England GenWeb Project - Lincolnshire
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Chapman Codes

These are the Chapman three-letter codes for Country and County (Pre-1947 counties). If you standardize on using these codes, they will be understood by other genealogists world-wide and will avoid confusion with places outside the UK which may have the same names.

The codes below are only for England. Chapman codes exist for all parts of the UK and Ireland.

ENG ENGLAND LIN Lincolnshire
...counties... LND London (City only)
BDF Bedfordshire MDX Middlesex
BRK Berkshire NFK Norfolk
BKM Buckinghamshire NTH Northamptonshire
CAM Cambridgeshire NBL Northumberland
CHS Cheshire NTT Nottinghamshire
CON Cornwall OXF Oxfordshire
CUL Cumberland RUT Rutland
DBY Derbyshire SAL Shropshire
DEV Devon SOM Somerset
DOR Dorset STS Staffordshire
DUR Durham SFK Suffolk
ESS Essex SRY Surrey
GLS Gloucestershire SSX Sussex
HAM Hampshire WAR Warwickshire
HEF Herefordshire WES Westmorland
HRT Hertfordshire WIL Wiltshire
HUN Huntingdon WOR Worcestershire
KEN Kent YKS Yorkshire
LAN Lancashire ERY Yorkshire - East Riding
LEI Leicestershire NRY Yorkshire - North Riding
WRY Yorkshire - West Riding

Always use a county (shire) code and a country code, as in LIN, ENG.

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Last updated on 17-August-2001
Click here to send any questions and/or comments about this site to the Lincolnshire County Coordinator

� 2000 EnglandGenWeb Project