Confederate Amnesty Applicants - Baldwin County GA  
Confederate Amnesty Applicants 
from Baldwin County, Georgia.
See the proclamation from the Library of Congress for details and
Most applicants owned taxable property valued at $20,000 or more.
Obadiah Arnold
Jeremiah Beall
Samuel B. Brown
Charles DuBignon
Augustus W. Callaway
John B. Campbell
Ezekial S. Candler
Samuel M. Carter
Samuel G. Chandler
Pleasant M. Compton
Thomas F. Drayton
William P. Drumwright
Andrew J. Foard
Nathan Hawkins
James N. Horne
Thomas Humphries
Francis A. Huson
Marcus D. Huson
William A. Jarratt
John Jones
Leondis A. Jordan
A. H. Kenan
Thomas B. Lamar
Margaret E. Little
Enoch Lewis Lowe
William G. McAdoo
William McKinley
Walter H. Mitchell
Benjamin H. Myrick
Stith P. Myrick
Isaac Newell
Richard M. Orme
William C. Parker
 Randolph H. Ramsey
John S. Thomas
Hugh D. Treanor
Mary H. Tucker
Ezekiel Waitzfelder
Michael Waitzfelder
James C. Whitaker
Samuel E. Whitaker
Benjamin A. White
Samuel G. White
Lucinda Williams
Eliza C. Woodward

Source: Confederate Amnesty Papers  Publication Number: M1003.  Publication Title: Case Files of Applications from Former Confederates for Presidential Pardons ("Amnesty Papers"), 1865-67. NARA.  Date Range: 1865-67,  Georgia

  Eileen Babb McAdams Copyright 2008