy and reliability, good reference furnished if desired.

Sandersville Georgian

Newnan Herald; June 6, 1873: DEATH OF W. B. DENNIS. - After protracted suffering, Mr. W. B. DENNIS, one of the first settlers of Coweta County, died at his residence 4 miles from Newnan, Tuesday morning, in the 71st year of his age. The deceased was Justice of the Peace in his District as long as he desired the office, or was physically able to discharge its duties and all times and under all circumstances was esteemed and honored by his neighbors
and acquaintances as a man of the strictest honor and integrity. Peace to his aslres.

Newnan Herald; June 13, 1873: CHATHAM COUNTY. LATER - death of Mrs. Canover, 12:05.- We just learned from Lieut. Reilly, of the Police Force, who came direct from Mrs. Canover's house, that Mrs. Canover died about half-past eleven o'clock, and the child is
not expected to live until morning - Ibd.

DEATH.- Mr. M. Marks died last Saturday under the following distressing circumstances: On Friday he was suffering intensely from neuralgia, and his physician gave him morphine for relief. He took several doses during the day and at about eleven o'clock that night, got up to take more medicine; but being somewhat bewildered from the opiate, in some way, set his own clothing on fire. When his wife reached him, his night-clothing was nearly burnt off,
and his stomach, breasts and face terribly burned. He lived in extreme agony until about noon Saturday, when he breathed his last. Mr. Marks has been a merchant in Rome for some 30 years; was scrupulous, honest and exact in all his business transactions; was a man of remarkable modesty of good practical sense and in every way one of our best citizens. - Courier 10th.

Newnan Herald; June 13, 1873: NEWS ITEMS HENRY COUNTY. We are informed
that Mrs. Polly Griffin died at her residence in Henry County, 10 miles above this city, on Tuesday last, aged about 77 years. Her husband removed to her late residence in 1823, when the country was new and sparely - Griffin News 5th.

Newnan Herald; June 13, 1873: BIBB COUNTY. DEATH OF MR. WM. M. ROBERTS.-
Mr. WM. M. Roberts, an old citizen of Macon, after a long illness, died at half past 10 o'clock on Thursday night, 5th instant, aged 66 years. Mr. Roberts came to Macon in 1840, when the city was in its infancy, and has resided here ever since For a number of
years he was engaged in mercantile pursuits, but his health failed and he was compelled to quit business - for two years he held the position of Stewart of Wesleyan Female College.

Newnan Herald; June 13, 1873: MERIWETHER COUNTY - Mrs. Dora, wife of Mr. A.H. Freeman, died Monday, 2nd of June. The deceased left three little daughters.

Newnan Herald; June 20, 1873: BUTTS COUNTY
SUDDEN DEATH- On last Saturday Mr. Dawson Heath rode to Jackson and to the houses of some of his neighbors on business, came home about 1 o'clock in the evening, ate his dinner, after resting for a short time, harnessed his horse and plowed out some patches about the house. At night after eating his usual supper, retired in good health, Sabbath morning was found dead in his bed. It is thought that he had a stroke of Apoplexy, he being a man of
plethoric habit. Mr. Heath was about sixty eight or nine years of age and had been a citizen of Butts County near 50 years - Indian Spring Echo.

Newnan Herald; June 20, 1873: WALKER COUNTY NEWS- Mr. George W. Reid, of
Walker County, was baptized on the 25th of May. He was 85 years old.

Newnan Herald; June 20, 1873: ARRESTED. - The following citizens of Heard county, charged with violating internal revenue laws, were arrested by C. B. Blacker, Deputy Marshal, assisted by a squad of United States Soldiers: Obediah Talley, Charles Arington, Wm. Cooper, Jr., Rodorick Cooper, Jr., Wm. Copper, Sr., David A. Bennett, Henry Bennett, Alic Bennett, Samuel Bennett, Ed Lewis, Zeke Brown, John Strickland, Robt. Buchanan, colored. On arrival in this city Wednesday evening, they went before F. M. Scroggins, U.S.
Commissioner, waived investigation and gave bonds in sums ranging between $200 and $500, and were released.

