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The first meeting of the Parish Council of the above named Parish was held at the National School, Sithney on the 4th day of January 1895
Messrs George Percy Bickford-Smith, John Francis Freethy, James Geach, James Russell Glasson, Joseph Haynes, Edwin Jacka, Alfred King, William Kemp, John Liddicoat, Francis Holman Matthew, Edward John Williams, Thomas William Wear, Captain John Peverell Rogers, Rev Henry William Corry, Rev Charles Fivesdon Rogers.
Each member took a declaration of acceptance of office previous to commencement of business.
Mr J R Glasson proposed that Mr Alfred King be appointed provisional chairman of this meeting, seconded by Mr Edward J Williams and carried.
Mr King acted as provisional chairman
Election of Chairman
Mr Joseph Haynes proposed that Mr James Russell Glasson be appointed chairman of the Parish Council, this was seconded by Mr William Kemp.
Captain Rogers proposed that the Rev, Charles Fivesdon Rogers be appointed chairman of the Parish Council. This was seconded by Mr Edwin Jacka.
The following voted for Mr James Russell Glasson:
Messrs George Percy Bickford-Smith, James Geach, James R Glasson, Joseph Haynes, William Kemp, Alfred King, Thomas William Wear, Edward J Williams, (8 votes)
The following voted for Rev C F Rogers:
Rev Henry W Corry, Captain Rogers, Messrs Edwin Jacka, John Liddicoat, Francis H Matthew. (5 votes)
Mr John F Freethy & Rev C F Rogers remained neutral.
Mr J R Glasson was declared to be duly elected chairman of the Parish Council
Mr Glasson then took his seat as chairman.
Resolved, that the public be not admitted to the meeting.
Election of Vice chairman
It was proposed by Mr E J Williams that Mr Joseph Haynes be appointed vice chairman of this council. This was seconded by Mr King and carried.
The council, not having appointed one of their number as clerk, the assistant overseer, Mr Johnson D James will act as clerk to the Parish Council.
The clerk stated that he would carry out the duties without any extra salary, at least, until it is known from experience, what extra work will devolve upon him.
Mr Thomas W Wear proposed Mr Edward J Kendall, manager of the Consolidated Bank of Cornwall, Helston branch, as treasurer of the council. Mr Francis H Matthew seconded the proposition.
Mr William Kemp Mr John James, manager of the Cornish Bank, Helston branch, as treasurer, seconded by Mr Edward J Williams
The following voted for Mr Kendall:
Mr G Percy Bickford-Smith, Alfred King, John Liddicoat, Francis H Matthew, Thomas W Wear, Joseph Haynes, Edwin Jacka, James Geach & Rev H W Corry (9 votes)
The following voted for Mr James:
Rev C F Rogers, Captain Rogers, Messrs J F Freethy, William Kemp & Edward J Williams. (5 votes)
Mr J R Glasson, neutral.
Mr Edward J Kendall was declared to be duly elected Treasurer of the Parish Council.
The clerk reported that the Returning Officer had not yet prepared a bill for election expenses so that the issuing a precept would be deferred until the next meeting.
It was resolved that the next meeting of the council be held on Thursday 24th instant at half past 6 in the evening.
A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney, on Thursday the 24th day of January 1895
Mr James R Glasson - Chairman
Captain Joseph Haynes - Vice Chairman
Rev C F Rogers, Messrs G P Bickford-Smith, John F Freethy, James Geach, Edwin Jacka, William Kemp, Alfred King, John Liddicoat, Francis H Matthew, Edward J Williams, Thomas William Wear, Rev H W Corry & Captain Rogers.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 4th day of January were read and continued.
Urban District Council
The Rev C F Rogers introduced the question of forming the parish into an Urban District, explaining the advantage in managing our own affairs, especially in carrying out the drainage works for Porthleven, rather than leaving the scheme to be carried out by an outside authority who contribute nothing towards the expense.
The matter being fully discussed, it was proposed by the Rev C F Rogers and seconded by Mr F H Matthew that it is desirable that the Parish of Sithney be formed into an Urban District under the Public Health Act and the chairman of the Parish Council was requested to take steps to carry out the resolution. Carried unanimously.
General District Rate
The overseers reported that................the collector of poor rate, J Q James, to collect the General District Rate and that he receive the remuneration for the additional duty the sum of twelve pounds per rate.
It was proposed by the Rev C F Rogers, and seconded by Mr John Liddicoat that the recommendation be confirmed. Carried
Appointment of Overseers
It was resolved that two overseers be appointed to replace the churchwardens, who now cease to be overseers.
It was proposed by Mr James Geach and seconded by Mr Alfred King that Mr John Francis Freethy be appointed overseer.
It was proposed by Mr J H Matthew and seconded by Mr J R Glasson that Mr Joseph Haynes be appointed overseer.
It was proposed by the Rev C F Rogers and seconded by Mr Edwin Jacka that Messrs John Carlyon & Richard Reed Russell, Churchwardens, be appointed overseers.
The following voted for Messrs Carlyon & Russell:
Rev C F Rogers, Rev H W Corry, Captain J Rogers, Messrs Edwin Jacka, John Liddicoat & Francis H Matthew. (6 votes)
The following voted for Mr J F Freethy:
Messrs George Percy Bickford-Smith, James Geach, James R Glasson, Joseph Haynes, Alfred King, William Kemp, Thomas W Wear & Edward J Williams (8 votes)
The following voted for Mr Joseph Haynes:
Messrs G P Bickford-Smith, James Geach, James R Glasson, J F Freethy, Alfred King, William Kemp, Thomas W Wear, & Edward J Williams (8 votes)
Messrs John F Freethy and Joseph Haynes were declared to be duly elected overseers until the end of the year.
It was supposed that the footpath leading from Mellangoose to Newham is in a bad state of repair and the stile leading from Pednavounder into Mrs Russell's field was said to be dangerous to walk over.
It was resolved that Mellangoose footpath be repaired and that a kissing gate be fixed to replace the stile at Pednavounder and that the Rev C F Rogers, Mr J F Freethy and the clerk be appointed a committee to inspect these places and to report thereon at the next meeting.
Resolved that the next meeting be held on Thursday 21st of February at 6.30pm
A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Thursday 21st February 1895.
Mr James R Glasson - Chairman
Captain Joseph Haynes - Vice Chairman
Rev C F Rogers, Messrs G P Bickford-Smith, John F Freethy, James Geach, Edwin Jacka, William Kemp, Alfred King, John Liddicoat, Francis H Matthew & Edward J Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 24th January last were read and confirmed.
