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The reason that I take these pictures and place them online is really two-fold.  First, many of the old cemeteries of Cobb County have fallen into disrepair and neglect.  While many have been adopted by caring friends and family through the Cobb County Cemeteries Preservation group, there are many that we may not yet know about and there are many that do not have someone to take care of them.  I do this in part to bring attention to this.  I also do it in part to preserve the information that is sitting in cemeteries, exposed to the elements, wasting away and eroding away every day.  I have seen a two hundred year old stone that can be read perfectly.  I have seen a thirty year old stone that is showing severe signs of wear and tear.  Digital pictures will never give out, will never erode and will never show adverse signs of weather or again.

A secondary concern is vandalism, intentional and otherwise.  Cemeteries are places where kids tend to gather to drink, to party and to do other things.  Sometimes they intentionally knock stones over and do nefarious acts of evil.  Other times, they get carried away and accidentally knock them over.  The result is the same - broken headstones and lost data.


1.    Who takes care of cemeteries in Cobb County?

2.    How many cemeteries are there in Cobb County?

More to come


The entity which is charged with the care of cemeteries in Cobb County is the Cobb County Cemetery Preservation Society.  They are sanctioned by the Cobb County Zoning Department, but it is my understanding that they are not a true county agency or governmental entity.  They maintain a website, which may be found at:

There are 236 known cemeteries in Cobb County.  Some have never moved.  Others remain unknown and may never be known.