Newnan Herald; June 20, 1873: MERIWETHER COUNTY.
ESQ.- We regret to hear of the death of this gentleman, which occurred at Greenville on Thursday last. Mr. Render belonged to one of the best families in this State and was a young man of fine promise. Soon after arriving at manhood's estate, he was elected to the Legislature, and was reelected several times and was a Judge of the Inferior Court also. He was very popular with all classes and but for the mastery over him of that powerful tempter, which has destroyed so many of our young men, there is no telling what useful and enviable stations he would have filled. Jim Render, as he was familiarly known, was a good man and the worst enemy of himself. We have no idea that he ever intentionally wronged a man and wherever know, sorry will be felt at his sad fate. Peace to his ashes. - Griffin News.

Major Wells J. Hawks died at his residence in Charleston, West Virginia, Wednesday last. Major Hawks was a native of Massachusetts, but for thirty years had been a native of Virginia. At the commencement of the late civil war he entered into the service of the Confederate States and upon the promotion of General Jackson became a member of his staff; commissary respectively of his brigade, division and corps. It will be remembered that
just before the death of General Jackson he was heard to say quickly A. P. Hill, prepare for action; tell Major Hawks to send forward provisions for the Troops Perhaps the most comprehensive discription of Major Hawks character is embraced in the statement that General Jackson had entire confidence in him. - Exchange.

June 20, 1873: Mr. George W. Reid, of Walker County, was baptized on the 26th of May. He was 85 years old.

June 27, 1873: HEARD - DEATH.- We are grieved to learn the death of Mr. THOS. W. WILKINSON in this county on Saturday last, of consumption. Mr. Wilkinson was a highly esteemed citizen, and his death is a great loss, not only to his family, but the community
where he resided. Peace to his remains.- News.

June 27, 1873: HEARD - ATTEMPT TO BREAK JAIL.- Monday night last, Geo. Meadows, (col.) confined in our jail on the charge of attempting a rape on a white woman, made an effort to escape, and came very near being successful. He had got in possession of an augur, by some means, with which he made an ugly hole through the wall of the jail, but failed to make the opening large enough to admit his body. He was removed the next . . . (CORNER OF PAPER MISSING, SO DO NOT HAVE THE REST OF THE ARTICLE).

June 27, 1873: DIED.- Mr. COLUBUS ROSE, formerly a citizen of Newnan, died in this city, Saturday evening, of dropsy. His remains were carried to Columbus for interment.

June 27, 1873: DIED - In Grantville, Ga., June 13th, Mrs. ELIZABETH W. WORD, wife of Mr. Robert W. Word, in the 56th year of her age - for the first time in life the Reaper has entered this peaceful, happy home and taken from it's fond embrace the faithful and devoted wife, the loving and affectionate mother. Decay seems written upon all nature; the flowers of the garden scarcely unfold their leaves wet with the morning dew, when they begin to drcop and die; and man barely crosses the threshold of infancy until a warning comes that he too is mortal. The hand of pain and suffering had long lain heavily upon this dear one, and at times it would seem as if her race was almost run, but the patience unparalleled, she bore it all in silence rather than mar the happiness of her household by revealing to them the sad fact that she must so soon die. To know her was to love her endowed by nature with a strong intellect and with a heart filled with tender sympathy and love she was well qualified to fill the high position assigned to her in life. As a friend, she was constant and true; as a neighbor, she stood preeminent in kind deeds; as a wife and a mother, no sacrifice was too great for her to make for those around her; as a christian, meek, patient and wholly resigned to the will of God.  Truly, "Her children arise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her." CJS.

June 27, 1873: Careless Use of Firearms. A CHILD TEN YEARS OLD SHOOTS HIMSELF IN THE HEAD WITH A PISTOL. Late last evening we were informed by persons residing in the southern portion of the city that a little boy some ten years of age, named William Dawson while playing with a pistol, which by some means or other had gotten possession of, placed the muzzle of the pistol near his head and was blowing into the barrel when, by some movement of his hand, the weapon was accidentally discharged, the contents striking him in the region of the temple. A physician was immediately called in, and we learn that upon examination he pronounced the child to be in very critical condition.