It was proposed by Mr Edward J Williams and seconded by Mr James Geach, that the Parish Council meetings be open to reporters and that the clerk be instructed to write the managers of the 'West Briton' and 'Cornish Telegraph' to invite them to send reporters or correspondents of their respective papers for that purpose. Carried.
The Rev C F Rogers reported that the committee recommended that the stile at Pednavounder be repaired instead of being replaced by a kissing gate, that the old steps be utilised so far as practicable and that two or three new steps be provided as may be required and fixed in the middle of the stile and also that the sides be put in a proper state of repair...................
It was resolved that the committees recommendations be adopted and that the clerk be instructed to get an estimate of the cost of completing the work and lay the same before the next council meeting, also that the committee report on the state of Mellangoose path at the said meeting and if practicable to get an estimate of the cost of repairing the same.
Urban District Council
The clerk laid before the council the cost of salaries and establishment charges of an Urban District Council in a parish of similar, rateable value, population etc as Sithney, the amount being £82 per annum. The clerk also ascertained that the portion of salaries re paid by Sithney parish towards the Helston District Council and North Helston Highways Board is £53.
It was proposed by the Rev C F Rogers and seconded by Mr G P Bickford-Smith that steps be taken at the earliest opportunity to carry out the resolution passed at the last meeting, and that the matter be laid before the parochial electorate for their consideration. The annual parish meeting carried unanimously.
Treasurers Bond
It was proposed by Mr J H Matthew seconded by Mr E J Williams and carried unanimously that the sureties named by the Treasurer and his Bondsmen viz:- Messrs Bolitho of the Consolidated Bank of Cornwall be and.......approved and that the bond be fixed......£250.
It was........
(Several pages glued together, and irreparably damaged.)
(Last part of a later meeting)
............rate of a half penny in the £. The same be paid on or before the 20th September next.
Applications for allotments were received from the following persons viz:-
John Hoskin of Porthleven, Funeral Dealer
Charles Martin of Porthleven, Funeral Dealer
neither of the applications were entertained, the applicants not being labourers.
A meeting of the Parish Council of the above named parish was held at the National School on Wednesday 5th day of June 1895
Mr J R Glasson - Chairman
Mr Joseph Haynes - Vice Chairman
Rev C F Rogers, Mr G P Bickford-Smith, Mr James Geach, Mr William Kemp, Mr Alfred King, Mr Thomas W Wear, Mr John F Freethy, Mr Francis H Matthew
The minutes of the meeting held 19th day of April last were read and confirmed.
The Footpaths committee reported that the repairs of the path leading from the main road to Pednavounder stile were completed. Cost: £1.18.6d
Public Wells
The committee reported that the work at Sithney Green Well was still in hand. It was resolved that the clerk be authorised to pay the labourers wages and other petty cash on the recommendation of the said committee.
Revision of Pauper List
A letter was read from the clerk to the........District Council asking this council to examine the list of paupers of this parish and to.........thereon to the said District Council. The list having.............
It was resolved that the District Council be recommended to increase Thomas Tregembo's pay by 2% per week and Harper Cowls pay by 1% per week.
Polling Hours & Polling Stations
A communication was read from the clerk to the County Council asking if this council have any suggestions to offer in regard to the hours during which the Poll should be taken for the District and Parish Councillors and whether any change should be made in the number and situation of the polling station.
It was proposed by Mr J H Matthew and seconded by Mr Joseph Haynes that a second polling station be provided at Porthleven for the accommodation of voters in that part of the parish.
It was proposed by Mr John F Freethy and seconded by Mr James Geach that there be no change in the polling station and that there be no change in the hours for taking the poll.
Messrs J H Matthew & Joseph Haynes voted for the resolution.
The following voted for the second resolution:
Rev C F Rogers, Messrs G P Bickford-Smith, William Kemp, Alfred King, Thomas W Wear, James Geach, J R Glasson.
The second resolution was carried.
Representation of this parish on the Rural District Council
A meeting of the Parish Council of the above named Parish was held at the National School, Sithney on Friday, 27 September 1895
J R Glasson - Chairman
Rev C F Rogers, Messrs James Geach, William Kemp, Alfred Kemp, Edwin Jacka, John Liddicoat, J H Matthew, Edward J Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 5th June last were read and confirmed.
Porthleven Drainage
It was resolved that the pathways committee be requested to proceed with the repairs to Mellangoose footpath and that they be authorised to fix steps,...where they deem it necessary.
It was resolved that Mr E J Williams.....be added to the pathways committee.
Foot Bridges
It was resolved that the footpaths Committee be instructed to inspect the foot bridge leading from Sithney to Wendron, between Boscadjack and Bodilly, also the foot bridge across the Cober at or near Coverack Bridges and report thereon at the next meeting of the Council.
Public Wells
It was resolved that the Public Wells Committee be instructed to inspect the well at St Johns and report thereon at the next meeting of the Council.
Gate leading to the beach at Porthleven
It was resolved that a committee be appointed to wait on Captain Rogers with the view of ascertaining his right to lock the gate leading to the beach near the Institute at Porthleven. The said Committee to consist of Messrs J R Glasson, Edward J Williams, & Joseph Haynes, and that they report thereon at the next Council meeting.
Petty Cash
It was resolved that a cheque be drawn in favour of J James, the clerk, for the sum of fifteen pounds, in payment of petty cash account. It was resolved that the clerk be authorised to pay and charge in the petty cash account all bills not exceeding five pounds.
A meeting of the Parish Council of Sithney was held at the National School, Sithney on the 17th day of January 1896
Mr J R Glasson - Chairman
Rev C F Rogers, Messrs G P Bickford-Smith, John F Freethy, James Geach, Edwin Jacka, Alfred King, William Kemp, John Liddicoat, Thomas W Wear.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 27th day of September last were read and confirmed.
Foot Paths
The Committee reported that the work of improving Mellangoose foot path had been entrusted to Mr Henry Benney and that he had completed it in a satisfactory manner. Mr Benney presented his bill for carrying out the said work amounting to £7 14s. It was resolved that a cheque be drawn for £7 14s in payment of the said amount.
Gate leading to the beach near the Institute, Porthleven
The Chairman reported that he had made enquiries respecting the locking of the said gate and that from informal......from several residents in Porthleven he could find no cause for complaint. Accommodation is provided for foot passengers and anyone who wanted to go to the beach with horses and carts can do so by applying for the key at a house close by, the key being kept there for the express purpose of providing accommodation for horse and cart traffic.
Foot Bridges
The Committee reported that they had inspected the foot bridges near Boscadjack and Coverack Bridges, and that each one required repairing.
