
I believe this is first of many land deals by Toussaint.  French transcription by me & English translation by Fr. Owen Taggart.
 24 Jul 1654  Purchase of land by Toussaint

Paul de Chomedy governor de l’isle de Montreal et terres en dippendent.

Suivant les ponnoirs et commissions au nous donees par Messieurs les associes pour la conversion des sanuages de la nouvelle france en l’Isle de Montreal et terres guy en dyserrdent, Seigneurs d’icelles.  Nous anons don’t ne et concedde donjons et concessions a Toussaint Hunault - habitant de Villemarie la quantite de trente arpents de terre proche le costean St Louis a commencer dix perches pour la larger, on bas dud dit costean du coste de la montagne, et continnuer parelelle larger dans la profondeur de l’Isle tiromn au nod ours quart d’ouest jusqu’ a la site guantite de trente arpents de terre, Icelle presente concession poignant une concession appartenant a Jean LeMercher du La Roche.  Pour jourir par le (?)  Toussaint Hunault ses sucesseurs et anyang cause de la dele presente concession a perpetuae en toutte propriety ainecq plan pourvoir de la vendre donner et exchanger touttes fois et quantes que bon luy semblera a change de Bastir d’efricher en faire valloir les dites terres.  End de payer aux Seigneur de Montreal pour chacun arpent des detes terre par chacune annee trois deniers de censing es autre droits seigneriaux quanti le cas eschaera suivant la costume de Paris en a charge que le dit Hunault - sera oblige de laissez les chemin que le gouverneur de Montreal jugera necessaire pour la commod_ie priveique Sequel gouverneur pourasy bon luy semble prendre sur les dites Tigris le bois de chaauffage en pour Bastin donn_ie poura noir belong faith an fort de Villemarie en l’Isle de Montreal.  Le vint-quartrisme jour de juillet, Mil six-cent cinquantre-quatre.

Signe, Paul de Chomeday.

Translation by Fr.  Owen Taggart

24 July 1654
Paul de Chomeday, governor of the island of Montreal and lands granted to dependents.

According to the powers and commissions given to us by the Associates,  for the conversion of the native peoples of New France on the Isle of Montreal, and the lands nearby, who are its Lords.  We have given and granted building rights and concessions to Toussaint Hunault, resident of Villemarie the total of thirty acres of land near the hillside of Saint Louis, beginning at a breadth of ten rods at the foot of the hillside called La Montagne, and continuing at the same breadth into the interior of the Island toward the northwest by west for a total of thirty acres of land.  The present grant abuts a grant belonging to Jean Lemercher alias La Roche.  To be enjoyed by the said Toussaint Hunault his heirs and assigns of the said grant in perpetuity, having full power to sell, donate or exchange this property whenever and in whatever way he chooses.  He is charged with building, clearing, and making tillable the said property.  He is to pay to the Lord of Montreal in land fees every year the sum of three pence for each acre of land, as well as other fees payable to the landlords when the occasion arises, according to the custom of Paris.  The said Hunault is further charged with keeping clear those roadways which the Governor of Montreal shall judge necessary for the convenience of the public.  The said Governor shall, if he chooses, take from the said lands wood for heating and for building as is needed.

Enacted at the Fort of Villemarie on the Isle of Montreal this twenty-fourth day of July, one thousand six hundred fifty-four.
                                                                            Signed, Paul de Chomedy

3 February 1666

 Sale of land to Pierre Chauvin by Toussaint & Marie.

Par contract passe par derrants le nottaire royal en l’isle de Montreal en la nouvelle france souby le quatorziesme jour de September, mil six cent tioxanti cinq, Appert Toussaint Hunault, habitant du dit Montreal et Mari Lorgueil, sa femme, avoir vendu a Pierre Chauvin aussy habitant de dict lieu et Marthe Hautreux, sa femme, ce quy en suich aux clauses et conditions mentionnes au dit contract.

La quantite de trente arpents de terre proche les costean St.  Louis a commencer six perches pour la larger au bas du costean de la Montagne et continnuer pareille larger dand la profondeur de l’illse Tirane au nord ouest quart d’ouest jusqu’a la dite quantite de trente arpents de terre poignant d’un part a Mathurin Angevin dit Lacroix d’autre part and dits achepteurs Tantre bout aux terres non concession des quels trente arpents il y’en a en prairie deux arpents, deux aprents
on erimorn en valleur, et encore onze arpents on environ tacit en larbour de chaume qu’a La Roche.

Ce faict extract collationne par moy nottaire royal au dit Montreal soub signe a son original en papier Rendu an dir Chauvin.  Le troisieme jour de febvrier mil six cent soixante six.

English Translation by Fr. Owen Taggart

By contract enacted in the presence of the royal notary on the Isle of Montreal in New France on the fourteenth day of September, one thousand six hundred sixty five.

Appeared Toussaint Hunault, resident of the said Montreal, and Marie Lorgeuil, his wife, has sold to Pierre Chauvin, also resident in the same place, and Marie Hautreux, his wife, that which follows according to the clauses and conditions mentioned in the said contract.

The total of thirty acres near coteau St Louis, beginning six rods in width at the base of the the coteau La Montagne, and continuing at that width toward the interior of the Isle, continuing north west by west to the said total of thirty acres of land, abutting on one side Mathurin Angevin alias Lacroix, and on the other said the aforementioned purchasers.  Of the said grant of thirty acres from the
aforementioned grant, there are two acres of meadowland, two of tillable land, and eleven or thereabouts, as well as eleven acres or thereabouts planted with hay (for fodder and thatch) owned by Jean La Roche.

Enacted and registered by me, royal notary in the said Montreal, and undersigned in the original papers.  Given to the said Chauvin on the third day of February on thousand six hundred sixty six.

Signed/ DeMouchyle