- ALLTOFT, John Holtby, Sergt, R.F.A, Aug. 5th 1917.
- ALTOFT, Arthur E, R.N.R.T.
- BARKWORTH, Sydney, Lieut, MM, MC, London Territorials
- BARNARD, Edward, 1st Norfolk Regt. R.I.P.
- BARRETT, W. 1st Lincs. Regt.
- BARRON, Ernest, R.N.A.S
- BARROTT, John, Lincs. Regt. R.I.P.
- BASS, Harry, 1st Suffolk Regt.
- BASS, G. R.G.A.
- BELL, Frank, 10th Lincs Regt.
- BELL, George F., R.F.A.
- BETMEAD, Daniel C. E, R.N.R.T.
- BETMEAD, James W.A., R.N.R.T
- BLAND, Robert, Sergt., West Yorks Regt., July 1st 1916
- BLOOMFIELD, Frank, 5th Lincs. Regt.
- BLOOMFIELD, George, 5th Lincs. Regt.
- BLOOMFIELD, W. 5th Lincs. Regt. Apl 16th 1916
- BLOOMFIELD, J. 43rd Labour Coy.
- BOURNE, F. H.M.S. Seagull
- BRAINSBY, Sydney, M. M. G. Section
- BRANSON, W. 51st Batt. Leics. Regt.
- BROWN Alex. S. R.N.R.T. May 1st 1918.
- BROWN, George Henry, Petty Officer, R.N.
- BROWN, W., R.N.R.T.
- BROWN, W., R.N.R.
- BROWNING, Robert, R.A.F.
- BRYAN, Ernest, Lincs. Regt.
- BULLOCK, E.C., Sergt., M.M., R.F.A.
- BURKITT, S., 1st Lincs. Regt.
- BURKITT, W., 11th Lincs. Regt., April 10th 1917
- BURKITT, W., 4th Lincs. Regt.
- BURMAN, Charles Henry, 6th South Staffs. Regt.; March 21st 1918
- BURRAS, Wilfrid, Lincs. Regt.
- BUSHELL, Alfred, 5th Lincs. Regt. R.I.P.
- BUSHELL, Lewis, R.N.R.
- BUSHELL, Leonard, 5th Lincs. Regt., R.I.P.
- BYGOTT, Alfred H., 6th Lincs Regt., July 2nd 1916
- BYGOTT, Arthur H., 8th Lincs. Regt.
- BYGOTT, E.F., R.F.A.
- CALLENDER, William John, R.N.R. (Skipper)
- CALLIN, R. Wilfred, Army Chaplain
- CHAPMAN, Harold, 11th East Yorks.
- CHAPMAN, J.J., 2nd Durham L.I.
- CHILDS, H. T. Jack, Rifle Brigade
- COOK W.., 5th F.A.V.C.
- COULDSTONE, Charles Edward, 5th Lincs. Regt.; Aug. 22nd 1916
- COULDSTONE. Francis Thos., R.F.A.
- COWL, Harry, R.F.A.
- CUTSFORTH, A., Motor Transport
- CUTSFORTH, E.D., Sergt, R.A.S.C.
- CUTSFORTH, J.T., East Yorks.Regt.
- CUTSFORTH, J.T., 10th Lincs.
- CUTSWORTH, R.A., 14th Kings Hussars
- DANBY, Ralph, R.N.R.
- DAVEY, George Henry, R.A.M.C.
- DAVIS, Bert M'Clure, R.N.R.
- DEAKINS, Edward, 7th Lincs. Regt.
- DENNIS, J.R., Highland Light Infranty.
- DENNIS, Thomas, 10th Lincs. Regt.
- DIXON, Oscar, Captain, 5th Lincs. Regt.
- D'ORSEY, Benjamin, Skipper, R.N.R.
- DOWSE, William, Chief Engineer, R.N.R.
- DRINKELL, G.S., L/Cpl. 9th Royal Scots attached 5th Gordons
- DRINKELL, T.H., 9th West Yorks
- DUKES, Henry Thomas, Chief Engineer, R.N.R.
- DUKES, Henry Thomas, Jnr., R.N.R.
- EDMONDSTON, James Scott, Lieut., Royal Warwick Regt.
- EGLETON, William Alsford, Rifle Brigade, R.I.P.
- ELLIS, Henry, 3rd Lincs. Regt., March 25th 1918
- EVERLEY, William Edward, 1st Lincs. Regt.
- FANTHORPE, Benjamin, 5th Lincs. Regt., April 17th 1917
- FANTHORPE, Joseph, R.N.R.
- FANTHORPE, John W., 5th Lincs. Regt, Aug. 9th 1915
- FANTHORPE, Tom, 6th Lincs. Regt.