It was resolved that it is the opinion of this Council that inasmuch as the said bridges are public, and situate between the parishes of Sithney and Wendron, the repairs should be carried out by the Helston Rural District Council and the cost of repairing same be charged to the District Rate.
It was resolved that the clerk be requested to communicate with the clerk to the Rural District Council on the matter, and recommend that the said bridges be repaired forthwith.
Public Well at St Johns
It was resolved that the Committee be authorised to repair the Public Well at St Johns, and that the Rev C F Rogers name be added to the Public Wells Committee.
Rural District Council Representation
A letter was read from the clerk to the........County Council stating that they......should make application by a....... for an additional member to represent the parish on the Helston Rural District Council and Board of Guardians, and submit same to the Parliamentary Committee of the County Council.
It was resolved that application be made to the Parliamentary Committee of the County Council for an additional member to represent the parish on the Helston Rural District Council and Board of Guardians, and that the clerk be requested to write a letter, to be signed by the chairman, showing the population and Rateable value of the parish comparing it with the population and Rateable values of several other parishes in the union, together with the number of representatives in each parish.
Foot Paths
Complaint was made of the dirty state of the footpath leading from Tregoose to Tregathenan, especially the point which has recently been diverted by Mr Alfred Adams.
It was resolved that the clerk be instructed to call on Mr Adams requesting him to.....the footpath substituted for the one enclosed ..... proper repair forthwith.
A meeting of the parish council of Sithney was held at the National School, Sithney on Friday, 14th February 1896.
Rev C F Rogers, in the chair
Messrs G P Bickford-Smith, James Geach, Edwin Jacka, William Kemp, Alfred King, John Liddicoat, Thomas W Wear.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 27th January were read and confirmed.
The Clerk reported that he had written to the clerk to the Rural District Council respecting the foot bridges between Wendron and Sithney in accordance with resolution passed at the last meeting.
The Public Wells Committee reported that the public well at St Johns is now in the course of being repaired.
The clerk also reported that he had called on Mr Alfred Adams of Tregoose requesting him to repair the new footpath at Tregoose, this to be engaged forthwith.
County Rate
The proposed basis of standard for the County Rate for the County of Cornwall, prepared by the Committee, approved by the said Council at a meeting held at Truro on the 15th day of March 1895 was laid before this Council for consideration. The proposed value...... is shown to be £9664, being £32 less than that fixed on in 1893. The clerk reported that the parish of Sithney is one of the four parishes which are allowed 20% off its gross value, on account of its excessive population in proportion to its area. Consequently we considered the proposed Rateable Value a reasonable one and suggested that it be accepted without appeal. This was unanimously agreed to.
Sithney Green Well
The Committee reported that the repairs to Sithney Green Well was now completed and that the cost of same amount to £3 19s 6d.
It was resolved that the clerk be requested to pay the cost of repairing Sithney Green Well from the petty cash account.
A meeting of the Parish Council of Sithney was held at the National School, Sithney on Tuesday 31st March 1896.
Mr J R Glasson - chairman
Messrs G P Bickford-Smith, James Geach, John F Freethy, William Kemp, F J Matthew, Thomas W Wear, Edward J Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 14th February last were read and confirmed.
Public Wells
The Committee reported that the repairs to the public well at St Johns was not yet completed.
Foot Paths
The Committee reported that they had inspected the path at Tregoose and that Mr Adams had commenced to repair same.
Foot Bridges
The clerk reported that he had written the clerk to the Helston Rural District Council relative to the repairing of the foot bridges between Wendron and Sithney and that the said council had referred the matter back to this council.
Petty Cash Account
The clerk produced..........petty cash account, showing an expenditure of..........were duly passed.
The annual meeting of the Parish Council of Sithney was held at the National School, Sithney on Friday, 17th day of April 1896.
Messrs Henry Benney, John Carlyon, John Cowls, John F Freethy, James Geach, James Russell Glasson, Christopher Harris, William Kemp, Alfred King, William Rowe, Richard Tyack, Thomas Tyack, Thomas W Wear.
Each member present made a declaration of acceptance of office previous to the commencement of business.
Mr Thomas Tyack proposed that Mr J F Freethy be appointed Provisional Chairman of this meeting, seconded by Mr J R Glasson. Carried.
Mr J F Freethy, Provisional Chairman.
Mr William Kemp proposed that Mr James R Glasson be appointed Chairman of this council, seconded by Mr Thomas Tyack. Carried.
Mr James Geach proposed that Mr Thomas Tyack be appointed as Vice-Chairman, seconded by Mr J R Glasson.
Mr Thomas W Wear proposed that Mr George P Bickford-Smith be appointed Vice-Chairman, seconded by Mr Henry Benney.
The following voted for Mr Thomas Tyack:
John Cowls, John F Freethy, James Geach, James R Glasson, William Kemp, William Rowe, Richard Tyack, Thomas Tyack. (8 votes)
The following voted for Mr G P Bickford-Smith:
John Carlyon, Henry Benney, Christopher Harris, Alfred King, Thomas William Wear (5 votes)
Mr Thomas Tyack was declared to be duly elected Vice-Chairman.
The following were nominated as overseers for the ensuing year:
John Francis Freethy - Gwavas
Philip Rowe - Penventon
William Rowe - Treeza
Thomas Tyack - Pednavounder
No other nominations being made, the foregoing persons were duly elected as overseers.
The following were appointed as Pathways Committee:
Henry Benney, John Cowls, William Kemp, William Rowe, John F Freethy.
Foot paths & Foot Bridges
It was resolved that the Pathways Committee be requested to inspect the footpaths leading from Sithney Trough to Sithney Green and to report thereon at the next council meeting.
It was resolved that the Pathways Committee be requested to inspect the foot bridges at Boscadjack and Trannack and that the Wendron Parish Council be invited to act conjointly with this council in carrying out the necessary repairs.
Also that an estimate of the cost of repairing those bridges be submitted to this council for their consideration at their next meeting.
A letter was read from Mr G P Bickford-Smith stating that in consequence of his being absent from the county he was unable to attend to the meeting of this council and that if the council would permit he will sign a declaration that he accept the office at the next council meeting.
It was resolved that Mr Bickford-Smith's explanation of absence from this meeting as satisfactory and that he be permitted to sign a declaration of acceptance of office at the next meeting.
A meeting of the Sithney parish Council was held this 9th day of October 1896.
Mr J R Glasson - Chairman
Mr Thomas Tyack - Vice-Chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, John Carlyon, John Cowls, John F Freethy, James Geach, John Kemp, William Rowe, Richard Tyack
Mr George Percy Bickford-Smith signed declaration of acceptance of office.
