Sithney Parish Council Minutes 1900-1904

Sithney Parish Council Minutes 1900-1904

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A meeting was held this 1st day of February 1900.
Mr John Francis Freethy - Chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, Benjamin H Eddy, James Geach, James James, William Kemp, Henry Prideaux, J Lenton Sleeman, Richard Tyack
The minutes of the meeting held on the 17th of November last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

The Footpath Committee reported that the footpath and stiles leading from Churchtown to Trelissick were repaired in accordance with contract, and the work done in a satisfactory manner.
It was unanimously resolved that John Rogers be paid the sum of 18s 6d being the amount due to him as per contract for carrying out the above-mentioned work.

Mr Kemp reported that the Committee had not yet inspected the footpath leading from Hayle Road to Crown Town.

The clerk reported that he had called on Mr Webb, Captain Rogers agent, respecting the steps at Torleven, leading from Peverell Terrace to Miss Kitto's shop. Mr Webb stated that Captain Rogers was then out of the County, and that upon his return he would lay the matter before him.

A letter was read, signed by several of the Ratepayers residing in the Boscadjack district, complaining of the dilapidated, and dangerous state of the footbridge leading from Boscadjack in Sithney, to Bodilly in Wendron, across the stream dividing the two parishes.
It was unanimously resolved that this Council recommend that a Committee be appointed by the Wendron Parish Council, to meet a Committee of the Sithney Parish Council to inspect the said footbridge, and report thereon to their respective Councils, and that the following Councillors be appointed a Committee to represent this Council in the matter:
Messrs Freethy, James Prideaux, Rowe and Sleeman.

It was reported to the Council that the water table by the side of the footpath leading from Pednavounder to Sithney Churchtown, was filled with earth by Mr Russell, and that the rain water was running (when raining) in the middle of the path instead of into its proper course.
It was resolved that the clerk be requested to call Mr Russell's attention to the matter, with a request that the water table be cleaned up forthwith.

Mr Geach reported that the Committee had inspected the footpath at Newham, and that they were of the opinion that the same should be repaired.
It was resolved that a further inspection of the said footpath be made, that Mr Sleeman's name be added to the said Committee, and that a report thereon should be submitted to the next meeting of the Council.

It was unanimously resolved that the next meeting of the Council be held on Wednesday, 14th March next.

It was moved by Mr Geach that at the next meeting of the Council, they should proceed to elect a Parish Councillor in the place of Mr G P Bickford-Smith, who has forfeited his seat on the Council through non-attendance.


A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Wednesday, 14th March 1900.
Mr John Francis Freethy - Chairman
Messrs, Henry Benney, John Carlyon, John Cowls, Benjamin H Eddy, James Geach, William Kemp, James James, William Rowe, J Lenton Sleeman, Richard Tyack, Henry Prideaux, Thomas W Wear.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 1st of February last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

The list of persons who had not paid their Rates were read and the Councils opinion was expressed as to who should be excused from payment of same, for the guidance of the Overseers.
It was unanimously resolved that the clerk be requested to write the Clerk to the Magistrates for the Division of West Kerrier expressing the regret of this Council, that in some cases where summonses have been brought......for the recovery of Rates and orders have been.......for payment of same, execution has not followed when the amount has not been paid.

It was unanimously resolved that notice be sent to Messrs G P Bickford-Smith and A King informing them that in consequence of their absence from the meetings of the Council for the previous six months, and no reason for such absence being given, their office on the Council has thereupon become vacant, and at the next meeting of the Council the said vacancies be filled in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1894, Section 46.

The Footpath Committee recommended that the work of repairing the Newham footpath be carried out in the summer, as the necessary gravel could be more easily procured then than now.
The Committee on the Boscadjack footbridge reported that they had not met in consequence of no one being appointed to convene the meeting.
The Committee reported that they had inspected the Hayle Road to Crown Town footpath and recommended that two new stiles be provided.
It was unanimously resolved that the Committees recommendations be adopted, and that the occupiers be requested to trim the hedges.

It was unanimously resolved that the Clerk write Mr Vivian Pearce of Trevarno, calling his attention to the obstruction on the footpath at Sithney Green Mill, and asking him to get the same removed forthwith.

The Overseers recommended that the Assistant Overseer receive £12 10s as remuneration for extra work and expenses in making the new Valuation Lists, which recommendation was adopted.


A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School ,Sithney on Wednesday, 28th March 1900.
Mr John Francis Freethy - Chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, John Carlyon, John Cowls, Benjamin H Eddy, James Geach, William Kemp, William Rowe, J Lenton Sleeman, Richard Tyack, Thomas W Wear.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 14th instant were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

Election of Parish Councillors
The following persons were nominated as Parish Councillors to fill the casual vacancies caused by the non-attendance of Messrs G P Bickford-Smith and Alfred King:
1. Henry Rowe, nominated by Mr James Geach, seconded by Mr Richard Tyack.
2. John Humphry Rowe Trembath, nominated by Mr John Cowls, seconded by Mr John Francis Freethy
3. Alfred King, nominated by Mr Thomas W Wear, seconded by Mr William Rowe
4. Mr Edward Davey Thomas, nominated by Mr John Carlyon, seconded by Mr Henry Benney.
The voting for each candidate was as follows:
For Mr Henry Rowe:
Messrs Henry Benney, John Carlyon, James Geach, Richard Tyack (4 votes)
For Mr John Humphry Rowe Trembath:
Messrs Benjamin H Eddy, John Cowls, John Francis Freethy, John Lenton Sleeman, Thomas William Wear (5 votes)
For Mr Alfred King:
Messrs William Kemp, Thomas William Wear, William Rowe (3 votes)
For Mr Edward Davey Thomas:
Messrs Henry Benney, John Carlyon, John Cowls, Benjamin Hocking Eddy, John Francis Freethy, William Rowe, Richard Tyack (7 votes).
The chairman declared that Messrs John Humphry Rowe Trembath and Edward Davey Thomas to be the duly elected members of this Council.

The clerk produced the Parish Councils accounts for the year ending 31st March 1900.
Balance brought forward from 31st March 1899 - £15 2s 2d.

Thomas Pascoe - Repairing Sithney Green steps and Antron Stile - 8s
John Rogers - Repairing stiles in footpath leading from Churchtown to Trelissick - 18s 6d
Richard Harris - Stone steps and Posts (Sithney Green) - £1 10s
Harvey & Co - Iron bar - 5s 6d
Richard Harris - Steps (4) for Trelissick - 8s
John Lander - Printer, Parish Council - £1 17s 3d
John Lander - Printer, Meetings - 5s 6d
Rev C F Rogers - Fire Lighting & Cleaning - 14s
J Q James - Postage, Parish Council - 10s
J Q James - Posting notices, Parish Meetings - 3s 6d
Balance - £8 11s 1d

It was unanimously resolved that a cheque be drawn in favour of the clerk, J Q James for the sum of £7 3d being the amount expended and paid by him as per foregoing account.

Mr James Geach tendered his resignation as a Parish Councillor.