June 27, 1873: DEATH CAUSED BY AN EAR OF WHEAT.-An infant daughter of Rev. John Callaway, of Tunnel Hill, was the subject of a serious accident a short time ago, which necessitated the performance of a very difficult and dangerous surgical operation. A portion of an ear of wheat which the child was chewing, accidentally gained admission into the wind-pipe.- After five days of suffering and almost death from suffocation, the operation of tracheotomy, or opening the wind-pipe for its relief was very . . .



July 4, 1873: NEW ITEMS - JACKSON - ATHENS, June 28, 1873. Editors Constitution - parties from the Jackson county bring the report that Hugh N. Carter, who was acquitted at a late sitting of the Superior Court for the murder of -Pool, was found murdered.

July 4, 1873: POLK COUNTY. KILLED BY LIGHTNING.- The Rome Courier says Mrs. George Wade, of Polk county was killed by lightning last Monday. She was assisting in hoeing cotton at the time. A man was plowing in the field when the thunder shower came up. The loud thunder frightened his horse and it ran away. When he looked up to where the lady was, he discovered that her clothes were on fire. Before he could get to her, her clothes were nearly all consumed and she was quite dead.

July 4, 1873: DIED.- MR. HARRISON WALKER, A worthy citizen of this city, a long sufferer from paralysis died of that disease Saturday evening and was buried the next day with Masonic honors.

July 4, 1873: MARRIED. On Thursday, June 26th, at the residence of Mr. Osborne Linch, by Rev. R. W. Hamrick Judge ASA HUGGINS and Miss NANCY WOODY - All of Coweta.

July 4, 1873: Where is she? STRAYED from the premises of the subscriber, in the 3rd District, a bay mare mule with a white nose and large sore behind the fore legs caused by a snag. Any information of her whereabouts will be thankfully received. Address me
at Newnan, Ga. N. MATTOX June 20 1t

July 4, 1873: THE SLANDEROUS TONGUE. - The tongue of the slanderer is never tired. In one way or another it manages to keep itself in constant employment. Sometimes it drips honey and sometimes gall. It is bitter now and then sweet. It insinuates or assails directly, according to the circumstance. It will hide a curse under a smooth word, and administer poison in the phrase of love.  Like death, it "loves a shinning mark." And it is never so available and eloquent as when it can blight the hopes of the noble minded, soil the reputation of the pure, break down the character of the brave and strong. What pleasure man or woman can find in such work, we have never been able to see. And yet there is a pleasure of some sort in it to multitudes, or they would betake themselves to it. Some passions of the soul or body must be gratified by it, but no soul in high esteem can take delight in it. They oughten serve to polish the slanderous tongue, increase its tact and give it suppleness and strategy to do its death work.

July 18, 1873: STATE NEWS. PAULDING. FOUR DEATHS FROM EATING PLUMS. - We learn that four deaths occurred in the family of Mr. Coker, living in Paulding county one day last week. It seems some very lucious and tempting plums had been gathered, of which the family partook heartily, but subsequently they were all taken sick from eating the fruit, four of whom died shortly afterwards.

July 18, 1873: SAVANNAH. ATTEMPT TO SUICIDE.- We learn that on Wednesday morning last, Mrs. F. Klug, residing at the corner of Willson and Stewart Streets, attempted to commit suicide by taking a large dose of laudanum. She remained insensible throughout the entire day, and the attendant physician was fearful she would not recover. She was conscious yesterday, however, but if yet considered in a very precarious condition.

July 18, 1873: DECATUR. Escape of Ware from the Dekalb Jail.- last Fall, a man by the name of Ware go into a difficulty with a Mr. Wammack of Dekalb county, in which he inflicted several stabs on Mr. Wammack from which he died. Ware was indicted for murder, but was too sick to be tried at the spring term of the Court. On yesterday he managed to escape from jail by boring through the wall. He managed the work very skillfully, filling the places from which he would take out the rock with pieces of blanket, so much like the wall as to escape notice. We saw the ordinary on his way to the Govenor to request that a reward might be offered for his arrest.- Herald 15.