The minutes for the meeting held on the 17th day of April last were read out and confirmed.
Public Wells
The Committee reported that the repairs to St Johns Well were not yet completed.
The Committee reported that Mr Alfred Adams had not yet repaired the diverted footpath at Tregoose to their satisfaction.
Resolved the clerk be requested to communicate with Mr Bickford-Smith (the owner) on the matter.
Foot Bridges
Resolved that the Committee be authorised to repair the foot bridges at Trannack conjointly with the Wendron Parish Council and that the footbridge at Boscadjack be postponed for further consideration.
Resolved that the clerk be requested to ask Mr John Liddicoat of Mellangoose and Mr Edward Thomas of St Elvan to trim the hedges overhanging the footpaths in their respective farms.
Resolved that the attention of the Helston Rural District Council be drawn to the dangerous state of the road leading from Sithney Green to Mellangoose. Also of the road leading from Coverack Bridges to Boscadjack.
Resolved that the said District Council be asked to take the water now crossing the road at St Elvan on the surface through a covered drain.
Resolved that the Committee be requested to repair the footpath leading from Sithney Trough to Sithney Green.
Resolved that the meetings of the council be held over in two months.
A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held this 15th day of January 1897.
Mr J R Glasson - Chairman
Mr Thomas Tyack - Vice-Chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, John Carlyon, James Geach, William Kemp, William Rowe, Richard Tyack
Mr Edward J Williams made a declaration of acceptance of office.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
Public Wells
The Committee reported that the repairs to the public well at St Johns was completed and that the work had been carried out in a satisfactory manner. The cost of repairing same being £1 11s.
It was resolved that a cheque be drawn in favour of Mr Edward Pascoe for £1 11s for repairing the said well.
The Committee reported that nothing further had been done towards repairing the diverted footpath at Tregoose.
It was resolved that the clerk be requested to again wait on Mr Bickford-Smith, or his agent, and further report on the matter.
The Committee also reported that the footpath leading from Sithney Trough to Sithney Green had been put in a thorough state of repair by Messrs Richard Harris and John Rogers, at a cost of £6 17s 6d.
It was resolved that a cheque be drawn up in favour of Messrs Harris and Rogers for £6 17s 6d in payment for repairing the above mentioned footpath.
The clerk reported that the work of carrying the water at St Elvan in........had been carried out by the District Council.
It was resolved that the Committee be requested to inspect two footpaths in St Elvan farm and report thereon at the next council meeting.
A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Monday, 29th March 1897.
Mr James R Glasson - Chairman
Mr Thomas Tyack - Vice-Chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, George P Bickford-Smith, John Carlyon, John F Freethy, James Geach, William Kemp, Alfred King, Thomas W Wear, Edward J Williams.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed.
The Footpath Committee reported that the footpath at Tregoose outside the field was put in a satisfactory state of repair and that the tenant, Mr Adams, had undertaken to repair the path in the field so soon as practicable.
The said Committee also reported that they had inspected the footpaths in St Elvan farm and recommended that a second inspection be made before finally deciding what shall be done. This was unanimously agreed to.
(First two sentences smudged, totally unreadable) ............unanimously that cheques be drawn for the payments
J Q James, Clerk, viz:-
William Coode, Copy of Register, 2s 6d
Charles Wakeham, Audit Stamp, 10s
E. Carlyon, Printer, 6s 6d
Rev C F Rogers, Cleaning, Lighting etc 8s
J Q James, Postage, Posting etc £1 1s
F V Hill, Returning Officer, 10s 6d
John Lander, Printing, 18s
A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney this 20th day of April 1897.
Messrs Henry Benney, Benjamin Hocking Eddy, John F Freethy, James Geach, James Russell Glasson, Christopher Harris, William Kemp, Alfred King, James Martin, William Rowe, Richard Tyack, Thomas Tyack, Thomas William Wear.
Each member present made a declaration of acceptance of office previous to the commencement of business.
Mr Thomas Tyack proposed that Mr J F Freethy be appointed provisional chairman for this meeting, seconded by Mr J R Glasson. Carried.
Mr John F Freethy, provisional chairman.
Mr Thomas Tyack proposed that Mr James Russell Glasson be appointed Chairman of the Council, seconded by Mr Henry Benney. Carried unanimously.
Mr James Geach proposed that Mr Thomas Tyack be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Council, seconded by Mr Richard Tyack. Carried unanimously.
The following were nominated as overseers for the ensuing year:
Henry Benney - Roseawen
Edward John Williams - Lower Prospidnick
William Rowe - Treeza
John Francis Freethy - Gwavas
Benjamin Hocking Eddy - Torleven
The following voted for Mr Henry Benney:
B H Eddy, J F Freethy, James Geach, James R Glasson, Christopher Harris, William Kemp, Alfred King, James Martin, William Rowe, Richard Tyack, Thomas Tyack, Thomas W Wear. (12 votes)
The following voted for Mr Edward J Williams:
B H Eddy, J F Freethy, J R Glasson, Christopher Harris, William Kemp, Alfred King, James Martin, William Rowe, Thomas Tyack, Thomas W Wear. (10 votes)
The following voted for Mr William Rowe:
Henry Benney, Richard Tyack, James Geach, Christopher Harris. (4 votes)
The following voted for Mr John F Freethy:
Henry Benney, B H Eddy, James Geach, James R Glasson, Christopher Harris, William Kemp, Alfred King, James Martin, William Rowe, Richard Tyack, Thomas Tyack, Thomas W Wear. (12 votes)
The following voted for Mr Benjamin H Eddy:
Henry Benney, John F Freethy, James Geach, James R Glasson, Christopher Harris, William Rowe, Alfred King, James Martin, William Rowe, Richard Tyack, Thomas Tyack, Thomas W Wear. (12 votes)
Messrs Henry Benney, Edward John Williams, William Rowe, John Francis Freethy and Benjamin Hocking Eddy were declared to be duly elected overseers for the ensuing year.
Footpaths and Public Wells Committee
The following were appointed as the Footpaths and Public Wells Committee:
Messrs Henry Benney, William Kemp, James Martin, William Rowe, Richard Tyack, Thomas Tyack, Thomas William Wear.
It was resolved that a precept be served on the Rating authorities for the sum of ten pounds, ten shillings, which sum is estimated to meet the expenses of the Council up to 29th September next.
It was resolved that the attention of the District Council be called to the dangerous state of the road leading from Mr Dale's homestead, Mellangoose, to Lower Mellangoose in consequence of the [wateroewest?] being open and unprotected and that the said Council be asked to take necessary steps to protect the same from public danger.