The annual meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Friday the 20th day of April 1900.
Messrs John Francis Freethy, John Carlyon, John Cowls, Benjamin Hocking Eddy, William Kemp, Henry Prideaux, John Lenton Sleeman, Richard Tyack, Edward Davey Thomas, John Humphry Rowe Trembath.
Messrs Edward Davey Thomas and John Humphry Rowe Trembath who were elected Parish Councillors at the last Council meeting, made a declaration of acceptance of office.
Mr H Prideaux proposed Mr Benjamin Hocking Eddy as Chairman, seconded by Mr William Kemp and carried unanimously.
Mr John Francis Freethy proposed Mr John Lenton Sleeman’s Vice-chairman, seconded by Mr John Carlyon and carried unanimously.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 28th March last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

Election of Parish Councillor

Mr Henry Prideaux proposed Mr Joseph William James of Tregathenan as Parish Councillor, to fill the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr James Geach, seconded by Mr John F Freethy.
Mr John Cowls proposed Mr Joseph Pascoe of Porthleven, seconded by Mr William Kemp.
The following voted for Mr Joseph W James:
John Carlyon, John F Freethy, Henry Prideaux, John L Sleeman, Edward D Thomas, Richard Tyack (6 votes)
The following voted for Mr Joseph Pascoe:
John Cowls, William Kemp (2 votes)
The chairman declared Mr Joseph W James to be the duly elected member of this Council.


The following persons were nominated and duly appointed, Overseers for the ensuing year:
Benjamin Hocking Eddy of Torleven
William Kemp of Pednavounder
Henry Prideaux of Truthall
John Lenton Sleeman of Newham


The following were appointed a Committee to carry out the repairs proposed to be done to the footpath between the Hayle Road and Crown Town:
William Kemp, John H R Trembath, Thomas W Wear.

Boscadjack Footbridge

The Committee reported that they had met the Committee of the Wendron Parish Council, they unanimously agreed to recommend that the said footbridge be repaired at a cost not exceeding £1 10s.
It was resolved that the Committee recommendation be adopted, and that the work be proceeded with forthwith.

Newham Footpath

The following were appointed a Committee to carry out the proposed repairs to the above footpath:
Henry Prideaux, John L Sleeman, Richard Tyack.
That the work be carried out forthwith at a cost not exceeding £2.

Mr John Cowls drew attention to the dangerous state of the road at Gravesend, Porthleven, in front of the houses leading from Mrs Sarah Cowl's to Mr John Carkeet's, and recommended that steps be taken to protect the same from public danger.
It was unanimously resolved that the matter be laid before the Helston District Council by the District Councillors representing Sithney Parish.

Mr Eddy stated that complaints were being made by the public against the state of the footpath leading from Peverell Terrace to the Bickford-Smith Institute, Porthleven and recommended that steps be taken to get the same repaired.
It was unanimously resolved that inasmuch as the footpath above referred to passes through the property belonging to the Porthleven Harbour & Dock Company and the said Company having kept the same footpath in repair, that the clerk be requested to communicate with the said Company's agents to ask that the said footpath be put in a proper state of repair forthwith.

Mr John Francis Freethy, consequent on his removal from the Parish, tendered his resignation to the chairman of the Parish Council.
Mr Freethy was thanked, on the motion of Mr Henry Prideaux, for his kind and courteous manner during the time he has presided over their meetings, and regret was expressed at his leaving the Parish.


A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Thursday, 20th June 1900.
Mr Benjamin H Eddy - Chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, William Kemp, John H R Trembath, Thomas W Wear
The minutes of the meeting held on the 20th April last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

Mr John H Rowe Trembath proposed Mr James Treloar of Trevarno as Parish Councillor, to fill the casual vacancy caused by the late chairman's resignation (Mr John F Freethy), seconded by Mr Thomas W Wear and carried.

Mr William Kemp reported that the work of repairing the footpath leading from the Hayle Road to Crown Town was now in the course of being carried out.

A letter was read from the Assessment Committee recommending to this Council to allow the Assistant Overseer (J Q James) the sum of £15 as remuneration for work done in connection with making the new Valuation Lists.
It was resolved that the Assistant Overseer receive as salary for the half year ending Michaelmas next, the sum of £30.


A meeting was held of the Sithney Parish Council at the National School, Sithney on Tuesday 11th September 1900.
Mr Benjamin H Eddy - Chairman
Mr J Lenton Sleeman - Vice-chairman
Messrs John Carlyon, James James, William Kemp, James Treloar, Richard Tyack
The minutes of the meeting held on the 28th June last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

The Committee reported that nothing had yet been done by way of repairs to the footpath at Newham. The Committee considered it desirable that something should be done before winter sets in.
It was unanimously resolved that the Committee be authorised to carry out the work of repairing the footpath at Newham forthwith.
It was reported that the footpath leading from Sithney Churchtown to Pednavounder was almost impassable after rain owing to there being large pools of water with no outlet to take it away.
It was resolved that the said footpath be repaired, that the low places where there are pools of water be filled with mine rubbish and cinders, and that the clerk be instructed to carry out the work.

The list of defaulters of Rates was read and the recommendation of the Council was given as to who should be excused from payment of same.


A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on 6th day of December 1900.
Mr Benjamin H Eddy - Chairman
Mr J Lenton Sleeman - Vice-chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, William Kemp, Henry Prideaux, Edward J Thomas, James Treloar, H J R Trembath, Thomas W Wear.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 11th September last were read and confirmed.

The Committee reported that the work of repairing the Newham footpath had been carried out. The work was let to Mr John Rogers to complete at £1 15s and everything was done satisfactorily.
It was resolved that the clerk be authorised to pay John Rogers the sum of £1 15s for repairing the Newham footpath as per agreement.
The Committee also reported that the repairs to footpath leading from Hayle Road to Crown Town were completed, that the total cost of carrying out the work was £3 14s 9d made up as follows:
John Rogers - Labour - £1 7s 3d
Richard J Oliver - Horse hire etc - 10s 6d
Richard Harris - Stile stones etc - £1 17s
Total - £3 14s 9d.
It was unanimously resolved that the clerk be authorised to pay the said sum of £3 14s 9d as per account.
The Committee further reported that the footpath in Pednavounder field has been repaired and is now in a satisfactory state. The clerk stated that he had the materials with his own horses for which he would make no charge, the labour cost was 10s.
It was unanimously resolved that the clerk be paid the sum of 10s and that the thanks of the Council be given to the clerk for so generously giving the use of his horses free of charge.
The following were appointed a Committee to inspect the footpath leading from the Churchtown to Trelissick and report thereon at the next meeting:
Messrs W Kemp, E D Thomas, J H R Trembath.

It was resolved that a precept be served on the Rating Authorities for the sum of £10 which is the sum estimated to meet the expenses of the Board to the 25th March 1901.


A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on this 21st day of February 1901.
Mr Benjamin H Eddy - Chairman
Mr John Lenton Sleeman - Vice-chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, John Carlyon, William Kemp, James Treloar, William Rowe, Richard Tyack, J H R Trembath, Thomas W Wear.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 6th December last were read and confirmed.

