Clubs and Organizations - Milledgeville & Baldwin County GA  
Clubs and Organizations
Milledgeville & Baldwin County, Georgia 
Brake's Opera house
built in 1881 and used as the court house until new one was built

  • Kiwanis Club Organized 1920, offiers: W. S. Myrick, president, Frank Bone, treasurer, H. I. Hiller, Secretary 
  • Old Captial City Club 1909 
  • GMC Improvement Club 1916
  • Young Men's Cotillion Club 1906

  • Lodges
  • Benevolent Lodge No. 3
  • Sylvan Lodge No. 4, Independant Order of Odd Fellows. established 1843.
  • Order of Red Men, Chappell Tribe 
  • Milledgeville Lodge of Elks

  • Theatrical Clubs
     Players Club. 1912. W. E. Renolds manager, performed at The Opera House

    Political Clubs
    Democratic Club of Baldwin County 1868
    Joe Brown Club 1908
    Underwood Club 1912
    Wilson Club 1916


  • Farmers Club of Baldwin County, organized in 1871. District vice-presidents: A. I. Butts, 105; T. H. Latimer 115; R. H. Harper 318; D. P. Borwn 319th; N. McGehee 320th; R. H. Ramsay, 321st; W. Ennis 322nd. W. G. McKinley, president; L. Carrington secretary; R. N. Lamar Assistant Secretary.
  • Baldwin County Progressive Farmers Club  1910
  • Home and Garden Club1 910
  • Boys Corn Club 1910
  • Baldwin County Oat Club, 1882: C.W. Ennis, S. Barrett, G.T. Whilden; B.T. Bethune, H.C. Vinson, P. J. Cline; J. B. Pounds, W.I Harper, George W. Hollinshead; G. V. McKinley. C.B. Goetchius, E. C. Ramsay, Secretary; J.A. Orme, Joseph Scoggin

  • source: Atlanta Constitution July 13 1882

    College Clubs:
  • GMC Girl's Club
  • Mandolin and Guitar Club of the G.N. and I. College, members in 1899

  • Guitars: May Allen, Laree Luke, Susie Hines, Marie Whitaker, Marietta Anderon,  Martha Jones, Marion Cumby, Bessie Young ; Violins:  Gerrude Ambrose, Laura Paine, Pianist: ; Alline Cumming, Soprano: Lula Randall

    State Sanitarium Sewing Club 1911

    Amatuer - George C. Smith, Edge Wynne,  Col. M. Grieve, Terrence  Treanor, H. W. Compton, Fannie Price, Annie TGreanor, Laura Paine, Vivia Taylor 


  • Milledgeville Social Club 1884
  • Young Men's Social Club 1890 
  • Ladies' Clubs

    Juvenile Society for the Relief of Soldiers
    Held in the parlor  of Mrs. Robert mcComb. President Fannie Huson, Kate Micklejohn Secretary, Cliffie Talbird, Treasurer. Members: Millie Cobb, Laura Compton, Lillie Fulwood,
    Mary Holmes, Mollie Hunter, Fannie Huson, Minnie Jackson, 
    Ida Mapp, Jeanie Mapp. Jane McComb, Kate Micklejohn, Annie Orme, Clifford Talbird, Gresham Tinsley, Lucy Tinsley, Lizzie Waitsfelder, Alice Williams,

    Bridge Clubs:
    Hill Club

  • members: 1904-1916
  • Mrs Miller S Bell. Mrs. D. S. Carrington. Miss Carrington,
  • Miss DeSaussure. Miss McKinley, Mrs J L Beeson,
  • Mrs G G Reid, Mrs T M Hall, Mrs Ferman Bell, Miss Sallie Lockhart, Mrs G G Reid, Mrs J A Callaway
  • Mrs T. L McComb. Mrs W T Hines, Mrs A A Vaughn
  • Mrs J F Bell, Mrs E R Hines, Mrs G A Lawrence
  • Mrs John Day, Mrs E A Tigner, Mrs. Louie Andrews
  • Mrs Adolph Joseph, Mrs Willbolt

  • Orginal Thirteen
    members 1903-1915
    Mary Cline, Marie Whitaker. Mrs Lewis Flemister
    Mrs John Moore, Miss Jessie Allen. Mrs H D Allen, Annie Case

    The Circle Mrs John Allen 1906

    Forty-Two Club
    Some 1906 members Laura Barrett, Nettie Cone, Louise Ferrell

    Recreation Bridge Club 1909

    Tuesday Night Bridge Club
    Miss Annie McCombs

    Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club
    Mrs Terrence Treanor; Mrs. George Edwards; Miss Mary Cline

    Chetola Club
    Mrs J A Callaway 1914; Mrs G G Reid 1915

    Young Ladies Bridge Club 1915
    Isabella Allen

    Misc. Clubs

  • Campfire Girls
  • Woman's Club, organized Nov 18 1913
  • Young Matron's Club organized in 1902. Some members were Mrs. Ansel B. Cook, MRs. t. F. Cook, Miss Callie Cook, Mrs. J. H. Vinson and Mrs. E. E. Bass, Mrs. H. W. Compton, Mrs. O. M. Conn, Mrs. William Trice Hines, Mrs. James R. Hines, Mrs. Otto N. Conn, Mrs. Miller S. Bell,  Mrs J. F. Bell, Mrs. Underwood, Mrs. Louie Clarence  Hall, Mrs. Rufus Roberts, Mrs. RIchard N. Lamar, Mrs. H. H. vinson, Mrs. M. L. Perry

  •  Young Ladies Sewing Club Jennie Jewell 1912
  • Midway Sewing Club, Mrs. Marshall Bland member in 1910
  • Modern Priscillas 1911
  • Chafing Dish Club Mrs W T Hines 1912
  • Elm City Garden Club  1897
  • Daughters of American Revolution - Nancy Hart Chapter

    Eileen Babb McAdams copyright 2005