It was resolved that the Footpaths Committee be requested to inspect the footpath at Gravesend, Porthleven, the same being reported to be in a dangerous state, and report thereon at the next meeting of the Council.
A letter was read from Mr G P Bickford-Smith stating that he..........Vice-Chairman the first meeting of the........in Mr Richard............unanimously. (very poor bottom of page) .........on business matters, and that if the Council will permit, he will sign a declaration of acceptance that he accepts the office of Parish Councillor at the first opportunity.
It was resolved that Mr Bickford-Smith's explanation of his absence be accepted as satisfactory and that he be permitted to sign a declaration of his acceptance of office at the next, or subsequent meeting.
The clerk produced the accounts for the year ending 31st March 1897, showing our expenditure of £10 5s 3d and a balance in hand at the end of the year of £7 3s.
A meeting was held this 30th day of June 1897.
Mr Thomas Tyack - Vice-Chairman
Messrs James Geach, John Kemp, James Martin
The number of members in attendance not being sufficient to form a quorum, no business was transacted.
A meeting was held this 3rd day of August 1897.
Mr James R Glasson - Chairman
Mr Thomas Tyack - Vice-Chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, William Kemp, James Martin
The minutes of the meeting held on the 20th day of April last were read and confirmed.
The clerk reported that he had called on Mr Bickford-Smith's agent respecting the dangerous state of the farm gate at Tregoose, and was informed that preparation was being made to fix a new gate there.
Mellangoose Road
The clerk reported that he had written to the Rural District Council respecting the dangerous state of the road leading from Mr Dale's homestead to Lower Mellangoose as requested at the last meeting, but nothing had been done on the matter.
Footpaths, St Elvan
The Footpaths Committee reported on the state of the footpath leading from St Elvan to Lanner, Praze and Antron, all the stiles being in a bad state of repair, and recommended that the same be put in a proper state of repair forthwith.
It was unanimously resolved that the Committees recommendation be carried out, and that the said Committee be authorised to proceed with the work and do what appear to them to be absolutely necessary.
Public Wells
It was resolved that the Committee be requested to inspect the public well at Mellangoose, and report thereon at the next meeting.
Gravesend, Porthleven
The Committee reported that they had inspected the footpath at Gravesend and that they were of the opinion that it was private property, and therefore could not recommend that the work be done by the Council.
It was unanimously resolved that the Committees recommendation be adopted.
A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held this 29th day of October 1897.
Mr James R Glasson - Chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, George P Bickford-Smith, James Geach, Christopher Harris, William Kemp, Alfred King, Richard Tyack, Thomas W Wear, Edward J Williams.
Messrs George Percy Bickford-Smith and Edward John Williams signed declaration of acceptance of office.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd day of August last were read and confirmed, and signed by the Chairman.
Tregoose Gate
It was reported that the above gate was not yet fixed. It was resolved that the clerk again be requested to call upon Mr Bickford-Smith's agent and ask for an explanation as to the delay.
St Elvan Stiles
The Committee reported that the stones for repairing the above stiles were brought on the ground but that the work had been delayed in consequence of the said stone not being prepared in accordance with the orders given. The majority of the Committee are of the opinion that the stone will.......answer in purpose for which they were intended.
It was resolved that this Council do support the majority of the Committee in their opinion, and that the repairs be carried out forthwith
Mellangoose Well
The Committee reported that the spring of water supplying the above well rises in Mr Tyack's field and that in order to protect the water from being polluted it is considered advisable that the stream should be taken up at its source and conveyed through pipes to the well.
It was proposed by Mr Bickford-Smith, seconded by Mr Tyack and carried unanimously that the Committee recommendation be adopted, and that the work carried out forthwith.
Helston District Council
It was proposed by Mr Glasson, seconded by Mr Bickford-Smith and carried unanimously that this Council is of the opinion, having regard to the rateable value and population, and also to the fact that other parishes with a less rateable value and population send more representatives to the District Council than the parish of Sithney, that the said parish should have an increase in representation on such District Council, and that the County Council be petitioned accordingly.
A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney, on Tuesday 25th January 1898.
Mr Thomas Tyack - Presiding Chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, G P Bickford-Smith, B H Eddy, John F Freethy, James Geach, William Kemp, William Rowe, Richard Tyack, Edward J Williams, Thomas W Wear.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 29th day of October last were read and confirmed.
Tregoose Gate
The Clerk reported that the work in connection with the hanging of Tregoose Gate is now completed, and it is a great improvement to the public thoroughfare.
Mellangoose Footpath
The clerk reported that he had seen Mr Liddicoat re:- the trimming the hedge by the side of the footpath, and that he objected to do anything by way of trimming until the Committee had altered the stile leading to the said footpath, so as to prevent cattle? from having easy access to his land.
It was resolved that the Committee be requested to make an inspection of the said stile with a view of altering same if necessary.
Mellangoose Well
The Committee reported that the work in connection with the repairs and alterations to the above well had be carried out in accordance with the resolutions passed at the last Council meeting.
Helston Rural District Council
The Clerk reported that he had forwarded a copy of resolution passed at the last meeting of this Council, asking for an increase in representation on the above named District Council, and that the clerk to the County Council had acknowledged receipt of same, and promised that the application be laid before the General Purposes Committee at their next meeting.
St Elvan and Antron Stiles
The Committee reported that the work of repairing those stiles was now being carried out but was not yet completed.
A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held this 14th day of March 1898.
Mr J R Glasson - Chairman
Mr Thomas Tyack - Vice-Chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, Benjamin H Eddy, John F Freethy, James Geach, Christopher Harris, William Kemp, Alfred King, James Martin, William Rowe, Richard Tyack, Thomas W Wear, Edward J Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 25th day of January last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.
It was unanimously resolved that this meeting be, and is hereby adjourned to Friday, 25th instant at 7:30pm and that the Clerk be requested to give notice accordingly.
A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held this 25th day of March 1898.
Mr Thomas Tyack - Presiding Chairman
Messrs Benjamin H Eddy, John F Freethy, James Geach, Christopher Harris, William Kemp, Richard Tyack.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 14th instant were read and confirmed and signed by the presiding chairman.
Mellangoose Stile
The Committee reported that in accordance with resolution passed at the last meeting they had inspected Mellangoose stile. They were of the opinion that an additional step was required and this was done accordingly. The work cost 4s 6d.
St Elvan and Antron Stiles
The Committee also reported that the work of repairing the above mentioned stiles was completed, and carried out in a satisfactory manner. The whole work cost £2 19s.
The Clerk produced vouchers, bills unpaid showing the total expenditure of the Council for the year ending 31st March to be £13 9s 4d..