It was reported that the footbridge across the stream at Boscadjack leading from Sithney into Wendron had collapsed. The Wendron Parish Council wrote suggesting that the bridge be repaired and the cost of repairing same be divided equally between the two parishes.
It was unanimously resolved that this Council do join the Wendron Parish Council in repairing the said bridge, that a hand rail be provided for the safety of the passengers and that the work be proceeded with forthwith. Cost of same to be divided.
It was resolved that the question of repairing the Trelissick footpath be deferred for the consideration of the new Council.


A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney this 25th day of March 1901.
Mr Benjamin H Eddy - Chairman
Mr J Lenton Sleeman - Vice-chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, John Carlyon, William Kemp, James James, William Rowe
The minutes of the meeting held on the 21st February last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

Mr William Rowe reported that the footbridge at Lower Boscadjack, across the Cober river is repaired, and is now safe for passenger traffic. The cost of repairing same is to be divided between the Wendron and Sithney Parish Councils, as per arrangement.

The clerk produced the accounts of the Parish Council for the year ending 31st instant:

Balance from 31st March 1900 - £8 1s 11d
Precept paid to treasurer - £10
Balance - £18 1 s 11d

Newham Footpath
John Rogers - Labour - £1 15s
Total £1 15s

Hayle Road to Crown Town
John Rogers - Labour - £1 7s 3d
R J Oliver - Horse hire etc - 10s 6d
Richard Harris - Granite steps etc - £1 17s
Total - £3 14s 9d

J Q James - Paid Labourer - 10s

Lower Boscadjack Footbridge
Thomas Faull - Carpenter - 7s 9d
Gweek Co.... - Baltic Plank - 6s 9d
Total - 14s 6d

Higher Boscadjack Footbridge
William H Vincent - Granite Posts - 7s 6d
Total - 7s 6d

Rev C F Rogers - Fire Lighting & Cleaning - 14s 6d
John Lander - Printing etc - £1 10d
J Q James - Copies of Register - 2s 6d
J Q James - Paid for posting notices - 7s
J Q James - Postage etc - 9s
F V Hill Returning Officer - Election Expenses - 7s 6d

Balance - £7 4s 4d
It was unanimously resolved that the foregoing accounts be passed, and that a cheque be drawn in favour of the clerk, J Q James, for the sum of £10 17s 7d, being amount expended, and that he be authorised to pay all outstanding accounts as per memorandum produced.


A meeting was held of the Sithney Parish Council at the National School, Sithney on Friday, the 19th day of April 1901.
Messrs Henry Benney, James James, Joseph William James, William Kemp, Francis Holman Matthew, John Lenton Sleeman, John Humphry Rowe Trembath, James Treloar.
Each member present made a declaration of acceptance of office.
It was proposed, seconded and carried unanimously that Mr William Kemp be appointed Provisional Chairman of this meeting.
Mr William Kemp - Provisional Chairman.
It was proposed by Mr Henry Benney, seconded by Mr F H Matthew, and carried unanimously that Mr John Lenton Sleeman be appointed Chairman of this Council.
Mr J L Sleeman - Chairman
It was proposed by Mr James James, seconded by Mr Henry Benney, that Mr William Kemp be appointed Vice-chairman of this Council, carried unanimously.
The following persons were nominated, and duly elected Overseers for the ensuing year:
James James - Newham
Joseph William James - Tregathenan
William Kemp - Trevarus? Cottage
Francis Holman Matthew - Torleven

Trelissick Footpath

Messrs Henry Benney, William Kemp, J H R Trembath were appointed a Committee to inspect the footpath leading from Sithney Churchtown to Breage, through Trelissick, and report thereon at the next Council meeting.

It was unanimously resolved that the members of the Council who are not in attendance at this meeting be allowed to sign a declaration that they accept the office of Parish Councillor at the next meeting.


A meeting was held of the Sithney Parish Council at the National School, Sithney, on Friday, 28th June 1901.
Mr J Lenton Sleeman - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Christopher Harris, Joseph W James, Edward J Williams
Previous to the commencement of business the following signed a declaration of acceptance of office:
Christopher Harris and Edward John Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 19th day of April last were read and confirmed and signed by the Chairman.

There was no report from the Footpath Committee.


A meeting was held at the National School, Sithney on Friday, 6th September 1901.
Mr J Lenton Sleeman - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Joseph W James, Francis H Matthew, J H R Trembath
The minutes of the meeting held on the 28th June last were read, confirmed and signed.

The question of repairing the footpath leading from Churchtown to Trelissick was adjourned until the next meeting.

The list of defaulters of Rates were read, and the Councils opinion was given as to who they recommended should be excused from payment of same.


A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Friday 15th November 1901.
Mr J Lenton Sleeman - Chairman
Messrs James James, Joseph W James, Francis H Matthew, James Treloar
The minutes of the meeting held on the 6th September last were read, confirmed and signed by the chairman.

It was proposed by Mr James James, seconded by Mr J W James and carried unanimously that Messrs William Kemp and J H Matthew be appointed to meet the clerk to inspect the Trelissick footpath and report thereon at the next meeting.

Mr Joseph W James reported that the footpath leading from Lower Prospidnick through Tregathenan fields to Chyreen was in a very bad state of repair. 
It was unanimously resolved that Messrs Joseph W James, James Treloar and Edward J Williams be appointed a Committee to inspect the said footpath and report thereon at the next meeting.

It was unanimously resolved that a precept be served on the Rating Authorities for the sum of £10, which is estimated to meet the expenses of the Council up to 31st of March next; the same to be paid to the Council's Treasurer on or before the 1st of March next.

The clerk reported that Messrs Alfred Adams, John Carlyon, Benjamin Hocking Eddy, William Rowe, and Edward Davey Thomas who were elected Parish Councillors on the 4th day of March last had not attended a meeting since their election, nor signed a declaration of acceptance of office.
It was unanimously resolved that the seats of the foregoing Parish Councillors be declared vacant, and that the clerk be requested to give notice for the election of five Parish Councillors at the next meeting to fill these vacancies.


A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held this 30th day of January 1902.
Mr J Lenton Sleeman - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Joseph William James, James James, Francis H Matthew, James Treloar, John H R Trembath, Edward J Williams
The minutes of the meeting held on the 15th December last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

Election of Members

Mr James James proposed Mr Thomas Richard Rowe of Glebe Farm, Sithney. Mr Francis Holman Matthew seconded.
Mr Francis Holman Matthew proposed Mr William Alfred Hammill of Praze, Sithney. Mr James James seconded.
Mr James Treloar proposed Mr Richard Tyack of Mellangoose, Sithney. Mr Edward J Williams seconded.
Mr Francis H Matthew proposed the Reverend William Frederick Charles Rogers of The Vicarage, Sithney. Mr William Kemp seconded.
Mr John H R Trembath proposed Mr Frederick Martin of Pednavounder, Sithney. Mr James Treloar seconded.
No other persons being nominated, the chairman declared the following elected as Parish Councillors:
Messrs Thomas Richard Rowe, William Alfred Hammill, Richard Tyack, Frederick Martin and Rev William Frederick Charles Rogers.

