Writing Family History FIAN

Fianna Study Group


Writing Family History

Spring 1998

Some terminology from the past, so you know our lingo!
The Fianna was the entire group (or army)
that defended the High King.
A Fian was a smaller subdivision of the group.
F�nnidi (fennidi) were several members of a fian or the Fianna.
F�nnid (fennid) was one member of a fian or the Fianna.
The leader of the Fianna was the Rigfennid (Rig).
The leader of a fian was the rigfennid (rig - no capital).

This Fian

This fian is working on developing the skill of writing, specifically of writing their family histories.

Because of flexibility of having fians, our study group is able to work on several topics and meet the students' needs at several levels. We concentrate on searching Irish roots. This too, is quite broad, as there was much traffic with Scotland, Wales, and England. We forget politics in this group, so those with a background in the IRA and those with stong Northern Ireland roots work together in harmony...and we find that the lines are frequently crossed in our roots. *BG*

We continue to be grateful to Cesario, now a TA at VU, for her service as our first Rigfennid. She was ably followed by Splitlevelhead and possum All of these wonderful people remain "honorary" and honored members of all active fians.

The Origin of the "Fianna"

During the spring term of 1997 36 of us were participants in an excellent on-line introductory course in genealogy, taught at Virtual University by Marthe Ahrends. Part of the process of the course was to form into study groups by interests. We were all interested in tracing Irish roots, and as we met and bonded into a group, we selected the name "Fianna" for both our group and the result of some of our on-line researches, the web page
FIANNA: Irish History and Genealogy.
Since then our number has grown to about a hundred. Some of us have learned to build family research web pages, and more of us have participated in working on a
Guide to Irish Research,
a project which will continue to grow and be refined for some time! We work well together and enjoy being together, and so developed ways to remain together. Those of you who join the Fianna-L are welcome to be part of our happy 'clanna'!

This Fian:

* denotes returning fennid
StudentHome PageFamily Research PageTime ZoneLocationKnow IRC?
*echosHomePageGenealogy PageMSTIdaho, USAknow
KMFamily TiesCSTManitoba,CANneed
KoalaHome PageGMT+13W.AUneed
*marmarGMT +10Tasmania, AUknow
*SamETGaithersburg, Mont.Co, MD, USA

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