- FRISKNEY, Hector, 5th Lincs Regt., R.I.P.
- GARNER, Harry, R.I.P.
- GIBBONS, Albert, 6th Lincs. Regt.
- GIRLING, J. T., 5th Linc. Regt.
- GRANTHAM, Hewson, 2nd Durham Light Infantry, ; Sept. 16th, 1917
- HAAGENSON, O., Lincs. Regt.
- HARGITT, Harold, R.N.R.
- HARMSTON, John William, 21st Mid. Rifle Brigade.
- HARMSTON, William, 1st Air Mechanic, Royal Flying Corps.; Aug 21st. 1916
- HARRISON, Frank, 5th Lincs. Regt.
- HARRISON, Herbert, 5th Lincs. Regt.
- HARVEY, George, 7th Lincs. Regt.
- HARVEY, Harry, Sergt., R.F.A.
- HEWSON Charles J., 1st Gloucester Regt.; Sept. 15th ,1918.
- HEWSON, Percy G., 5th Lincs Regt.; June 16th, 1920
- HILL, F. C. , Lance-Cpl., 1st Lincs. Regt. ; March 25th, 1918.
- HODSON, Charles, R.A.M.C.
- HOPKINS, Benjamin, 10th Gordon Highlands. R.I.P.
- HOPKINS, W., 3rd Lincs. Regt.
- HORNSHAW, James, Senr., Royal Navy & 5th Lincs. Regt. R.I.P.
- HORNSHAW, James, Junr., 5th Lincs. Regt. R.I.P.
- HORTON, Walter, 5th Lincs. Regt.
- HORWELL, John, 2nd 1st Royal East Kent Regt.
- HOSKEN, H., 5th Lincs. Regt.
- HOUGH, James, 51st Liecester Regt.
- HOWELL, John, 2nd 1st R.E., K.M.R.
- HOWSAM F., 8th Lincs Regt. ; Oct. 11th, 1917.
- HYDE, James, Sergt., 10th Lincs. Regt.
- HYDE, Percy, Lance-Cpl., 5th Lincs. Regt.
- JACKSON, John, M.G.C.
- JAMES, Edward, R.A.S.C.
- JENNINGS, Charles.
- JENNINGS, Frank, Corporal, M.G.C. and R.N.V.R.
- JENNINGS, Hector A., R.N.R.T.
- JENNINGS, Tom, Corporal, 1st Lincs. Regt.; June 16th, 1918
- JESNEY, G. F., 4TH Lincs. Regt. ; 1917.
- JOHNSON, Richard Clark, R.A.S.C.
- JOHNSON, Arthur, Sergt., 16th K.R.R.C.
- JOHNSON, G. E., Rifle Brigade.
- JOHNSON, Frederick T., I.W.T., R.E.
- JONES, Henry, 6th Lincs. Regt.
- JONES, J. E., 5th Lincs. Regt.
- JONES, Peter, R.F.A.
- JONES, Wilfred, 15th Durhams.
- KELK, John, R.F.A.
- KENDALL, Arthur, R.A.M.C.
- KENNEY, J. A., Lance-Cpl., Durham Light Infantry ; March 26, 1918.
- KNOT, Thomas William, 10th Lincs. Regt. R.I.P.
- LAZELL, Henry, R.N.R.
- LAZELL, Richard, R.N.R.
- LEEMAN, Benjamin, M.M., Sherwood Foresters. R.I.P.
- LITTLE, Thomas, Lincs. Regt. R.I.P.
- MACKINTOSH, H., Stoke P.O., R.N.
- MALKINSON, Charles Herbert, D.C.M., 2nd Lieut., 6th Lincs.
- MALKINSON, Joseph, Northants Regt.; Sept. 27th 1918.
- MARSHALL, Charles Henry, R.I.P
- MARSHALL, Joseph. 2nd Lincs. Regt. R.I.P
- MARSHALl, Thomas Henry, 10th Lincs. Regt. R.I.P
- MARTIN, E. J., 5th Lincs. Regt.
- MASTERMAN, H. S., 8th Lincs. Regt.
- MATHERS, John, Lincs. Regt.
- MORAN, Fred. R.N.R.T.
- MORAN, J. Thomas, R.N.R.T.
- MORRIS, Albert, 6th Northants Regt.
- MORRIS, Ernest, 9th South Lancs. Regt.
- MORRIS, Harold, R.F.A. ; Oct. 13th, 1917.
- NALDER, Tom, R.N.
- NEAL, Harry, R.F.C.
- NEWTON, Arthur Cyril. K.O.Y.L.I.