Resignation of Parish Councillor

A letter was read from Mr Henry Benney resigning his office as Parish Councillor, he having removed from this parish to the parish of St Keverne.
It was proposed by Mr James James, seconded by Mr Francis H Matthew that Mr Benney's resignation be accepted, carried.
The chairman stated that in accordance with the notice on the agenda, he would now receive the nomination of a candidate to fill the casual vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr Henry Benney.
Mr William Kemp proposed Mr Richard Andrewartha of Crown Town, Sithney. Mr Francis Holman Matthew seconded.
No other person being nominated, the chairman declared Mr Richard Andrewartha to be duly elected a member of this Council.

Sithney & Trelissick Footpath

The clerk reported that Mr J R Rowe, the tenant of the land would do whatever may be necessary by way of carting in his fields towards the repairs.
It was resolved that the clerk be authorised to get the said footpath repaired as soon as practicable.

Prospidnick & Tregathenan Footpath

The Committee appointed to inspect this footpath reported that it is in a bad state of repair, from the entrance to Mr Williams' field, to Mr James' field in Tregathenan. Several parts required metalling, and the stiles required re-fixing. They also recommend a new stile, or steps be built to the entrance of Mr James' field.
It was suggested that the representatives of the late Mr W Bickford-Smith should be asked to repair that part of the footpath passing through Mr Williams' field, inasmuch as the former footpath had been diverted by the late Mr Bickford-Smith.
It was resolved that the consideration of the Committee's report be deferred until the next meeting, and that the clerk be instructed to bring the matter the late Mr Bickford-Smith's representatives, with the view of getting them to do whatever may be necessary by way of repairs to that part of the footpath passing through their land.

Boscadjack Footbridge

The chairman reported that he, together with the clerk had met three representatives of the Wendron Parish Council by invitation, to inspect the new footbridge at Boscadjack, between the parishes of Wendron and Sithney. They were pleased to report that the work had been carried out in a satisfactory manner, at a cost of £1 15s 6d., to be borne equally between the two parishes.
It was unanimously resolved that a cheque be drawn, payable to Mr William Moyle, for 17s 9d, being one half of the cost of the Boscadjack new footbridge.


A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held in the National School, Sithney on Friday, 7th March 1902.
Mr J Lenton Sleeman - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, William A Hammill, Joseph William James, Francis H Matthew, Fred Martin, John H R Trembath, Richard Tyack, Edward J Williams.
The following signed a declaration of acceptance of office:
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, William Alfred Hammill, Fred Martin & Richard Tyack.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 31st day of January were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

Prospidnick & Tregathenan Footpath

The clerk reported that in accordance with the resolution passed at the last meeting he had waited on the representatives of the late Mr William Bickford-Smith's estate at Trevarno. He laid before them the application of the Council relative to their assisting in repairing the above footpath, and after duly considering the matter, they engaged to do whatever may be necessary by way of repairs to that part of the said footpath passing through their land.
It was resolved that Mr Richard Tyack be added as a member of the Prospidnick & Tregathenan Footpath Committee and that the said Committee be instructed to proceed with the work of repairing the said footpath forthwith.

County Rates

The clerk laid before the Council the Revised Basis or Standard for County Rates, prepared by the Committee appointed by the County Council, the same being read and duly considered:
It was unanimously resolved that the clerk be instructed to consult with the clerk to the Helston Rural District Council on the matter.

A list of defaulters of Poor Rates was read and the recommendation of the Council was given as to who should be excused from payment of same.

It was unanimously resolved that the Rev William Frederick Charles Rogers and Mr Thomas Richard Rowe, two newly elected members of the Council be permitted to sign a declaration that they accept the office of Parish Councillor at the next meeting.


A meeting was held in the National School, Sithney on Thursday, 27th March 1902.
Mr John Lenton Sleeman - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, Francis H Matthew, Fred Martin, Richard Tyack, Thomas Richard Rowe, Rev William Frederick Charles Rogers.
Mr Thomas Richard Rowe and the Rev William Frederick Charles Rogers each signed a declaration of acceptance of office.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 7th day of March were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

The Footpath Committee reported that the Trelissick footpath had been repaired and that the cost of same was 10s.
It was unanimously resolved that the clerk be instructed to pay the sum of 10s for repairing the Trelissick footpath.

Petty Cash Account

Charles Wakeham - District Audit Stamp - 5s
John Lander - Printing, etc - £1 4s 1d
John Lander - Printing, Parish meeting - 6s 6d
W H Benney - Posting notice - 4s
W J Rogers - Repairing Trelissick footpath - 10s
Rev W F C Rogers - Fire Lighting & Cleaning - 14s 6d
J Q James - Postage etc - 9s
Total - £3 13s 1d
It was unanimously resolved that a cheque be drawn in favour of the clerk, J Q James, for the sum of £3 13s 1d in payment of the above petty cash account and that he be authorised to pay any outstanding account in the memorandum produced.


The annual meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held in the National School, Sithney on Friday the 18th day of April 1902.
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, William A Hammill, James James, Joseph W James, William Kemp, Francis H Matthew, Fred Martin, Rev William F C Rogers, Thomas W Rowe, John Lenton Sleeman, James Treloar, Richard Tyack, Edward J Williams
Mr John L Sleeman - Provisional Chairman.
It was proposed by Mr Francis H Matthew, seconded by Mr William Kemp that the Rev W F C Rogers be elected Chairman of this Council.
Rev W F C Rogers - Chairman.
It was proposed by Mr James James, seconded by Mr Richard Tyack that Mr William Kemp be elected Vice-chairman of this Council. Carried unanimously.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 27th March last were read and confirmed and signed by the Provisional Chairman.
The following persons were nominated and duly appointed Overseers for the ensuing year:
Richard Andrewartha - Crown Town
James James - Newham
Francis Holman Matthew - Torleven
Edward John Williams - Lower Prospidnick

Tregathenan Footpath

The following were appointed a Committee to complete the repairs to the Tregathenan footpath:
Joseph W James, John Lenton Sleeman, James Treloar, Richard Tyack and Edward John Williams.


A meeting was held in the National School, Sithney on Friday 20th July 1902.
Rev W F C Rogers - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, Christopher Harris, Joseph W James, J L Sleeman, Richard Tyack, Edward J Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 18th day of April last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

The Tregathenan Footpath Committee reported that the repairs were in the course of being carried out, and that the following sums had been paid to the labourer for work already done:
William Blewett - Carriage of stone etc - 10s
Ernest Williams - Stone Mason etc - £1 13s 6d
Bennett Treloar - Labour - 18s
Total - £3 1s 6d
It was unanimously resolved that a cheque be drawn in favour of the clerk for the sum of £3 1s 6d, the same being advanced by him, as per above account, on the recommendation of said Committee.

The vicar of Sithney applied to the Council for permission to slightly alter the footpath in the field adjoining Sithney Vicarage.
It was unanimously resolved that the following members of the Council be appointed a Committee to inspect the proposed alteration and report thereon at the next Council meeting:
Messrs William Kemp, J Lenton Sleeman and Richard Tyack.


A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held in the National School, Sithney on Wednesday 10th September 1902.
Rev W F C Rogers - Chairman
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, Fred Martin, J L Sleeman, J H R Trembath
The minutes of the meeting held on the 20th July last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

There was no report from the Tregathenan Footpath Committee.