July 18, 1873: Mrs. Lyster, of Indiana, was latetly buried in her linen wedding garments which she spun, wove and wore seveny-three years ago.

July 18, 1873: MARRIED. At 1 1/2 o'clock, PM on the 10th inst. at the residence of the bride's mother, in Coweta county, Ga., by Rev. Thos H. Timmons, Mr. GEO. W. VANCE of Newnan, Ga., and Miss R. A. STRONG of Coweta.

July 18, 1873: DIED in Newnan, Ga., July 11th, 1873, Mrs. SUSAN NIMMONS, in the 68th year of her age. Mrs. N. was one of the oldest citizens of the place, and for nearly thirty-two years a member of the Presbyterian Church. A model of industry, charity and
deep piety, her name has left behind a fragrance like onto the freshest ointment. Quiet and unobtrusive in her manners, warm and sincere in her attachments, and uniformally consistent in her actions, she had gained the confidence and esteem of the entire community. Her life was one of usefullness, and her death, of resignation and peace. "Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his."

July 18, 1873: DIED, 6th of May, in Belin, Tenn., FANNIE T., infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ARGYLE EWING, aged three years and five months.

As a lily, pure and pale,
she in dreams slumber lay;
Torn by earth's rude blowing gale,
from the parent stem away;
Folded are the waxen fingers,
closed the soft brown loving eyes;
But, o'er all, a halo lingers
like a blessing from the skies.
Death has kissed the marble brow,
plucked the rose from the sweet face;
But, seraphic beauty, now
crowns her with angelic grace;
Browned-eyed darling, how we miss thee;
Miss thy softly clinging arms;
But the Savior has embranced thee
Shielding thee from earth's alarms.
Thou the Nazarene did hear.
whispering lowly, "come to me;"
Nestling in his bosom dear
Rest, sweet lamb eternally.
Great shepard of our souls lead me
by waters still, thruogh pasturesfair;
and let my little FANNIE be
The first sweet form to great me there.
Dost thou watch and wait for mother
I am coming, coming, sweet.
Father too and sister, brother
Will thy lovely spirit meet.

 July 18, 1873: DIED. 30th June, 1873. After the brief illness of six days, at the residence of her husband, Mr. P. H. Whitaker, near Corinth, Heard Co., Ga., Mrs. MATILDA WHITAKER, in the 59th year of her age.  A mother in Israel has fallen asleep in Jesus. Full of good works, no richer harvest has the pale reaper gathered into the heavenly garner. "Her children rise up and call her blessed;" The afflicted and needy tell of her deeds of charity and the ministering kindness of her hands. Her devotion to her husband and children was proverbial; and the hours flew by on noiseless wings, when her busy fingers plied her many tasks of love. She was a shinning steady light in the christian firmanent, having connected herself with the Baptist Church in her early married life.  Her genial hospitality has cheered the drooping heart of many way-worn servant of God; and again with renewed strength, has he buckled on the armor of richousness, and "gone on his way rejoicing." Oh! Christian mother of precious memory! Hover still around thy lonely husband and sorrowing children. We know that death had no terrors for thee; the grave o'er thee no victory won; but 'mid Cherubim and Seraphim, though dwellest in the courts of heaven; yet still our weak, wounded hearts cry out in anguish.  "Our mother, oh! our Mother." If the Savior had no lain there before her, he would have said to the Grave she is too pure to lie in the dark, loathsome embrace:
 But, oh! the Savior's sweet perfume
 Lingers on each darksome tomb
 Could we only see her in her angelic beauty and untold bliss, our selfish sorrow would be exalted into sublime reconciliation and our notes of woe would swell into the jubilant anthems of the redeemed.  Asleep in Jesus! Like a marble image she lay with a peaceful smile upon her face, the impress of the Savior's kiss as she "leaned her head upon His breast, and breathed her life out sweetly there."
 Let us then gird up our loins and following, "the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by nigh," pursue our HOMEWARD journey; for oh! sweet thought, our mother is at HOME; and with a mother's yearning love, beckons each wanderer away and if we prized so much her beloved society on earth, what will be the measure of our bliss when we meet where change can never come! Her latest messages fell on our ears like the strings of a heavily choir: "Death has no terrors for me!" "I am willing to do and suffer the will of heaven." We who knew her life require no death-bed evidence of her acceptance with God. She had walked with him through long, long years and thro' the valley of the shadow of Death she feared no evil. He had lead her besides still waters and through green pastures; and fearlessly she placed her hand in His and esteemed the ice-cold waves of Jordan:
 And with Him treads the crystal streets,
 Her loved and lost transported greets;
 Yet, like Him, to the earth she turns,
 And for each loved one there she yearns.
 Remember that she waits for thee.
 Remember dark Gethsemane -
 Then hasten to the Savior's breast.
 And with thy mother sweetly rest.



