Official Hamilton County FLGenWeb Site
Keeping Florida's Genealogy and History Free to All!
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Your Coordinator is:
Laverne Tornow

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© 2008-2010 Laverne Tornow

About FLGenWeb Project, Inc.

In 1996, a group of genealogists organized the FLGenWeb Project, modelled after a project originally started in the commonwealth of Kentucky. The idea was to provide a single entry point for all counties in Florida, where collected databases and information on genealogy and history in the state could be stored. At the same time, volunteers were found who were willing to coordinate the collection of data.

If you have any items of genealogical and/or historical significance to Hamilton County or any other county in Florida, please consider submitting them for display within Official FLGenWeb Project. Please do not submit anything you do not personally own, or is under current copyright. FLGenWeb, adheres to current US Copyright Law. If the item is under copyright, you must include written permission of the copyright holder giving FLGenWeb the right to display it with proper credit and notices on the Hamilton County site.

Template and Original Content: Laverne Tornow