



All women, eighteen years or older, who are direct descendants of individuals who were residents of the territory that later became the State of Colorado of the United States of America, may apply for membership. Your ancestor must have had residence within the Colorado Territory prior to August 1, 1876. If you feel you qualify for membership but do not have proper documentation you may wish to submit a query. Your query must be directed to the chapter in which you wish to join. Please furnish as much information as you can, including surnames, maiden names, dates also county and town of residence when possible. PLEASE PUT SURNAMES IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Add a query

Add your Query by e-mailing it to the chapter you choose, with the subject set to "Territorial Daughters of Colorado Query". Since email addresses change more often than postal addresses or telephone numbers, please consider including your address and phone number as part of your query. Your query will be posted on this page in good time. Keep in mind, this site may be used by other researchers, in their quest to find a long lost ancestor.

Finally, a WARNING about something that hasn't been a problem here yet (that we know of), but has been elsewhere. Not everyone that responds to queries are necessarily researching the same lines. Some people are trying to drum up business for themselves, and will charge for services rendered! When contacted by someone offering information on your surnames, be sure to inquire about any charges involved. Colorado GenWeb and Territorial Daughters of Colorado volunteers do not charge fees for services rendered, but may sometimes ask for reimbursement for postage, photocopies, etc. Click on the Chapter link below to send your query.



DENVER CHAPTER [email protected] SOUTHERN CHAPTER [email protected]

GREELEY CHAPTER [email protected] WESTERN CHAPTER [email protected]



This page is sponsored by the Territorial Daughters of Colorado. Updated February 9, 2007