Archibald Newton McLarty Diary

December 1848

Came home from millwent to help Canidy Entrycan to rais his house-a grate deal of rain and hevy wind

Made wagon frame and geed traugh

Sabath day at home.

Started to Atlanta

Traded in Atlanta

Drove home after nite.

Haled Wilsons salt home and took a bull to him.

Headake all day wet day

Worked at making stable dores Mr. Daniel payed my forty seven dollars to day.

Sabath day at home W. M Larty and Charity and John Endsley and wife was with us all night.

Hung my meet and made fire for to kill paps hogs.

Helped pap to kill his hogs kiled six - 925 lbs of pork-cold and cloudy day.

Went to John Clintons sale property sold very well-I wrote to brother Alexander and John P. M Larty to day.

Made shoes to day -wet day

Made shoes to day. - wint to mill.

Came home from S. H. M Larty mill-very wet

Sabath day at home to day.

Scraped manure in the fore noon made one pair of shoes for E. W. Maxwell in the evening.

Made two pair of shoes for E. W. Maxwell.

Made one pair of shoes for E. W. Maxwell. Bill for wating on me - seven dollars and twenty five cents.

Went to J.C. Whittleys and worked on his clock then scraped manure -very warm

Went to Villarica-bought of Stokley and Sheets 50 yards shirting one handsaw- 1 file - one yard calico- gun flints- $5.50 payed cash.

Hunted for my hogs to day - did not find them - the boyes scraped some manure-not much

Went to John F. Morris with John C. M Larty and George and Mangum and Alexander and Robert S. H. M Larty and wife was here to day and a number of the friends children.

Chrismas day very wet day went to granpaps a good many there all day alexander went to Uncle Wilsons-Mary to Uncle John Morris some cooler in the evening

Went to help John C. Whitley to kill his hogs Bingley and John and George and Alexander, Robert Real Chrismas diner done by 12 o clock then went to hunt that the call deer and meet tired enough

Kiled 19 hogs to day very wet in the fore noon Bingley and John and George and Mr Sewell and Mr Whitley helped me 1776 lbs pork.

Salted my meet thin wint to brother Wilsons.

Came home from S.W. M Larty rain all day.

Went to help Wilson to kill hogs.

Sabath day at home to day

Contributed by Sandy Whittington