Archibald Newton McLarty Diary

November 1848

Wendsday went to David Clinton sale

Hunted my steer

Hunted the steer to day.

Made one pair of shoes for S. W. M Larty a grate deal of rain.

Sabath day clear

Made shoes for my self

General election for president 16 for Talor 66 for Ca (?)

Dug potatoes to day

Dug potatoes and put them up payed G. W. M Larty for my paper

Commenced harrowing my wheat ground

Finished harrowing my wheat ground.

Sabath day at home -a grate deal of rain.

Monday went to S. W. M Larty corn shucking.

Got 4 plows layed came home.

Commenced sowing - wheat.

Sowed wheat to day - Ann had her baby to day.

Plowed some to day. Halled some wood.

Helped Madison Greeman to raise his house cold with snow in the evening

Sabath day at home

Kiled hogs to 15 head 1994 lbs.

Salted my meet borrowed 117 lbs salt of pap Judge winn died to day. (paid pap is written through the 117 lbs) commenced sowing wheat again went to help make Judge Winns coffin came home found Ann very sick.

Sowed wheat to day - Ann sick all day a little better in the evening.

Sowed wheat to day very tired to night.

Wet day-went to mill to day.

Went to Jeames cort as a witness the cort decided I should not have pay for atendence then offered me pay but I would not have it Tugle was the lawyer.

Sabath day at home.

Made one pair of shoes for Antony-plowed.

Helped Asa Sewell to kill his hogs plowed

Finished sowing wheat.

Helped Canidy Entrycan to work on his house then went to mill

Contributed by Sandy Whittington