It was proposed by Mr William Kemp, seconded by Mr J F Freethy that the clerk be authorised to pay all unpaid accounts, and that a cheque be drawn up in favour of the clerk, J Q James, for £13 9s 4d in settlement of the whole accounts.
The accounts produced by the clerk showed the balance in favour of the Council at the end of the year to be £4 2s 11d.
The annual meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held this 22nd day of April 1898.
Messrs George Percy Bickford-Smith, Henry Benney, Benjamin Hocking Eddy, John Francis Freethy, James Geach, Christopher Harris, William Kemp, Alfred King, Richard Tyack, Thomas Tyack, Thomas William Wear.
Each member present made a declaration of acceptance of office previous to the commencement of business.
Mr B H Eddy, provisional chairman,.
Mr Thomas Tyack proposed that Mr James Russell Glasson be appointed Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year, seconded by Mr G P Bickford-Smith and carried unanimously.
Mr Thomas William Wear proposed that Mr George P Bickford-Smith be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Council, seconded by Mr Henry Benney.
Mr James Geach proposed that Mr Thomas Tyack be appointed Vice-Chairman of the Council, seconded by Mr John F Freethy.
The following voted for Mr G P Bickford-Smith:
Henry Benney, Christopher Harris, Alfred King, Thomas William Wear (4 votes)
The following voted for Mr Thomas Tyack:
James Geach, John Francis Freethy, William Kemp, Richard Tyack (4 votes)
The chairman gave the casting vote for Mr Thomas Tyack, and declared him to be the duly elected Vice-chairman of the council.
Mr Tyack took the chair.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 25th day of March were read and confirmed and signed by the providing chairman.
Mr John F Freethy nominated Mr William Rowe of Boscadjack Mill as Overseer
Mr James Geach nominated Mr William Kemp of Pednavounder
Mr Christopher Harris nominated Mr Henry Benney of Roseawen
Mr Thomas Tyack nominated Mr Benjamin Hocking Eddy of Torleven, Porthleven
Mr G P Bickford-Smith nominated Mr Thomas William Wear of Trevarno Farm
The following voted for Mr William Rowe:
Henry Benney, Benjamin H Eddy, John F Freethy, James Geach, Christopher Harris, William Kemp, Richard Tyack (7 votes)
The following voted for Mr William Kemp:
G P Bickford-Smith, Henry Benney, Benjamin H Eddy, John F Freethy, James Geach, Christopher Harris, Richard Tyack, Thomas Tyack, Thomas W Wear (9 votes)
The following voted for Mr Henry Benney:
G P Bickford-Smith, Benjamin H Eddy, James Geach, Alfred King, Richard Tyack, Thomas W Wear 6 votes)
The following voted for Mr Benjamin Hocking Eddy:
G P Bickford-Smith, Henry Benney, James Geach, Christopher Harris, William Kemp, John F Freethy, Richard Tyack, Thomas W Wear (8 votes)
The following voted for Mr Thomas William Wear:
G P Bickford-Smith, Henry Benney, Benjamin H Eddy, John F Freethy, Christopher Harris, Alfred King, William Kemp (7 votes)
Messrs William Rowe, William Kemp, Benjamin Hocking Eddy and Thomas William Wear were declared to be duly elected Overseers for the ensuing year.
Footpaths Committee
It was resolved that the Footpaths Committee do consist of three members only.
It was resolved that the following councillors be appointed as the said Committee.
Messrs William Kemp, Henry Benney and Benjamin Hocking Eddy.
Mr Benney brought before the Council the dangerous state of the steps at Russell's Hill.
It was resolved that the Footpath Committee be instructed to inspect the said steps and report thereon at the next meeting.
It was resolved that the Footpath Committee do also inspect the footpath leading from Newham to Helston, and report thereon at the next meeting.
The clerk stated that he was desirous of being relieved of a part of his duties as assistant Overseer and asked the Council to take steps to appoint a new assistant Overseer whose duties will be to collect the Rates.
It was resolved that a special meeting of the Council be held on Friday next, 29th instant, at half past 7 O'clock pm, for the purpose of considering the question, and to take such steps as may be deemed necessary to meet the clerks request.
Resolved that a precept be issued for £5 for half year ending 24.9.98
A special meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Friday, 29th April 1898, for the purpose of taking such steps as may be deemed necessary to appoint an assistant Overseer whose duties will be to collect the Poor Rate of this parish.
Mr James R Glasson - Chairman
Mr Thomas Tyack - Vice-chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, Benjamin H Eddy, John F Freethy, James Geach, Christopher Harris, William Kemp, Alfred King, James Martin, Richard Tyack, William Rowe, Edward J Williams.
Previous to the commencement of business, the following councillors signed a declaration of acceptance of office:
Messrs James Russell Glasson, James Martin and Edward J Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 22nd instant were read and confirmed.
The clerk, at the request of the Council, gave a lengthy explanation of the duties to be carried out by a Collector of Rates.
It was resolved that the necessary steps to be taken to appoint an assistant Overseer whose duties will be to collect the Poor Rates of this parish.
It was resolved that a Committee be appointed to consider the whole question and to recommend to the Council, at an adjourned meeting called for the purpose. The salary the present assistant Overseer, J Q James should receive for his duties, and also what salary the second assistant Overseer shall receive for collecting the Poor Rate.
It was proposed by Mr King, seconded by Mr B H Eddy that a Committee be appointed as here in before recommended.
It was proposed by Mr John F Freethy, seconded by Mr James Geach that there be no Committee appointed.
The following voted for the amendment:
John F Freethy, James Geach, Richard Tyack (3 votes)
The following voted for the proposition:
Alfred King, B H Eddy, William Kemp, Edward J Williams (4 votes)
The proposition for appointing a Committee was carried.
The following were appointed as the said Committee:
James R Glasson, William Kemp, Alfred King, Edward J Williams.
It was resolved that this meeting be adjourned to Tuesday, 3rd day of May next, at 7:30pm to consider the recommendation of the said Committee.
A special meeting of the Sithney Parish Council, adjourned from the 29th April last, was held at the National School, Sithney on Tuesday, 3rd May 1898
Mr James R Glasson - Chairman
Mr Thomas Tyack - Vice-chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, Christopher Harris, William Kemp, Alfred King, Edward J Williams
The Committee appointed at the last meeting to consider the question of appointment of two assistant Overseers submitted the following recommendations:
1. That the present assistant Overseer, J Q James be appointed assistant Overseer whose duties shall be to do all that appertain and are incident to the office of an Overseer, except the collecting of the Poor Rate, and that he receive a salary of £30 a year.
