
Hamilton County Historical Museum, Inc.


Wayne Smith - President
Margaret Lewis - Vice President
Belinda Mitchell - Secretary Becky Longshore - Treasurer

The scope and goal of our Society is to preserve and maintain the Cultural Heritage as established by our forefathers, for future generations.  As we strive for the future, we must consider the strong foundation that was established for us by our forefathers, who pioneered into this county and state.  For us to commemorate their struggle, we establish to maintain this Heritage for Future generations.

MEMBERSHIP: Membership is open to any person interested in promoting the objectives stated above. Annual dues are:
 $10.00 per individual, or $25.00 per family. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:00 P. M., at the Tourism Development Center in Jasper, Florida.
Address correspondence to:  Hamilton County Historical Museum, Inc. P.O. Box 929, Jasper, Florida 32052.   386-792-3850.

Hamilton County Historical Museum, Inc. P.O. Box 929, Jasper, Florida 32052

Enclosed is $ ________Single or $ _________ couple( rates $10.00 single, $25.00 family)

Please make your check or money order payable to the Historical Museum. Mernbership is due January 1st.

NAME: Last                       First                           Middle              Maiden                 (print or type)

Please give full address including ZIP code (area code) phone number    E-Mail Address

Application date       List surnames of primary interest

Give as much information as possible, born, died, married, county, state, etc.