Copied from photocopy of hand transcribed
information found in the family papers of Emily Augusta Cook Bickerstaff,
Gulfport, Mississippi. (Probably furnished to her by her brother, Everett
England Cook, who passed on to her other photocopies of family information.
Same intormation recieved by Harvey Kline Littleton, of North Carolina,
grandson of Joe Cook.)
William Cook and Lucy Jones 27 December 1808
Emerline Cook and Lovel Smith 1 Aug 1828
James E. Cook and Elizabeth Butts 24 December 1??? (photocopy cut off date, but seems to be between 1828 and 1836 by virtue to placement in list)
Zachariah Doles and Louisa M. Cook 13 December 1836
James E. Cook and Sedonia B. Syndonia B. Scarborough 7 December 1837
Wiley B. Pope and Emily H. Cook September ???? Cut off
William Scott and Lucy Ann Cook 13 December 1??? Cut off
Jesse Slocum and Lucy Ann Scott 4 May 18?? Cut off
William Cook b. 13 April, 1785
Lucy (Jones?) Cook 30 June, 1785 -- (out to side- Aug 17, 1824 Sep 20, 1852)
James E. Cook, 10 October, 1809 (last cut off -- 21 might be 13 ??)
Emerline Cook, 23 December 1810 -- 1865, October 11
Emily Hawkins Cook, 23 May 1812 -- 1856, July 2
Elijah Perry Cook, 20 February 1814 -- 26 December 1825
Anderson Jackson Cook, 1 February 1816
Louisa Marion Cook, 18 November 1818
William Henry Cook, 11 August, 1821 (in Baldwin County, GA) -- 28 Aug 1885
(his wife -- Martha Ann Harvey, born 27 January 1831, died 8 January 1880,
married December 9, 1849)
Lucy Ann Cook, 31 May, 1824
Elizabeth Ann Butts, first wife of James E. Cook, b 13 June, 18?? Cut off
Died 7 August, 18?? Cut off
Syndonia B. Scarborough, second wife of James E. Cook, b 10 December 1812
Died 11 June 1852
Elijah Perry Cook, died from being struck with a stick by a Negro, December 26, 1825 (born Feb 20, 1814)
Lucy (Jones) Cook departed this life 27 August 1834 (born June 30, 1785)
Elizabeth M. Cook, 7 August, 1836
Syndonia B. Cook, 11 June, 1852
James E. Cook departed this life 29 of September 1852
William Scott died March 20, 1853
Emily H. Pope died July 2, 1856
Emerline Smith died October 11, 18 65
Wiley B. Pope died May 21, 1866
Jesse Slocum died June 24, 1872
You might also be interested in the following unpublished family history written by Joseph Anderson "Joe" Cook, grandson of William, son of William Henry.
"Somewhere near the Oconee River is Baldwin County, Georgia, a man by the name of Cook settled a farm about 1810. His wife's maiden name was Jones. Cook was a man of large build, shrewd and industrious. His wife was a real helpmeet. To them were born several children. William, next to the youngest, was born in 1821. He was the father of Teacher (Joe Cook) and will, in these stories, he hereafter spoken of as Father.
About 1827, the head of this family lost his life in an accident on the river. There were no exemption laws then. Every negro anfd every hoorse went to satisfy debts. Only the land was left. The mother struggled along, and kept her younger children together for a few years, then died of over work and exposure. Father was taken by a married sister and cared for until he was able to shift for himself. (EBR note: Emerline seems to be the one married at the time.) By the time he was thirteen years of age, being a well grown boy, he began to take care of himself. He got very little schooling, but d4evelopefd physically into a big strong young man. On Saturday afternoons when the young men assembled at the crossroads store for diversion, he was nearly always therre, read of any sort of contest. He was one of the best in running, jumping, wrestrling, and boxing. At the log rollings, there was not a man in the neighborhood who could pull him down at the hand stick."
He continues to say that he left Baldwin County at Christmas 1840 heading west. ==============================================================
The following was found in "Genealogical Abstracts From the Georgia Journal. (Milledgeville) Newspaper, 1809 - 1840, V III, 1824-1828, page 769:
Issue of October 1, 1827:
"For cash, will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in November next, at the courthouse in the town of Clinton, Jones County...the following property, to wit: four beds...3 head of cattle, 2 tubs, 3 jars, 4 jugs, 7 spinning wheels, 2 pots, 2 ovens, 1 tin pan, 1 bucket, 4 chairs,,,2 trunks, 1 churn, 2 ploughs, 1 ox...1 lookinf glass...all levied on a the property of William Cook, to satisfy an execution in favor of Hardy P. Humphries.....signed Hope H. Slatter, Sheriff"
This seems to corraborate the story above by Joe Cook.
Copyright 2007
Emily Ann Bickerstaff Raspilair, Guntersville, AL