2. That a second assistant Overseer be appointed whose duties shall be to collect the Poor Rate, and that he receive a salary of £25 a year, with a special allowance for collecting the Special Sanitary Rate, and the Porthleven Burial Rate.
It was proposed by Mr Henry Benney, seconded by Mr Christopher Harris...............unanimously that Mr J Q James be appointed assistant Overseer of this parish whose duties shall be to do all that appertain to, and are incident to, the office of an Overseer to the poor, except the collecting of the Poor Rate, and that he receive the yearly sum of £30 as the yearly salary to be paid to him for the execution of the said office of assistant Overseer to the poor, commencing from the 1st July 1898, and that he be requested to gain a bond from an approved Guarantee Society for a sum of not less than £50.
It was resolved that the clerk be requested to advertise by posters, for a second assistant Overseer, whose duties shall be to collect the Poor Rate, and that applicants must be residents of this parish and must be prepared to give a bond from an approved Guarantee Society for a sum of not less than £300, and that the salary for collecting the Poor Rate be £25, commencing from 1st July next. Applications to be sent in not later than Monday, 23rd instant.
It was resolved that a special meeting be held on Tuesday, 24th instant at 7:30pm for appointing the second said assistant Overseer.
A special meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held this 24th day of May 1898, for the purpose of appointing an assistant overseer to collect the Poor Rate of this parish.
Mr James R Glasson - Chairman
Mr Thomas Tyack - Vice-chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, Benjamin H Eddy, John F Freethy, James Geach, Christopher Harris, William Kemp, Alfred King, James Martin, William Rowe, Richard Tyack, Thomas W Wear, Edward J Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 24th day of May last [error of the clerk] were read and confirmed.
The following applications were received for the office of assistant Overseer as per advertisement:
Mr Henry Benney - Roseawen
Mr John Carkeet - Porthleven
Mr Frederick James Jacka - Porthleven
Mr James Rubery - Porthleven
Mr Richard P? Russell - Merther Sithney
Mr Thomas Tyack - Pednavounder
It was proposed by Mr Benjamin H Eddy, and seconded by Mr John Francis Freethy that Mr Thomas Tyack be appointed assistant Overseer of this parish whose duties will be to collect the Poor Rate, and that he receive a salary of £25 a year, to commence from the 1st July 1898. Carried.
It was resolved that Mr Thomas Tyack the newly appointed assistant Overseer be requested to give a bond from an approved Guarantee Society for a sum of not less than £300, subject to the approval of the Helston Board of Guardians.
Mr Thomas Tyack, on his being appointed assistant Overseer, resigned his office as parish councillor.
A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Friday, the 12th day of August 1898.
Messrs Henry Benney, G P Bickford-Smith, Benjamin H Eddy, James Geach, William Kemp, Alfred King, James Martin, William Rowe.
Mr Eddy proposed that Mr Kemp be appointed Chairman of the meeting, seconded by Mr Percy Bickford-Smith and carried unanimously.
Mr William Kemp Presiding Chairman.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 24th day of May last were read and confirmed.
Parish Councillors
It was proposed by Mr James Geach, seconded by Mr James Martin and carried unanimously that Mr John Cowls, grocer of Torleven, Porthleven be elected Parish Councillor to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr Thomas Tyack.
Clerks Salary
It was proposed by Mr Bickford-Smith, seconded by Mr Henry Benney and carried unanimously that the Clerk of the Parish Council be paid a salary of £7 per annum, commencing 1st July last.
Special Sanitary Rate
The Overseers reported that in accordance with the Public Health Act 1876, they had requested the Collector of the Poor Rate, Mr Tyack, to collect the Special Sanitary Rate, and that they recommend that he be allowed the sum of £9 per rate as remuneration for collecting the same.
It was proposed by Mr B H Eddy, seconded by Mr Bickford-Smith that the recommendation of the Overseers be confirmed. Carried.
Porthleven Burial Rate
The Overseers also reported that in accordance with the above mentioned Public Act they had requested the Collector of the Poor Rate, Mr Tyack, to collect the Porthleven Burial Rate and that they recommend that he be allowed the sum of £5 per rate as remuneration for collecting the same.
It was proposed by Mr B H Eddy, seconded by Mr P Bickford-Smith that the recommendation be confirmed. Carried.
Resolved, that cheque be drawn for Returning Officer, F V Hill 5s.
A meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Wednesday, 19th October 1898.
Mr G P Bickford-Smith Esq - Presiding Chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, James Geach, John F Freethy, Alfred King, Richard Tyack, Thomas W Wear, William Kemp
The minutes of the meeting held on the 12th August last were read and confirmed and signed.
It was proposed by Mr Geach, seconded by Mr William Kemp and carried unanimously that a precept be served on the Rating Authorities for £10 10s, which is estimated to meet the expenses of the Council up to the 25th March next, the same to be paid on or before the 1st March.
The Footpaths Committee recommend that three additional steps be fixed to the present steps at Russell's Hill. Also, that three posts and an iron bar be placed at the top to protect foot passengers from the existing danger of falling over.
It was unanimously resolved that the Committee recommendation be carried out forthwith.
It was unanimously resolved that the Footpath Committee be requested to complete the repairs to Antron stile.
It was resolved that the Footpath Committee be requested to inspect the footpath leading from Sithney Churchtown to Breage, through Trelissick, and report thereon at the next meeting of the Council.
It was resolved that the clerk be requested to write the Helston Rural District Council calling their attention to the unprotected state of a well at Gwavas, near the old Bible Christian Chapel.
A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on the 28th day of December 1898.
Mr James Russell Glasson - Chairman
Mr George Percy Bickford-Smith - Vice-chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, John F Freethy, William Kemp, Benjamin H Eddy, James Geach
The minutes of the meeting held on the 19th October last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.
The Footpath Committee reported that the steps at Russell's Hill had not been attended to, in consequence of the delay by the quarryman not delivering the stones.
It was resolved that the question of repairing the footpath leading from Sithney Churchtown to Breage be considered at a future meeting.
A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Wednesday, the 29th day of March 1899.
Mr James Russell Glasson - Chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, John Cowls, James Geach, John F Freethy, Richard Tyack, Thomas W Wear
The minutes of the meeting held on 28th December last were read and confirmed.
The Footpath Committee reported that nothing had been done towards altering the stile at Russell's Hill in consequence of the posts and steps not being supplied.
It was resolved that the work be allowed to stand over until after the first meeting of the newly elected Parish Council.
Petty Cash Account
W. Cowls 2 copies of the register (1898+) 2s 6d
C. Wakeham Dist. Audit Stamp 5s
John Lander Printing £1 9s
J Q James Posting and......................
