Archibald Newton McLarty Diary

January 1847

The first twelve pages are missing and appear to have been cut from the book:.

January 1, 1847

Journal Book; for A.N. MLarty.

1. All of my family will and we grubed to day-cloudy; with rain.

2. Grubed in the morning and then wint to the balifs election William Morgan and Chaffin Hartsfield elected-Cloudv with rain George Mclarty bought Jackson Baggets mair at $65.00.

3. Sabeth morning all of the family will-Cloudy and cold with some rain, -heavy rain in the evening at home all day

4. Made two pair shoes-Cloudy and very stormy in the evening.

5. Made shoose-Clear day.

6. Wint to Wilsons shop-Returned home sick.

7. Made shoose-unwell all day -very stormy with snow.

8. Roled logs at Asa Sewells and then wint to George Mlarty, with Danell- very cold day.

9 . Received $100 from Danell made Danell titler to no. 114-47 and I went to Squire Watsons- Retumed home- hung my meat and found Anns jar broken.

10. Sabath day - All well and at home all day- rain all day- heard a number of guns to day.

11. Made shoes -very cold and clear-we have been out of milk for some time but the old black muly had a calf to dav

12. Went to Villarica-changed my money and paid all my dets and have $66.40 cents in hand yet.

13. Grubed in the morning and then went to Smiths mill.-Cloudy and cold.

Returned home from mill unwell---

-(entries for Jan. 15-19 are missing as the pages are torn .

20. Grubed in the morning and then went to shop in the evening - very cold wet day

21. Grubed 48 rods apeace today- very cold and clear-very tired

22. Grubed in the morning and then went to the Wilsons- Stayed all night - Bleed more at the nose that night than ever I did- clear and cold

23. Loaded my apple trees and went to the powder Springs- Sold 250 trees and returned to John Mlartys - Stayed there all rain night- William Duncan died today

24. Sabath morning returned home all of the family well-rain

Grubed all day-cloudy in the morning and clear in the evening.

25. Grubed and made one pair of shoose- grate deal of thunder and rain and very worme.

Went to Frances Winns to Machien jouse raisen and the children grubed. Clear and cold - Mr. Clinton died today.

Took up my apple trees and rubed my trees in the orched-cloudy and very cold rain at night and stormy.
(two coffins are drawn in the margin)

Grubed all day - cloudy all day and cold- John Magines died today

Grubed in the morning and cut and hauled wood in the evening- clear and cold

Sabath day at home all day - clear and plesent day, I am thirty five years old today.

Sixteen dry dayes and fifteen wet dayes in this month.

Employed every.(rest of page missing)

Contributed by Sandy Whittington