It was reported that the Committee appointed at the last meeting to inspect the footpath in the field adjoining the Sithney Vicarage approve of the proposed alteration.
It was proposed by Mr Richard Andrewartha, seconded by Mr Fred Martin and carried unanimously that the vicar of Sithney be and so hereby granted permission to straighten the said footpath, in accordance with the plan submitted to the Council at the last meeting, and that he be allowed to proceed with the work forthwith.

The list of defaulters of the Poor and other Rates was read and the recommendation of the Council was given as to who should be excused from payment of same.


A meeting was held at the National School, Sithney on Friday, November 14th 1902.
Rev W F C Rogers - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, W A Hammill, Joseph W James, Francis H Matthew, Fred Martin, Richard Tyack, James Treloar, Edward J Williams
The minutes of the meeting held on the 1oth September last were read and approved and signed by the chairman.

The Tregathenan Footpath Committee were requested to inspect the whole work thereon and report on same at the next meeting.

A letter was read from Mr Richard E Williams of Trannack complaining of the dangerous state of the footbridge across the River Cober, between William's and Vincent's quarries at Trannack.
It was unanimously resolved that the following members of this Council be appointed a Committee to inspect the said footbridge:
Messrs Sleeman, James and Tyack, together with the clerk; and if deemed advisable to invite the Wendron Parish Council to join this Council in placing a proper footbridge across the Cober at a point the joint Committee may deem most suitable.

It was resolved that a precept be served on the Rating Authorities for the sum of £8 10s which is estimated to meet the expenses of the Council to the 31st March next, to be paid on or before the 6th February next.


A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Friday, January 30th 1903.
Rev W F C Rogers - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, Joseph W James, Richard Tyack, Edward J Williams
The minutes of the meeting held on the 14th of November last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

Tregathenan Footpath

The Tregathenan Footpath Committee reported that the work of repairs was completed and that the footpath was now in a satisfactory state.
The following bills for labour etc in connection with repairing the said footpath were laid before the Council:
Bennet Treloar - Labour, 26 days at 3s - £3 18s
William Pryor - Labour, 5 days at 3s - 15s
William Blewett - Horse & Cart, 7 days at 6s - £1 15s
Nicholas Bond - Smith Bill - 8s 4d
Total - £6 16s 4d
It was unanimously resolved that the clerk be authorised to pay the several accounts above mentioned amounting to £6 16s 4d.

Trannack Footbridge

The Committee appointed at the last meeting to inspect the footbridge at Trannack, across the Cober, reported that they had met the representatives of the Wendron Parish Council, by arrangement, on the spot, and that they were unanimous in their opinion that it is absolutely necessary that a new bridge be placed across the river for passengers without delay. They also recommend that the footpath leading to the footbridge should be put in a proper state of repair, and that an iron rail be placed on each side of the bridge, and also one rail on the eastern side of the footpath, from the bridge to the mill leat. The rails being necessary for the protection of the passengers.
The expense of the whole work to be borne equally between the Parish Council of Sithney, and the Parish Council of Wendron. The Committee further reported that they had engaged with Messrs W H Vincent and R E Williams to carry out the work.
It was resolved that this Council unanimously approve of the action of the Committee.

Crown Town Footpath

Complaints were made of the bad state of the footpath leading from the Hayle Road to Crown Town. It was resolved that Messrs Andrewartha and Kemp, together with the clerk, be appointed to inspect same, and report thereon at the next meeting.


A meeting was held this 12th day of March 1903, at the National School, Sithney.
Rev W F C Rogers - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, W A Hammill, James James, Fred Martin, Francis H Matthew, Richard J Rowe, J Lenton Sleeman, James Treloar, J H R Trembath, Richard Tyack, Edward J Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 30th January last were read and confirmed and signed.

Footpath from the Hayle Road to Crown Town

The Committee reported that they had inspected the above mentioned footpath. It was very rugged, with several pools of water. Sundry repairs were required, they recommend that the path be repaired.
It was resolved that the Committee's recommendation be adopted, the work to be carried out as soon as they can conveniently do it.

Trannack Footbridge

The clerk reported that the bridge was fixed across the Cober, and that the iron rail was also fixed on the bridge, and by the footpath on the Sithney side, and that the Wendron Parish Council had not yet inspected the work. A further report will be laid before the next meeting.
It was unanimously resolved that a cheque be drawn in favour of the clerk, J Q James, in payment of the accounts advanced by him:
District Audit Stamp - 5s
Repair to Tregathenan footpath, as per order of the Council on 30th January last - £6 16s 4d.
Total - £7 1s 4d

The list of defaulters of the Poor and the Special Sanitary Rates were read, and the recommendation of the Council was given as to who should be excused from payment of same.


A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Monday, March 30th 1903.
Rev W F C Rogers - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, Christopher Harris, W A Hammill, James James, Joseph W James, Fred Martin, Francis H Matthew, Richard J Rowe, J Lenton Sleeman, James Treloar, J H R Trembath, Richard Tyack, Edward J Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 12th instant were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

Prospidnick & Tregathenan Footpath

A discussion took place with reference to an alteration made to the above footpath, when it was decided to adjourn the question for further consideration.

Trannack Footbridge

The clerk reported that he had received no further communication from the Wendron Parish Council Committee since the last meeting.

Petty Cash Account

The clerk produced the following account for payment:
W H Benney - Posting Notices (P.M.) - 4s
John Lander - Printing (P.M.) - 10s
John Lander - Printing (P.C.) - 17s 6d
Rev W F C Rogers - Fire Lighting etc - 14s 6d
J Q James - Postage - 9s
Total - £2 15s
It was unanimously resolved that a cheques be drawn for the sum of £2 15s in favour of the clerk for payment of the above account.


A meeting was held this 17th day of April 1903.
Rev W F C Rogers - Chairman
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, Christopher Harris, James James, Joseph W James, William Kemp, Francis H Matthew, Thomas R Rowe, James Treloar, Richard Tyack, Edward Williams, Fred Martin
It was proposed by Mr F H Matthew that the Rev W F C Rogers be elected Chairman of this Council for the ensuing year, seconded by Mr T R Rowe and carried unanimously.
The Rev W F C Rogers - Chairman
It was proposed by Mr James James, seconded by Mr Richard Tyack and carried unanimously that Mr William Kemp be re-elected Vice-chairman of this Council for the ensuing year.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 30th March last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

Tregathenan Footpath

The question adjourned from the last meeting relative to the payment of the cost of altering the Tregathenan footpath, amounting to six shillings, was again considered, and after a lengthy discussion it was proposed by Mr F H Matthew that the cost of altering the said footpath be paid by those who undertook to carry out the repairs at the beginning, and not by this Council. This was seconded by Mr William Kemp.
Mr James Treloar proposed as an amendment that the cost be paid by this Council, seconded by Mr J W James.
The following voted for the amendment:
Messrs Christopher Harris, Joseph W James, James Treloar, Edward J Williams (4 votes)
The following voted for the original resolution:
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, James James, William Kemp, Fred Martin, Francis H Matthew, Thomas R Rowe, Richard Tyack (7 votes)
The chairman declared the original resolution carried.