F V Hill Returning Officer..........................
C L Cowland Copy............................
Rev C F Rogers Lighting.......................
J Q James Poster.........................
[Page ripped away at bottom resulting in missing figures]
It was resolved that a cheque be drawn in favour of the clerk, J Q James in settlement of the foregoing account:- £4 9s 4d.
Receipt (including balance from 1898) £19 12s 11d
Expenditure £4 10s 9d
Balance in favour of the Council £15 2s 2d
The annual meeting of the Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Tuesday, 18th April 1899.
Messrs John Francis Freethy, James Geach, William Kemp, James James, Alfred King, Benjamin Hocking Eddy, Henry Prideaux, William Rowe, John Lentin Sleeman, Richard Tyack, Thomas William Wear.
Each member present made a declaration of acceptance of office.
On the motion of Mr James Geach, seconded by Mr William Rowe, Mr Henry Prideaux was appointed Provisional Chairman.
Mr Henry Prideaux: Provisional Chairman.
It was proposed by Mr James Geach, seconded by Mr John L Sleeman, that Mr John Francis Freethy be appointed Chairman of this Council.
It was proposed by Mr Henry Prideaux, seconded by Mr Thomas William Wear, that Mr George Percy Bickford-Smith be appointed Chairman of this Council.
The following voted for Mr George Percy Bickford-Smith:
Henry Prideaux, Thomas W Wear, Richard Tyack (3 votes)
The following voted for Mr Freethy:
William Rowe, John Lentin Sleeman, James James, Benjamin Hocking Eddy, James Geach, William Kemp (6 votes).
The provisional chairman declared Mr John Francis Freethy the duly elected Chairman of this Council.
It was proposed by Mr William Kemp, that Mr George P Bickford-Smith be appointed Vice-chairman of this Council, seconded by Mr Benjamin H Eddy and carried unanimously.
The following persons were nominated as Overseers:
Mr John Francis Freethy, nominated by Mr Richard Tyack
Mr Benjamin Hocking Eddy, nominated by Mr James Geach
Mr Henry Prideaux, nominated by Mr William Rowe
Mr William Kemp, nominated by Mr Benjamin Hocking Eddy
No other nominations being made, the chairman declared Messrs Freethy, Eddy, Prideaux and Kemp to be duly elected Overseers for the ensuing year.
It was unanimously resolved that Messrs James Geach, William Kemp and Richard Tyack be appointed a Committee to carry out the work proposed to be done at Russell's Hill and Antron stile in accordance with the resolution passed at a meeting held on the 19th October last.
It was resolved that the above named Committee be requested to inspect the footpath leading from Newham to Helston and also that leading from Sithney Churchtown to Breage through Trelissick, and report thereon at the next Council meeting.
Traction Engines
It was proposed by Mr James Geach, seconded by Mr B H Eddy and carried unanimously that in consequence of several serious accidents ha.............in the Helston District through horses being..........by traction engines, this Council strongly...........that provision be made by the County authorities for the compulsory attendance of a man to........the engine when being used on the public......and that the clerk be requested to forward a........this resolution to the clerk to the County Council. [Page ripped along edge]
A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Friday, 23rd June 1899
Mr John Francis Freethy - Chairman
Messrs Henry Benney, John Cowls, Benjamin H Eddy, James Geach, William Kemp, Henry Prideaux
Previous to the commencement of business the following signed a declaration of acceptance of office:
Henry Benney and John Cowls.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 18th April last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.
The Footpaths Committee reported that the repairs to the steps at Russell's Hill and the stile at Antron were completed, the labour and of the said repairs was let to Thomas Pascoe of Sithney Common at a contract for........unanimously resolved that the clerk............Thomas Pascoe the sum of.............carrying out the above...........[page ripped]
..........the footpath leading from Sithney Churchtown to Breage through Trelissick farm. Sundry repairs are required to the footpath, and six new steps are required to repair the stiles. They recommend that the work be carried out forthwith.
It was proposed by Mr Henry Benney, seconded by Mr B H Eddy and carried unanimously that the Committee recommendation be adopted.
Higher Prospidnick Well
It was unanimously resolved that Messrs Henry Prideaux, Wear and Kemp be appointed a Committee to inspect a well at Higher Prospidnick farm and report thereon at the next meeting.
It was unanimously resolved that Messrs Eddy and Cowls be asked to inspect the steps at Torleven leading from Peverell Terrace to Miss Kitto's shop and report thereon at the next meeting.
A meeting was held at the National School, Sithney on Friday, 8th day of September 1899.
Mr John Francis Freethy - Chairman
Messrs John Carlyon, John Cowls, Benjamin H Eddy, William Kemp, James Geach, Richard Tyack.
Previous to the commencement of business, Mr John Carlyon signed a declaration of acceptance of office.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 23rd of June last were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.
A bill from Mr Richard Harris for steps and stile at Russell's Hill amounting to £1 10s, also a bill from Messrs Harvey & Co for a bar of iron for fencing the said steps amounting to 5s 6d were laid before the Council.
It was proposed by Mr John Cowls, seconded by Mr James Geach and carried unanimously that the clerk be authorised to pay the heretofore mentioned accounts and charge same in petty cash account.
It was unanimously resolved that Messrs Freethy and Prideaux be appointed to inspect the footpath leading from Anvower to Truthall and report thereon at the next meeting.
The Committee reported that nothing had yet been done to the footpath leading from Sithney Churchtown to Breage through Trelissick.
A meeting of Sithney Parish Council was held at the National School, Sithney on Friday 17th November 1899.
Mr John F Freethy - Chairman
Messrs John Cowls, B H Eddy, James Geach, William James, William Kemp, William Rowe, Richard Tyack, Thomas W Wear.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 8th September were read and confirmed and signed by the chairman.
The Footpath Committee reported that the work of repairing the footpath leading from Sithney Churchtown through Trelissick was let to John Rogers to complete for the sum of 18s 6d, including the carriage of stone.
It was proposed by Mr Geach, seconded by Mr Eddy and carried unanimously that Messrs Kemp, King and Wear be appointed a Committee to inspect the footpath leading from the Hayle road, through Moffatt's tenement to Crown Town and report thereon at the next meeting.
Mr Cowls stated that complaints were being made by the inhabitants of Porthleven against the dangerous state of the steps leading from Peverell Terrace to Miss Kitto's shop and that for the protection of the public it is desirable that the same be put in a proper state of repair.
It was proposed by Mr Eddy, seconded by Mr Cowls and carried unanimously that the clerk be requested to communicate with Captain Rogers or his agents with the view of ascertaining who is responsible for the repairs to the said steps.
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