Acts of War
Abusive Acts Passed By the Crown
And Georgia's Reaction to Them

Name of Act
Basic Provisions
Georgia's Reaction
April 5, 1764
Revenue Act of 1764
Revised duties on sugar, tea, coffee, wine; expanded jurisdiction of some courts
Protests about taxation; Georgia especially concerned because of lumber trade with sugar-producing Carribean countries
March 22, 1765 thru March 18, 1766
Stamp Act
Documents must contain a revenue stamp to be legal. All deeds, wills, marriage licenses, even newspapers affected
Georgia's stamp master serves a single day in January, 1766
May 1765
Quartering Act
British troops must be given housing on demand from colonists.
New York Assembly was punished for its failure to comply.  Georgians understandably upset.
March 18, 1766
Declaratory Act
Parliment declares sovereignty over colonies in all cases. Enacted on the same day that Parliment repealed the Stamp Act
Georgians become continually upset, realizing that this was simply a move to allow England to save face on the world stage.
June 26, 29, July 2, 1767; repealed April 12, 1770
Townshend Act
Includes duties on new items including tea, glass and other goods available in the Western Hemisphere Georgia begin to import goods directly from nearby Western Hemisphere trading partners rather than buy from England
Georgia started buying from other suppliers in the Western Hemisphere.  Georgia House of Representatives dissolved in dispute over these acts
May 10, 1773
Tea Act
East India Tea Company granted sole right to sell tea directly to Americans; some duties on tea reduced
Nearest Tea Party was Charleston, S.C..  Savannah had no tea assigned
March-June, 1774
Administration of Justice Act ("Intolerable Act")
Boston Port Act
Closes Boston Harbor; eliminates current government of Massachusetts; restricts many other government meetings
Convening of first Continental Congress (September, 1774)
December 22, 1775
Prohibitory Act
Tries to force Americans into submission with direct attacks on liberties granted all Englishmen
Prior to this, many Georgians had been Loyalists.  However, this was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back for many.