BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of Maryland, That Walter
Dyson, Charles K. Love, and Luke White Barber be, and they are
hereby ap- pointed commissioners; and they, or a majority
of them are hereby authorised and empowered to re- view the
old private road beginning at the road leading from Newport to
Chaptico, near Dr. Wilson Comp- ton's, in Charles county, and
passing thence through the lands of Wilson Compton, Edward Diment
and others, until it intersects the divisional line of
Charles and Saint Mary's counties, and thence until it falls
into a road leading from Chaptico to Charlotte Hall near the
dwelling of Gerard Hayden; and to lay out, sur- vey, mark and
bound the same, not exceeding twen- ty feet in width; and to
make a plot of the said road when laid out, surveyed, marked and
bounded, and re- turn, the same under their hands and seals; one
copy of such plot to. the clerk of Charles county, and one
other copy to the clerk of Saint Mary's county, to be by
them recorded among the land records of the said counties, and
the said road, when so laid out, shall be, and the same is hereby
declared a public highway; and the levy courts of Charles and
Saint Mary's counties, at any meeting after the said plot shall
have been record- ed, are hereby authorised and empowered to
appoint an overseer or overseers to keep their respective por-
tions of said road in repair, as other public roads are kept
in repair in said counties; and the said levy courts are hereby
further authorised and empowered to levy and assess upon the
assessable property of said counties, at the time of laying the
next county levy, such sum or sums of money as each of said
levy courts may think sufficient to pay the expense of opening
the parts of said road lying in their respec- tive counties.
Commissioners appointed, who are empowered to lay out,
sur- vey, ma i k and bound a certain road its width, A
plot shall be returned to the clerk of each county. Levy
courts au- thorised to ap- point overseers, and may
levy the expenses on their respec- tive counties.
AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commis sioners, or a majority
of them, shall ascertain and value the damages which any person
or person may sustain, through whose land the said road may pass,
by open- ing and clearing the same; and shall make and re-
turn to the levy courts of Charles and Saint Mary's counties,
a certificate of such valuation of damages (if any) sustained, as
aforesaid, in their respective coun- ties; and the levy court of
each or either of said counties (as the case may be, ) shall levy
upon the as-
17. |
Commissioners shall ascertain damages and re- turn
certificates to the respec- tive levy courts. Damages to
be levied on the respective coun- ties.