- NEWTON, Frederick Sydney, R.N.R.
- NEWTON, Fred W., R.N.R.
- NEWTON, John Thomas, R.I.P.
- NEWTON, J. C., Sergt., Lincs. Regt.
- OLLEY, Stephen, Corporal, 11th Lincs. Regt.
- PEARCE, Edward, Welsh Regt. R.I.P.
- PEARCE, Edward, R.I.P.
- PEARCE, John, 1st Lincs. Regt.; Nov. 1914 R.I.P.
- PETERSON, Joseph William, R.N.R.; Dec. 25th, 1915.
- PETZEL, Ernest, 2nd Lincs. Regt.
- PETZEL, George, 5th Lincs. Regt., R.I.P.
- PETZEL, John, 15th Durham L.I.
- POOLE, George, Lance-Cpl., 5th Lincs. Regt.; March 26th 1919.
- POOLE, Lewis L., H.M.T. "Lloyd George", Jan. 7th 1917.
- PRATT. J. W., Chief Engineer, R.N.R.
- PRATT, G. H.. West Yorks. Regt.
- RANDALL, J., 1st East Yorks. Regt
- RAYNOR, Harry, 21st Hussars
- REVELL, Alfred, H.M.T. "Barbados"
- REVELL, H. Royal Engineers
- REVELL, S., Sergt., R.F.A.
- RICHMOND, A. P., Loyal North Lancs, Regt.
- RILEY, Edward, Lincs. Regt. R.I.P.
- RILEY, J. W., R.F.A.
- ROBERT, Alfred, R.N.R.T.
- ROBINSON, Fred, 5th Lincs. Regt., Oct. 13th, 1915.
- ROBINSON, George. R.N.R.T.
- ROBINSON, Thomas, 2nd Engineer, R.N.R.T.
- ROBINSON, William, 5th Lincs. Regt.; July 1st, 1916.
- ROBINSON, Wm., 2nd Lincs. Regt.
- ROBINSON, W. E., M.M., 5th Lincs. Regt.
- ROWLEY, J. A. H., 4th Lincs. Regt.; Aug. 6th, 1918.
- ROWLEY. G. A., 3rd Lincs. Regt.
- RUSSELL, Robert H., Lance-Cpl., 26th Royal Fusiliers.
- SHAW, Charles, W.O., R.N.R.
- SHAW, Harry M., 4th Highland Light Infantry
- SHAW, William, R.N.R.
- SIDEBOTTOM, Arthur, R.N.
- SIDEBOTTOM, Wm., M.M., R.F.A. ; March 26th, 1918
- SISONS, L., Cprporal, West Yorks.
- SMART, F., R.F.A.
- SMART, David, Labour Corps.
- SMART, Kenneth, Lincs. Regt.
- SMITH, Sidney, R.A.S.C.
- SMITH, S., R.A.S.C.
- SMITH, W., R.G.A.
- STEVENS, Ernest, Chief Engineer, R.N.R.
- TAYOR, Joseph, 8th Lincs. Regt. ; R.I.P.
- THOMPSON, James William, 7th West Yorks. Regt.
- THOMPSON, Jackson, R.F.A.
- THOMPSON, Joseph, 2nd. Lincs. Regt. ; R.I.P.
- TURNER, Samuel Alfred, Sanitary Corps, ; R.I.P.
- WALTON, Arthur, 1st Air Mechanic, R.A.F.
- WALTON, Arthur, A.A.P., R.F.C.
- WALTON, Fred, R.F.A.
- WARNER, Walter, Sergt., 1st Lincs. Regt.
- WELLS, H. F., Royal Engineers.
- WELLS, J. W., R.F.A.
- WESTCOTT, William. R.N.R. ; R.I.P.
- WHITE, Arthur L., R.N.R.T.
- WHITELAM, H., M.M., R.F.A.
- WILES, John, Lincs. Regt.
- WILLIAMS, John, R.A.S.C., M.T.
- WILSON, Aaron, M.M., 7th Lincs. Regt.
- WINKS, Frederick, 6th Lincs. Regt., ; R.I.P.
- WOOD, Cyril, R.A.F.
- WOOD, Herbert, 4th Army Infantry.
- WOOD, Herbert, 8th Lincs. Regt. ; Nov. 25th, 1916.
- WOOD, William, Notts and Derby.
- WOODCRAFT, Albert, R.F.A. ; R.I.P.
- WRESSELL, James, Royal Highland Light Infantry
- WRIGHT, Jack. 6th Lincs. Regt.
- WROOT, Herbert, 4th Army I.S.S.
- WYNN, Frank, Lincs. Regt.