The Footpath Committee reported that the repairs to the Crown Town footpath was not completed, but was now in the course of being done.
It was unanimously resolved that the clerk be, and is hereby authorised to pay the labourers wages for work done in connection with the repairs to the said footpath.

It was unanimously resolved that the following persons be appointed Overseers for the ensuing year:
Richard Andrewartha - Crown Town
Christopher Harris - Tregoose
James James - Newham
Francis Holman Matthew - Torleven

It was unanimously resolved that a precept be served on the Rating Authorities for the sum of £15, which sum is estimated to meet the expenses of the Council up to the 29th September next.


A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held in the National School, Sithney on Friday, 21st August 1903.
Rev W F C Rogers - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, William A Hammill, Francis H Matthew, Thomas R Rowe, J L Sleeman, James Treloar.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 17th April last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

The Trannack Footbridge Committee reported that the footbridge across the Cober at Trannack was now completed, that the tradesmen had done excellent work, and that the bridge is now quite safe for passenger traffic. They recommend that the following bills be paid forthwith:
Nicholas Bond - Iron for rail etc making fixing etc
648lbs at 2.25d per lb
Total for both parishes - £6 1s 6d
Moiety for the parish of Sithney £3 9d
W H Vincent, Richard E Williams, providing granite, wood, iron and other materials, also labour, carriage:
Total for both parishes £8 18s
Moiety for the parish of Sithney £4 9s


A special meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held in the National School, Sithney on Friday, 21st August 1903, in pursuance of notice received from the Clerk to the County Council to nominate two members on the Local District Committee. Also, to appoint the necessary managers for the non-provided schools in this parish. Education Act 1902 Section 6.
Rev W F C Rogers - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, William A Hammill, Francis H Matthew, Thomas R Rowe, J L Sleeman, James Treloar, Edward J Williams.

Local District Committee

Mr Francis H Matthew nominated Johnson Quintrell James, a member of the above Committee. <r William A Hammill seconded the nomination.
Mr William A Hammill nominated the Rev W F C Rogers a member of the above Committee. Mr Francis H Matthew seconded the nomination.
Mr Edward J Williams nominated Mrs A M Bickford-Smith of Trevarno a member of the above Committee. Mr James Treloar seconded the nomination.
Following is the result of the voting:
For Johnson Q James:
Richard Andrewartha, William A Hammill, William Kemp, Francis H Matthew, Thomas R Rowe (5 votes)
For Rev William F C Rogers:
Richard Andrewartha, William A Hammill, William Kemp, Francis H Matthew, Thomas R Rowe (5 votes)
For Mrs A M Bickford-Smith:
James Treloar, Edward J Williams (2 votes)
Johnson Q James and Rev W F C Rogers were declared to be the nominated members of the Local District Committee.

Managers, Non-provided Schools

It was unanimously resolved that Mr Thomas Richard Rowe be appointed manager of the Sithney National School.
It was unanimously resolved that the Rev W F C Rogers be appointed manager of the Porthleven National School.
It was unanimously resolved that the Rev Joseph Higham be appointed manager of Chynhale Wesleyan School.


A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held in the Sithney non-provided school on Friday, 2nd October 1903.
Rev W F C Rogers - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, Christopher Harris, James James, Joseph W James, Frank Martin, Francis H Matthew, Thomas R Rowe, J L Sleeman, J H R Trembath, Richard Tyack, Edward J Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 21st day of August were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

Election of two managers of Provided Schools

Mr F H Matthew proposed the Rev Henry W Corry of Porthleven, seconded by Mr J R Rowe.
Mr F H Matthew proposed Mr Richard S James of Porthleven, seconded by Mr J R Rowe.
Mr Edward J Williams proposed the Rev Ernest A Coome of Porthleven, seconded by Mr William Kemp.
Mr John H R Trembath proposed Mr Henry Prideaux of Truthall, seconded by Mr Frank Martin.
Mr Richard Tyack proposed Mr James James of Newham, seconded by Mr Christopher Harris.
For the Rev H W Corry:
Richard Andrewartha, Christopher Harris, Francis H Matthew, Thomas R Rowe (4 votes)
For Mr Richard S James:
Richard Andrewartha, James James, William Kemp, Francis H Matthew, Thomas R Rowe, John Lenton Sleeman, Richard Tyack (6 votes) [clerks error]
For the Rev Ernest A Coome:
Christopher Harris, James James, Joseph W James, William Kemp, Frank Martin, John H R Trembath, Edward J Williams (7 votes)
For Mr Henry Prideaux:
Joseph W James, William Kemp, Frank Martin, John H R Trembath, Edward J Williams (5 votes)
For Mr James James:
John L Sleeman, Richard Tyack (2 votes)
The Rev Ernest A Coome received a majority of votes.
The votes were then taken for the Rev H W Corry, Mr Richard S James and Mr Henry Prideaux:
For the Rev H W Corry:
For Mr Richard S James:
Richard Andrewartha, James James, Christopher Harris, Francis H Matthew, John L Sleeman, Thomas R Rowe, Richard Tyack (7 votes)
For Mr Henry Prideaux:
Joseph William James, William Kemp, Frank Martin, John H R Trembath, Edward J Williams (5 votes)
The chairman declared the Rev Ernest A Coome and Mr Richard Sedgeman James the two elected managers to represent this Council on the Board of Managers of the Sithney non-provided schools.


A meeting was held in the National School, Sithney this 15th day of January 1904.
Rev W F C Rogers - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, Christopher Harris, James James, Joseph W James, Fred Martin, Francis H Matthew, J L Sleeman, Richard Tyack, Edward J Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 2nd day of October 1903 were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

It was unanimously resolved that the Poor Rate Collector, Mr Thomas Tyack, be allowed the sum of £9 for collecting the Special Sanitary Rate for the current half year.

The following footpaths were reported to be in a bad state of repair, and required immediate attention:
a. That leading from Pednavounder to Churchtown.
The Rev W F C Rogers, Messrs Christopher Harris & Fred Martin were appointed a Committee to carry out the necessary repairs to footpath A.
b. That leading from Lower Prospidnick to Penpraze.
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, J W James & Edward J Williams were appointed a Committee to repair footpath B.
c. That leading from Mellangoose to Newham.
Messrs Richard Tyack, James James & J L Sleeman were appointed a Committee to repair footpath C.

The Crown Town Footpath Committee reported that the path leading from Crown Town to the Hayle Road was now in a satisfactory state of repair, and that the cost of same was one pound.
It was unanimously resolved that the clerk be paid the sum of one pound, being the amount advanced by him to the labourers for doing the work to the said footpath.


A meeting was held this 7th day of March 1904.
Rev W F C Rogers - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, W A Hammill, James James, Joseph W James, Fred Martin, Francis H Matthew, Thomas Richard Rowe, James Treloar, John H R Trembath, Richard Tyack.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 15th day of January last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

The Pednavounder Footpath Committee, the Penpraze Footpath Committee, and the Newham Footpath Committee, each reported that the repairs were not yet complete.

