Relatively Risener
Relatively Risener

This site is dedicated to the memory of my Dad,
Joe Richard Risener

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Updated Wednesday, August 25, 2010, 10:15:00 p.m. CDT

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The Story of a Dog

I hope you enjoy your visit and find something that will help you with your genealogical research. Feel free to use anything you find here that relates to your family lines.

The Surname page will lead you to family pages with descendancy charts beginning with the oldest known ancestor, family pages, census readings, photos, obituaries, tombstone photos and more. Not all the surnames are that complete, yet, but I'm working on them a little at a time. To skip right to all that info, find the links to those separate categories to the left.

I am not a professional genealogist; this is just my hobby, and you must do your own research, double-checking my information listed here. I make no claims to the accuracy of the genealogy information on this site; it's up to you to do your own searching to verify, prove or disprove anything you find here. I have begun adding the sources for my information, but it's a slow process since I've been doing this for close to 20 years now. I have a lot of sources to name and limited time to work on this site. What I do have will be found on the Sources page, and I am adding more as time permits. If you need a source that's not listed, please e-mail me and if I have a source for that information I'll send it to you or let you know that the fact is not yet been proven.

If you would like copies of any text, documents or pictures from this site, email me or the person who submitted it to this site. "The Story of a Dog" is copyrighted & may not be used without permission. Please remember that genealogical work is always subject to revision. If you use or cite some of my material, your readers will appreciate a citation to my site so that they may see if my data has been updated.

NOTE TO SUBMITTERS: I reserve the right to change the size and to crop any photos sent in to be posted on the web page. I may also change the format to gif, jpg or file name. This is for organizing purposes and to quicken loading times and save space. I reserve the right to edit any postings, or submissions to the site before or after they have been put up. I am not responsible if someone uses information or photos you have submitted to this site. If your intention is not to willingly share your information, then you’ve come to the wrong place.

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This site is created and maintained by Juli Risener Morgan
© 1998-2010 by Juli Risener Morgan.