U. H. J. Liber No. 36 June 23
ward, Jacob Stoy, Thomas Smyth, Mark McLoughlin, John
Curtiss, Daniel Harkins, John Taylor, Vachel Worthington John
Hobbs, and John Linney, Prisoners in Baltimore County Jail, The
Petitions of Jacob Knight, Oliver Lindsay, Edward Banister, John
Houser, Mathew Compton, Benjamin Harrison, William James, John
Alex- ander Brown, Stephen Richards, David Alspaugh, George
Wolf, Francis Miller, Leonard Hoyle, Andrew Long, John Vears
and James Downs, Prisoners in Frederick County Jail, The
Petitions of Thomas Swann, John Smallwood, Joseph Hagan, Thomas
Coffer, Benjamin Gardner, Jonathan Gill, John McDonald, Mathew
Coffer, Aquila Chunn, Jacob Lanham, Thomas Green, Henry Sickles,
Henry Simpson and Luke Kenney Prisoners in Charles County Jail;
The Petitions of John Brown and Thomas Standage, Prisoners in
Prince Georges County Jail; The Petitions of John Messer, John
Broder- ick, George Bolton and Richard Grace Prisoners in Ann
Arundel County Jail; The Petitions of Peter Adams, and James
Button Prisoners in Dorchester County Jail; and the Petitions of
William Seney, John Nabb, Edward Crews, and John Seward,
Prisoners in Queen Anns County Jail. These Petitions were
severally En- dorsed and sent to the Lower House by Daniel of
Saint Thomas Jenifer Esquire.
June 24
Thursday Morning 24.th June 1773. The House met
again according to Adjournment.
Present as yesterday. Mess.rs Ennalls and Smallwood
bring up the Paper Bill entitled "An Act concerning Estates-tail
and the Jurisdiction of the County Courts" thus endorsed By the
Lower House of Assembly June 23.d 1773. The Engrossed
Bill, whereof this is the original, Read and assented
to. Signed by Order John Duckett Cl. Lo. Ho.
Read and referred to the Consideration of the Lower House
of Assembly the Petition of the Rector, Vestrymen, Church