



Milstead was founded by Frank Milstead. He opened his cotton mill as Milstead Manufacturing Company in 1902 on the site of an old paper mill on the Yellow River. The mill was later owned by Callaway Mills. (see Callaway Historical Marker)

From 1902 until it's closing in 1960 and 1961 the Milstead thrived. The mill provided it's employees with bungalow homes, paved streets and sidewalks, a golf course, tennis courts, a bowling alley, a private school and a swimming pool. The mill sponsored a semipro baseball teem that competed with other mill town teams throughout Georgia.

Frank Smith wrote a book about Milstead in 2001 titled "Looking Back: Fond Memories of Bygone Days".

The Story of Milstead - Frank Smith

Frank Smith

The Callaway Beacon - 50th Anniversary Edition

That's the Way it Was

the dinky
military heros
this n that
help requests

Fuller E. Callaway - Historical Marker


Milstead Plant 50th Anniversary

Milstead Railroad 104

Rockdale County Historical Atlas - 1874 to present

Construction of Milstead Mill and Village

Can you help?

I've added a page to this site for queries from people looking for Milstead connections. Please take a look here and see if you can help with these requests. Also, if you are looking for info about a relative or friend who lived in in Milstead - feel free to let me know and I'll add your request to the page.

help requests

~*~*~ Please check the photos to see if you can help identify Milstead residents ~*~*~


If you'd like to share your memories, photos and information about Milstead history and the families who lived here - please send the info to me and I'll include it on this website.

email Milstead website

Thanks !

~*~*~*~ More Historical Information  ~*~*~*~
A Visit Will Take You Back In Time - by Frank Smith
The Milstead Family and the beginning of the Mill
Baby photo of Frank Milstead - founder of Milstead Manufacturing Company, Milstead, Georgia
Construction of Milstead Mill and Village



The information contained on this website is submitted by volunteers and is not intended for commercial use. Unauthorized use of content in this website is strictly prohibited.

Copyright © 2004, 2005, 2006 [Beth Shaw]. All rights reserved.

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