August 1, 1873: A SOLITARY GRAVE - While in Cherokee last, we were shown the grave of Solomon, the Jew who was murdered by unknown parties many years ago. He lived in a wild and secluded spot on Little River, far away from civilized society and sold goods to the
Indians. There he sleeps in the deep solitude of the mountains, alone and perhaps no relative or friend ever has, or ever will behold his last and solitary resting place. His list for gold cost him his life and he, "rests in hope." It may be of returning to Jerusalem, when its days of splendor shall return and all be new again. - Cartersville Express.

August 15, 1873: ATLANTA. Dr. W. H. Pegg of Atlanta died suddenly of apoplex or affection of the heart Sunday morning.

August 15, 1873: AN ENORMOUS WOMAN.- Coroner Herrman of New York held an inquest Saturday in the case of Josephine Jamisom, a colored woman who died suddenly on Friday evening at No. 203 Delancey street. The deceased woman was a native of Virginia, and although but 25 years of age, had attained enormous proportions, and weighed nearly 500 pounds. She had been suffering from asthma for a long time past and her death was due to this disease, aggravated by the great accumulation of adipose matter about the lungs and heart. After her death, her relatives were compelled to have an immense wooden box made to contain her remains, and, as the box was too large to be carried up-stairs, it was placed in the backyard, and the body, after being prepared for burial, was carried down-stairs and placed in it. After the box was closed, it was found necessary, in order to carry it out in the street, to tear down a portion of the rear fence - the funeral service was held yesterday.

August 15, 1873: MAN KILLED FOR HIS MONEY.- Bartow, Ga., August 6th, 1873.- Editors Herald: Mr. Edward White, and unoffending, hard working man, was brutally murdered last night between 11 and 12 o'clock. The circumstances were as follows: The house was opened, and the noise at the door being heard by Mr. White got out of bed to learn the cause, when he was instantly shot three times. The first shot taking effect in the forehead, and he fell dead upon the floor. The last two shots were fired after he fell, as it is supposed by the shot cutting only his clothes and going through the floor. The murder then called upon Mrs. White and Mrs. Dorch for Mr. White's trunk and money, or he would blow their brains out. As soon as the trunk was shown him, he immediately left, carrying it some 250 yards, where he opened it, got out what money there was-some fifteen or twenty dollars-and then left the trunk and the balance of the contents. The murder and robber is supposed to be a negro, a small man, wearing no. 6 or 7 shoes. It is believed that he was alone as only one track could be found. Yours, etc., A. E. TARVER.

August 22, 1873: GORDON. MAJOR CHARLES KELLY KILLED BY SILAS SANDERS.- A difficulty occurred at Gordon at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, which resulted in the killing of Major Charles Kelly by Silas Sanders. From passengers who came in on the Central trail
last night we were able to get a few particulars:
It seems that Kelly and Sanders served in the same regiment during the war-Kelly as Major. Some trouble occurred then between the two men which has been a source of anger between them ever since. Yesterday afternoon, both parties being somewhat under the influence of liquor, the old trouble was renewed, and high words followed, in the course of which Kelly called Sanders d-d scoundrel, or words to that effect; whereupon Sanders struck Kelly. The latter then drew a pistol and fired at Sanders and Sanders drew one also and fired at Kelly. Several shots were exchanged until finally Kelly fell, mortally wounded and expired in a very
short while. Sanders made his escape and had not been arrested when the train left Gordon for Macon.  Both of these men have been regarded as good citizens of Gordon. Kelly was son-in-law of Mr. Solomon, who keeps the hotel at that place. He was major of the 42d Georgia regiment during the war, and had an eye shot out in battle. Sanders was a private
solder in the same regiment. Macon Telegraph 17th.

