Archives of Maryland, Volume 0558, Page 0046 - Session Laws, 1801
Session Laws, 1801
Volume 558, Page 46   View tiff image (225K


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shall, on or before the fifteenth day of June next, deliver to the clerk of the county court of their
respective counties a description, in writing, under their hands and seals, specifying plainly the
boundaries and number of each district which shall be altered and changed under this act, and also
the place in each district where the election for such districts shall be hereafter held, and the said
elerk shall record the same in the records of the county.


III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners appointed by virtue of this act shall meet
at the usual place of holding the county court in their respective counties on the first Monday of
April next, for the purpose of performing the duties of this act, and the commissioners or commis-
sioner so meeting, may adjourn from time to time, and place to place, until the whole be com-

Who shall
meet, &c.

IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That James Hopewell, Richard Watts, Harry Waughop, Walter
Leigh and Benjamin Williams, of Saint Mary's county, Jacob Hollingsworth, Ellis Chandlee,
Robert Hart, Jeremiah Baker, and James L. Porter, of Caecil county, William Lyles, Alexander
Govington, Humphrey Belt, senior, Isaac Duckett and John Evans, of Prince-George's county,
William Heyser, Henry Ankony, Robert Smith, William Yates and Frisby Tilghman, of Wash-
ington county, Daniel Lantz, David Hoffman, George Robinet, Samuel Porter, William Shaw,
Aquila A. Brown and John, Compton, junior, of Aliegany county, be and they are hereby ap-
pointed commissioners, to review, alter and designate, the district in their respective counties,
and to fix the place where the election, shall be held in each district .thereof,

ers of review
appointed, &c.

V. AND, BE IT ENACTED, That if any of the commissioners named in this act should refuse to
accept his appointment before the first day of April next, the governor and council are hereby
authorised and directed to fill the vacancy; and if the said commissioners, or any of them, should
not signify their refusal to the governor and council before the said first day of April next, it shall
be deemed and taken as an acceptance of the appointment, and any commissioner not signifying
his refusal as aforesaid, and failing to perform, the, duties imposed by this act, unless prevented by
sickness, shall forfeit and pay the sum of two hundred-dollars; and that upon every appointment
under the authority of the governor and council, the person. named by them shall be deemed and
considered a commissioner within this act, unless he shall notify, in manner aforesaid, his non-ac-
ceptance within thirty days after he shall receive his appointment ; and if any commissioner shall
refuse to accept the appointment, the governor and council shall appoint another, until some one
shall be found to accept ; and every commissioner accepting under the appointment of the governor
and council, shall be subject to the same penalty upon non- performance of duty as is imposed upon
commissioners originally named in this act, to be recovered in the manner herein provided.

How vacancies
are to be filled,

VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That for all services performed by virtue of this act, the levy court
of the county wherein such service shall be rendered shall make reasonable compensation, and
shall levy the same upon their respective counties, and the same shall be collected and paid as other
county charges

to be made, &c

VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all fines imposed by this act shall and may be recovered in
the name of the state, by indictment, in the county court of the county wherein the same shall
accrue, and be applied to the use of the county; and it shall be the duty of the clerk of such coun-
ty to return to the levy courts a list of all fines recovered by virtue of this act

C H A P. LX.

How fines are
to be recover-
ed, &c,

An ACT for the relief of Betty Venables? executrix of Benjamin
Venables, late of Somerset county, deceased.

Passed 31st of-
Dec. 1801.

BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the justices of the levy court of So-
merset county be and they are hereby directed and empowered, at the time of laying their
next county levy, to assess and levy on said county the sum of sixty dollars, for the use of Betty
Venables, executrix of Benjamin Venables, deceased, and that the said sum be collected and paid
to the said Betty Venables, or her legal representatives, by the collector or collectors for the time
being of the county levy of Somerset county, agreeably ,to the order of the levy court of said


Justices to as-
sees money, &c

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