The list of defaulters of the Poor and Special Sanitary Rates were read, and the recommendation of the Council was given as to who should be excused from payment.


A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held this 30th day of March 1904.
Rev W F C Rogers - Chairman
Mr William Kemp - Vice-chairman
Messrs Richard Andrewartha, James James, John L Sleeman.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 7th day of March instant, were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

The Pednavounder Footpath Committee reported the repairs had not yet been completed owing to Mr Rowe's illness: it is hoped the work will soon be done when the cost of same will be paid the Vicar and others.
The Newham Footpath Committee reported that the repairs had been carried out, and the cost of same had been paid by Mr James, the tenant.
There was no report on the Penpraze footpath.

It was unanimously resolved that a cheque be drawn up in favour of the clerk for the sum of five shillings, being cost of audit stamp advanced by him.
It was also unanimously resolved that a cheque be drawn in favour of the clerk for £4 10s, in favour of the following sums advanced by him:
W H Benney - Posting notices, Parish Council - 17s 6d
W H Benney - Posting notices, Parish Meeting - 4s
John Lander - Printing, Parish Meeting - 14s 6d
John Lander - Printing, Parish Council - £1 10s 6d
Rev W F C Rogers - Fire Lighting & Cleaning, Parish Council - 14s 6d
J Q James - Posting, Parish Council - 9s
Total - £4 10s

The clerk laid before the meeting the accounts for the year ending 31st March 1904, showing a credit balance of ten pounds and eleven pence.
It was unanimously resolved that the said accounts be paid and that the chairman be authorised to sign the same.

It was unanimously resolved that the chairman be authorised to sign the foregoing minutes as read.


The annual meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held in the National School, Sithney on Monday, April 18th 1904.
Messrs William James Blee, Edward Cardell, John Cowls, Thomas Glasson Cowls, James Geach, John Hyde, Joseph William James, Fred Martin, Henry Prideaux, John Pope Richards, William Rowling, Robert Sedgman, Thomas Treloar, John Humphry Trembath, Edward John Williams.
Each member made a declaration of acceptance of office.
It was unanimously resolved that Mr Edward J Williams be appointed provisional Chairman.
It was proposed by Mr John P Richards that Mr Henry Prideaux be elected Chairman of this Council, seconded by Mr John Cowls and carried unanimously.
Mr Henry Prideaux - Chairman
It was proposed by Mr John Hyde that Mr Thomas Treloar be elected Vice-chairman, seconded by Mr Edward Cardell and carried unanimously.


Mr James Geach nominated Mr John Pope Richards as Overseer, seconded by Mr William Rowling.
Mr Joseph W James: proposed by Mr Edward J Williams, seconded by Mr John P Richards.
Mr Thomas Glasson Cowls: proposed by Mr John Hyde, seconded by Mr John H R Trembath.
Mr Robert Sedgman: proposed by Mr Edward Cardell, seconded by Mr Thomas G Cowls.
There being no other nominations, the chairman declared the following to be the newly appointed Overseers of the Parish of Sithney for the ensuing year:
John Pope Richards - Truthall
Joseph William James - Tregathenan
Thomas Glasson Cowls - Peverell Terrace, Porthleven
Robert Sedgman - Peverell Terrace, Porthleven


It was proposed by Mr Robert Sedgman, seconded by Mr Edward J Williams that a precept be served on the Rating Authorities for the sum of £9 which sum is estimated to meet the expenses of the Council to the 30th September next. Carried.

Mr Robert Sedgman brought before the notice of the Council the dangerous state of the steps at Prospect Hill, Porthleven, and stated that several accidents had happened there. This was corroborated by several other councillors.
It was unanimously resolved that the following be appointed a Committee to inspect the said steps to prepare an estimate of the cost of repairing same and report thereon at the next meeting:
Messrs Robert Sedgman, Edward Cardell, John Cowls and the chairman.

Mr Edward J Williams reported that complaints were made by the public on the unsatisfactory state of the road leading from Mr Bond's shop, Tregathenan, through Tregadjack, and recommended that this Council take the necessary steps to remedy the same.
It was unanimously resolved that the following be appointed a Committee to inspect and report thereon at the next meeting:
Messrs J P Richards, J W James, William Rowling and E J Williams.

Mr John Cowls moved that the attention of the District Council be called to the sanitary state of Mr F H Matthew's yard at Torleven, and to ask that steps be taken to abate the existing nuisance, seconded by Mr Thomas G Cowls. Carried unanimously.

It was unanimously resolved that the meetings be held once every two months, that they be open to the press and that a copy of the notice be sent to each of the following newspapers: The Cornishman, The Cornish Telegraph and The West Briton.

Notice was read from the Cornwall Education Authority requesting this Council to appoint two representatives to serve on the Helston District Committee, two managers for the Sithney group of Provided Schools, and one manager for each of the Non-provided Schools in the parish.
The following persons were nominated to serve on the Helston District Committee:
1. Mrs Anna Matilda Bickford-Smith, proposed by Mr Edward J Williams, seconded by Mr William James Blee.
2. Mr James Russell Glasson, proposed by Mr James Geach, seconded by Mr John H R Trembath.
3. Mr James John Kitto, proposed by Mr Thomas Treloar, seconded by Mr John Cowls
For Mrs Anna Matilda Bickford-Smith:
William James Blee, Edward John Williams (2 votes)
For Mr James Russell Glasson:
William James Blee, Edward Cardell, John Cowls, Thomas Glasson Cowls, James Geach, John Hyde, Fred Martin, John Pope Richards, Robert Sedgman, Thomas Treloar, John H R Trembath, Edward John Williams, William Rowling (13 votes)
For Mr James John Kitto:
Edward Cardell, John Cowls, Thomas G Cowls, James Geach, John Pope Richards, William Rowling, Robert Sedgman, Thomas Treloar, John H R Trembath, John Hyde, Fred Martin (11 votes)
The chairman declared Messrs James Russell Glasson and James John Kitto the duly elected representatives of this Council to serve on the Helston District Education Committee.
The following were nominated as managers for the Sithney group of Provided Schools:
1. Mr John Pope Richards, proposed by Mr Edward John Williams, seconded by Mr William Rowling.
2. Rev Ernest Albert Coome, proposed by Mr John Cowls, seconded by Mr John Hyde.
No other person being nominated, the chairman declared that Mr John Pope Richards and Rev Ernest Albert Coome managers for the group of Provided Schools of their parish.
Mr John H R Trembath proposed Mr James Geach Jnr to represent this Council as manager of the Sithney National School, seconded by Mr James Geach. Carried unanimously.
Mr James Geach proposed Mr John Cowls of Porthleven to represent this Council as manager of the Porthleven National School, seconded by Mr Thomas Treloar. Carried unanimously
Mr John Pope Richards proposed Mr Edward John Williams to represent this Council as manager of Chynhale Wesleyan School, seconded by Mr Robert Sedgman. Carried unanimously.