August 29, 1873: HERE AND THERE. Hon. T. A. R. Nelson died at his residence in Knoxville, Sunday morning of cholera, after two days sickness.

August 29, 1873: Mr. Samuel House of Cross Keys, aged 77, and Mr. John Pitts, aged about 80, old residents of DeKalb county, have died in the last few days, full of years and honors.

August 29, 1873: GREENVILLE. SHOOTING.- Saturday evening, we have understood Poke Maxwell met George Hyde near, or at the residence of the latter and shooting at him; Hyde returning the fire Maxwell shot at Hyde again wounding him, but not seriously. We have not heard the cause of the difficulty. The parties are neighbors.-Vindicator.

August 29, 1873: WORTH. KILLED- On Tuesday morning last, young Charles Buntin, son of Rev. Wm. Buntin, of Worth, and Albert Faircloth, were on their way to a protracted Methodist meeting at Puckett's Chapel, on the Troupville road. In a pretty piece of road, they concluded to try the speed of their horses. At the top of their speed, Buntin's horse flew the track, and throwing the rider high up above the saddle against a tree, killed him instantly. The deceased is said to have been a pious, quiet young man and great hopes were entertained that he is better off where he's gone to.

August 29, 1873: List of Letters. REMAINING uncalled for in the Newnan postoffice, which after 30 days will be sent to the dead letter office:
Mrs. Rebecca Carroll, Miss N.E. Ghilders, Miss Cinthia Raymond, Mrs. Fannie E. Campbell, Mrs. Goldsmith, Mrs. L. J. Jones, Jinny Lee, Mrs. Dilly Lovelady, Mrs. Mary Shackleford, Miss Mary Turner, col. Miss Caroline Taylor, Mrs. Rachel West, col. Jno G. Arnoll, Jas Bradley, J.D. Campbell, Jacob Casper, Frank Tigh or Campbell, J. M. Dodds, C.A. Engstrom, Carl Ferdinand Engstrom, Dr. J. Goodman, Neal Hall, A. P. Hampton, Jas King or Thos Sullivan, Saml S. Loveless. C. S. Mallard, Jno. M. Moore, J. B. Mann, Wm Mahough, C. L. Mosses, E. J. Martin, Geo W. Powell, Jack Powell, W.R. Pope, W. D. Pearson, Jas Powell, col. W. S. Redwin, John B. Reid, Dan Sutherlin, J. H. Thayer, W. J. Wolf, C.R. Wimbish, W. Winkls. Persons calling for the above will please say advertised. ROBT MILNER, P.M. Aug 29, 1873.

August 29, 1873: DEATHS.- Dr. Henry and Mr. Olstead each lost, during the week, a small babe.

August 29, 1873: OBITUARY. Death has again entered our midst and taken from the field of Life an aged mother bowed with years and cares.
MRS. HARRIET HILL, though a comparative stranger among us, was loved by all who knew her. At the age of 59, she left her home and a large circle of relatives and friends in South Carolina to make her home with us; at the age of 62, she laid down the burden of life and in our graveyard far away from Sweet home the sod was flung upon the dead. As we stood around the dying bed of this dearly loved one, and watched her as she sank calmly into the dreamless slumber we thought of those beautiful lines so often repeated by her during the long weary months of affliction.-

Jesus can make a dying bed
Feel soft as downy pillows are,
While on his breast I lean my head
And breathe my life out sweetly there.

And we felt all was well. The struggles of the Past have ended and gently as an eastern shadow from the hills dist thou pass away. We feel and hope, to that Better Land where the weary are at rest.



September 26, 1873: We clipped this item from the last Thomaston Herald: DEATH OF AN ENTIRE FAMILY FROM YELLOW FEVER.- Mr. T. L. Walker, formerly a merchant in Thomaston, but who has resided for the past ten or fifteen years in Louisiana, died at New Orleans one day last week of yellow fever. His wife and two children who were accompanying him from Shreveport, La., to Meriweather county, also died of the same disease. Mrs. Walker was a sister to the wife of Irby H. Traylor, of Upson county, and the entire family where well known to all the people of this section.

September 26, 1873: NEWS ITEMS. HOGANSVILLE. STABBING AFFAIR.- Hogansville was startled on Saturday evening, the 20th inst., by the report of a stabbing affair. Upon inquiry, I learned these facts: Late Saturday evening a man by the name of Bob Maxwell left Hogansville drunk. Going about six miles in the direction of home, he came to the house of Clifford Woodruff and knocked at the door. Mr. Woodruff came out and Maxwell asked to stay all night. Woodruff seeing that he was drunk, said that his child was quite sick and could not let him stop, and also, that he was drunk, and had better go on home. Maxwell went out of the house and called Woodruff, saying he had a secret to tell him; Woodruff expected no harm, went up close to him, when he drew his knife and stabbed Woodruff, the knife passing through the lungs into the bowels. Woodruff is in very critical condition, and the physician says he cannot live- Woodruff, the wounded man, was about twenty seven years of age, had a wife and three children; he had been a wild boy, but had reformed, and for the last three years had been doing quite well. Maxwell was an old man about fifty-seven years of age-lived about three miles from Woodroof. The affair happened in Meriweather county, and Maxwell is now under arrest waiting his trial, which will come off to-day. He says he remembers nothing about the stabbing. Woodruff's statements have been taken down, and Dr. Clopton witnessed the latter portion the scene, and says that Maxwell started to run when he stabbed Woodruf. Constitution. 23.

September 26, 1873: DIED. In the city of Newnan, September 20th, 1873, JESSE MAE, infant daughter of W.R. and S. H. Pitman, aged seven months and thirteen days.


October 3, 1873: NOTICE!! STRAYED from the subscriber on the 25th ult. a light sorrel horse mule, 12 or 14 years old, shod before, point of shoulders rubbed with gear- in good working order and medium size. SIM PALMORE oct. 3-Lt Senoia, Ga.,

October 3, 1873: Miss ELIZA ROWLAND died in this city, at the residence of Mrs. Brown, her sister, Saturday night of consumption.

October 3, 1873: MANTUMAKER. MISS E. F. CONYERS is prepared to cut and make Ladies Dresses in rooms formerly occupied by Mrs. Nimmons, over J. M. Glass' Store. sept 12-22 m.

October 10, 1873: MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's father, in the city of Newnan, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. T. B. West, Mr. J.P. JONES, of Lee county, to Miss HATTIE M. WILLCOXON, of Newnan.

October 10, 1873: DIED. September 26th, 1873, Mrs. SUSIE BRIDGES STOKES; born July 9th, 1851. How brief a space between these dates, yet how much of hope, love and joy does it encompass; and, alas it culminates in grief for she, whose life these short years measured, has gone over the river whose other shore sends back no sound. We can hope she will there meet those she has left-as one by one they cross over-and greet them with a song of welcome. From child was Susie of the same affectionate and generous nature that matured into so many charms of womanhood. Many hearts will be saddened to know that another merry companion of school days has been laid in the dust with others whose joyous laughter will no more ring on the air and whose hands will no more busy themself in office of love, but these voices may sound a fuller chord
of joy, and these hand be fitted for holy ministerings. A little more than two years ago she left the roof of her fond parents for that of her husband, and was the sun-shine of his home till the death-cloud overshadowed it and left it in darkness. As some flowers bloom never to fade, but to drop from the stem when perfected in form and color, so has Susie fallen, clothed in loveliness, leaving us to wonder why she was called before Time and Sorrow had laid their withering hands upon her.
In no form is death natural or welcome; but youth clothed in the habiliments of the grave, always sends a chill to the heart, but while it speaks our own mortality points to the promise that Death shall be swallowed up in victory. Only baby Ula has not learned the full measure of her loss. She looks for the glad smile of her mother, and finds but faint answer in sad faces around. Loving hands will minister to her, and warm heart deeply enfold her, but from childhood to youth and from youth to womanhood, the bitter truth will oft assert itself I have no mother.
May the beloved father, mother, sister and husband feel that Whom the Lord loveth He also chasteneth and that this is not the scourage of wrath but of His love.  Those who have gone before are tics to draw us unward, and surely one link of the earth chain is broken.