A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Monday, the 20th day of June, 1904.
Mr Henry Prideaux Esq - Chairman
Mr Thomas Treloar - Vice-chairman
Messrs W J Blee, Edward Cardell, John Cowls, Thomas G Cowls, John Hyde, Joseph W James, John P Richards, William Rowling, Robert Sedgman, John H R Trembath, Edward J Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 18th April last were read and confirmed and signed.

The clerk reported that in pursuance of a resolution passed at the last meeting, he wrote the Rural District Council asking that steps be taken to abate the nuisance in the yard adjoining Mr F H Matthew's yard in Torleven.
A reply from the clerk to the Rural District Council was read stating that they decided to take no action on the matter.
It was reported by the councillors from Porthleven that immediately after the last meeting the place was put in order by Mr F H Matthew, the occupier of the premises.

Gwavas Well

A letter was read from the Helston Rural District Council calling the attention of this Council to the unsatisfactory condition of this well, and asking that early attention be paid to the matter.
It was unanimously resolved that inasmuch as this Council have no knowledge of the well above referred to, the clerk be requested to write the said Rural District Council for further particulars on the matter.

Tregadjack Footpath

The Committee reported that the entrance stile from the road required repairs, and the driving road required metalling on one side.
It was proposed by Mr Robert Sedgman, seconded by Mr John Hyde and carried unanimously that the Committees report be adopted and that they be authorised to carry out the work forthwith.

Prospect Hill, Porthleven

The clerk reported that he had seen Captain Rogers (his agent, Mr Webb being present at the same time), relative to his rights to the Prospect Hill steps and the road below, leading to The Square, Porthleven. Captain Rogers stated that he had relinquished all claim to the same steps and road from the time he had put them in repair some time ago, and that the Parish Council would be acting within their rights to do whatever may be deemed necessary by way of repairs to the said steps and road, so long as they keep within the present boundary.
Mr Robert Sedgman, on behalf of the Prospect Hill Committee, reported that they has inspected the whole place, and that towing to its present dangerous state, it is very important and most desirable that the suggested alterations should be proceeded with without delay, for the protection of the public.
It was unanimously resolved that a Committee be appointed to carry out the work, consisting of the resident councillors of Porthleven, together with the chairman, and that they proceed with the same forthwith.

In accordance with notice of motion the chairman moved "that this Council is desirous of supporting the Cornwall County Council in their recommendation to the Board of Trade that the Government should take immediate steps towards the construction of a Harbour of Refuge, in the Bristol Channel" seconded by Mr John Cowls and carried unanimously.
It was unanimously resolved that the clerk be requested to forward copy of the foregoing resolution to the clerk to the County Council forthwith.

It was proposed by Mr William Rowling, seconded by Mr John P Richards and carried unanimously that application be made to the Postmaster General to fix a wall letter box at, or near Tregathenan, and that the application be forwarded through the Postmaster at Helston.

Steam Roller

The chairman expressed an opinion that it would be a great advantage to vehicular traffic if the roads were rolled with a steam roller, and after a lengthy discussion the chairman moved that this Council express a hope, and earnestly recommend that a Steam Roller be employed for all the main roads within the North & South Helston Districts, and that the clerk be requested to forward a copy of this resolution to the Helston Rural District Council, seconded by Mr Edward J Williams and carried.

It was unanimously resolved that the next meeting be held in September.


A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held in the National School, Sithney on Thursday, the 15th day of September, 1904.
Mr Henry Prideaux Esq - Chairman
Mr Thomas Treloar - Vice-chairman
Messrs John Cowls, Thomas G Cowls, John Hyde, Joseph W James, William Rowling, Robert Sedgman, James Geach, Fred Martin.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 20th June last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

Gwavas Well

A letter was read from the clerk to the Helston Rural District Council stating that the above well is situated near the Old Bible Christian Chapel at Gwavas, that the Sanitary Inspector had numerous complaints about this well, and asking that the Council give this matter their immediate attention.
It was unanimously resolved that the following be appointed a Committee to inspect the said well and report thereon at the next Council meeting:
The chairman & Messrs J W James & William Rowling.

Tregadjack Footpath

The Committee reported that nothing had yet been done to this footpath by way of repairs, but that is contemplated to repair the stile shortly.

Prospect Hill, Porthleven

The Committee reported that tenders had been invited to carry out the work in connection with the alterations to footway and steps at Prospect Hill, Porthleven, in accordance with plan and specification prepared for same, and that the following were the prices received:
Mr John W Broad - £15 7s 6d
Mr James Rubery - £14 15s
Mr J E Noye - £13 5s
Mr Edward Orchard - £12 10s
The Committee unanimously agreed to accept the tender of Mr Edward Orchard:- £12 10s, that being the lowest. The Committee further reported that the work had been carried out in accordance with the said plan and specification and completed in a satisfactory and workman-like manner.
It was unanimously resolved that the best thanks of the Council be given to the Committee for the interest they had taken in carrying out the above work, and a special vote of thanks be given to Mr Robert Sedgman for gratuitously preparing the plan and specification.
It was unanimously resolved that a cheque be drawn in favour of Mr Edward Orchard for the sum of £12 10s, being amount due to him for work done at Prospect Hill, Porthleven as per contract.

Harbour of Refuge

A letter was read from the clerk to the County Council acknowledging the receipt of resolution passed by this Council and stating that the same.............the County Council [faded].

Tregathenan Wall Letter Box

A letter was read from Mr James, Postmaster at Helston, acknowledging receipt of resolution passed by this Council, and stating that same shall be forwarded to Head Quarters for consideration.

Steam Roller

A letter was read from the clerk to the Helston Rural District Council acknowledging receipt of resolution passed by this Council recommending that all the main roads be steam-rolled.

Poor and Burial Rates

The list of defaulters of the above named rates were read, and the recommendation of the Council was given as to who should be excused from payment.


A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney, on Monday, 21st day of November, 1904.
Mr Henry Prideaux Esq - Chairman
Messrs Fred Martin, John P Richards, William Rowling, John H R Trembath, Edward J Williams, William J Blee.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 15th day of September last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.

The Tregathenan Footpath Committee reported that the repairs to the stile were almost completed, and that the cost of same was seven shillings.
It was unanimously resolved that the clerk be authorised to pay the labourers the said sum of seven shillings on receiving instruction from the Committee to do so.

The Committee appointed to inspect Gwavas Well reported that they were of the opinion that it was absolutely necessary that something should be done to protect the well from being polluted by the overflow of dirty water from the roads, but recommended that enquiry be made of the Rural District Council as to the ability of this Council to do the work, the well being on private property.
It was unanimously resolved that the clerk be requested to make the necessary enquiry as recommended, and report thereon at the next meeting of this Council.

It was reported that complaints were being made of the unsatisfactory state of the shoot of water and the trough at Chynhale, and after a lengthy discussion it was resolved that Messrs W J Blee, J P Richards & E J Williams be appointed a Committee to inspect the said shoot etc and report thereon at the next meeting of the Council.

It was unanimously resolved that a precept be served on the Rating Authorities for the sum of £19 to meeting the expenses of this Council to the 31st March next, the same to be paid on or before the 28th February next.

On the motion of Mr E J Williams, it was resolved to approach the General Post Office with a view to having a Telegraph Office at Crown Town, in the parish.

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