Yet again we hope to meet thee,
When the day of life is fled,
Then in Heaven with joy to greet thee,
Where no farewell tear is shed.

October 10, 1873: REUBEN WEBSTER, OF POLK COUNTY, DEAD.- The above named, one of the oldest and best citizens of Polk county, died at his residence on the 22d of September. He moved to Poke from Wilkes county some twenty-three years ago. He died of dropsy, from which he had suffered, most painfully, for a long time.

October 10, 1873: HEARD COUNTY. The Franklin, Heard county News has nothing to say as to the whereabouts of that wonderful baby, which created such a sensation a few months ago in Heard and adjoining counties. The Ashland (N.C.,) Times puts the question to the News with regard to it, but Barron fails to answer, feeling, he says, like the boy the calf run over. Bully for Barron.

October 10, 1873: DEATH OF JOHN B. BALDWIN OF VIRGINIA.- Virginia has lost one of her ablest and most valuable sons and citizens.  We refer to General John B. Baldwin, who recently departed this life at Staunton, his birthplace and lifetime residence. General Baldwin was one of the most intellectual and powerful men of the country. He was as brave, honest, hightoned and independent in his character and bearing as he was learned, profound, skilled and eloquent in the profession of the law, in which he filled a front place. Though with little taste for politics, he was necessarily drawn into its vortex, and during the agitation preceding and following secession and the civil war, bore a prominent part in all contests, at first on the Union side, but during the war adhered with fidelity to the fortunes and honor of his State, and was one of the most active and earnest of the defenders of the Confederacy in the council and the field. General Baldwin's death will be a great sorry to Virginia, as he was looked up to as one of her most honest and wise leaders in the great troubles and exigencies through which she is now passing.

October 10, 1873: DEATH OF AN EX-GOVERNOR OF MARYLAND.- A dispatch from Cambridge, Md announces the death at his residence in Dorchester county of the Hon. Thomas Carroll, who was the governor of Maryland in 1829. Forty-four years ago. Mr. Carroll was the oldest surviving governor of the state and the only one of those remaining who were elected by Legislature when the term of office was one year. There were four other governors elected in the same way subsequently, the first one elected by the people under the change of constitution being William Grason, in 1838. Mr. Carroll has quietly resided in retirement for many years, respected by his fellow-citizens, and now departs at a green old age.

October 10, 1873: MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's father, in the city of Newnan, on the 1st inst., by the Rev. T. B. West, Mr. J. P. JONES, of Lee county, to Miss HATTIE M. WILLCOXON, of Newnan.

October 24, 1873: DEATH OF MR. FRIBOURG.- Mr. S. Fribourg, formerly a merchant in this city, died at his home in Texas on the 13th inst., of Pneumonia after a brief illness of five days.

October 24, 1873: FRANKLIN. DIED.-Mr. Micajah Allsabrook died Monday evening the 13th inst. after a protracted illness of schirous affection of the liver. He lived a few miles west of this place and had reached the meridian of life- News.

November 7, 1873: ATHENS. SAD ACCIDENT. - We are pained to chronicle the accidental shooting of a youth, named Daniel Marshal, aged about seven-teen years. He was attempted to crack a chestnut burr with the breech of his gun, while loaded, when it was discharged. The load took effect under his chin and caused a fearful wound, from the effects of which he died in about seven hours. He lived in High Shoals District, in this county. - Georgian.