Archives of Maryland, Volume 0056, Page 0536 - Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1758-1761
Volume 56, Page 536


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536 Index.

252, 314, 319, 333, 352, 3SS,
419, 427, 435, 464, 465, 483,
-1*8, 497-

Chambers, Edward, 507. James,

ss .

Chamier, Daniel, ixv, Iscvi, £17.

Chancellor, ixv, 57.
Chancery Jurisdiction, 30. Of-
fice, 267, 209; see also Courts.
Chapels, 208, 221, 501, 502, 503,
506, 507; see also Churches.
Chapline, Captain Joseph (Fred-
erick County), 13, 24, 27, 66,
103, 159, 226, 352, 437; On
Comm, on Arms and Ammu-
nition, 353; Sent by Lower
House, 42, 73; Votes, 27, 31,
32, 33, 34, 69, 72, 73, 77, 81,
82, 85, 86, 87, 93, 94, 95, 97,
98, 101, 102, 107, 108, 105,
110, 112, 117, 118, 119, 124,
165, 166, 167, 170, 174, 175,
178, 183, 184, 186, 187, 1 88,
189, 191, 192, 234, 236, 237,
238, 242, 249, 318, 359, 361,
363, 366, 371, 377, 378, 383,
445, 446, 447, 457, 461, 463,
475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 483,
402, 493, 497. Moses (J. p. for Frederick County), 510,
511, 512, 513, 514.
Chapman, Samuel, 431, 488.
Charitable Bounties, 291.
Charity Boys, ixvii, 489, 496.
Charles, Captain (Indian), xxi,

Charles County, xiv, xxiii, xxiv,
xxix, xxxi, xxxiii, 73, 117,
131, 208, 210-211, 213, 240,
288, 314, 320, 323, 324, 326,
327, 393, 432, 524. Delegates
of, xxix, 12, 23, 66, 159, 205,
226, 229, 351, 405, 437, 442-
Election in, xxxiv, lii, 24, 25.
Justices of, 56, 61, 63, 64, 121,
123, 125, 127, 135. Sheriff of,
lii, 24, 135, 136, 353; see also
Dent, George.
Charlette, Joseph, 113.
Charter, Maryland, 202.
Cherington, Berthw, 508.
Cherokees, xxi, xxii, 134, 135,
522; see also Indians.
Cheshire, Burtch, 506. John,
Chesley, John (St. Mary's
County), 287.
Chester Town (Kent County),
xxxvii, xli-xlii, 208, 241, 243,
4io, 431, 455, 458, 490, 495.
Chew, Samuel (Anne Arundel
County), 31, 315, 316.
China, Nathan, 504.
Chirurgeons (Surgeons), see
Chiswell, Newton, 503.
Christie, James, 504.
Christmas Holidays, 270.

Churches, see Chapels, and dif-
ferent parishes.

ChurcK of England, 3t2tiii, 48.

Church of Rome, 490.
Churchwardens, see different


Cider (Cyder), 274.
Civil Cases, 429, 453, 459, 481.
Clagett, Henry, 506. John, 505.
Clajon, 405, 442, 451; see also
Clamons, William, 419; see also
Clermons, Wm.
Clapboards, 279.
Claret, 527.
Clark, John (Frederick Coun-
ty), 315.
Clarke, Philip (1692), 470.
Richard, 507.
Clason (Clajon), Mary, xlii, 59,
118, 120, 405, 442, 451. Wil-
liam, xlii, 59, 118, 120, 405,
442, 451-
Cleland, Thomas, 506.
Clergy, 288; see also different
parishes. Whole Body of,
xxii, 48; see also Church of
England; Income tax.
Clerk of the Lower House, see
Michael Macnemara; Lower
House, Clerk of.
Clerk of the Upper House, see
Ross, John; Upper House,
Clerk of.
Clerks, 496; see also Council,
County, Courts, Lower House,
Upper House, different coun-
ties by name.
Clermons, William, 465; see
also Clamons, Wm.
Clift, Joseph, 55.
Clocks and Watches, xlvi, 190.
Clothing, xxi, xliv, 40, 80, 91,
143, 160, 222, 232, 233, 302,
368, 402, 446, 448.
Clouds, Nicholas, 317.
Coats, William, 504.
Coats, 80, 169, 368, 448; see
also Clothing.
Colden, Mr. President [Cad-
walader], 402.
Colebourn's Creek Warehouse
(Somerset County), 393.
Collectors, 247, 260, 298, 299,
300, 301, 337, 344, 366, 373,
375; see also Assessors ;
County Levies; Customs; Du-
ties; Imposts; Levies; Pub-
lic Assessments; Taxes.
College, Bill for Establishing, in
Annapolis, xxxviii, xl, ixvi-
ixviii, 461, 478, 488-490, 492,
Collins, A[r]thur, 431, 488.
Colonels, xxv, xxix, 199, 401.
Colonies, see Provinces.
Colts, see Horses.

Colvill (Covill, Colville), Lord
(R. N.), xxxv, 341, 345, 362,
363, 364> j60, ,571, 37.2.
Comen, Charles, 317.
Commander - in - Chief, British,

xxv, Kxxrii, 144, 148, *49,

164, 199, 201; see also Lou-
don, Earl of; Amherst, Jeff.
Commander-in-Chief of Prov-
ince, see Governor.
Commissaries, 529. Office of,
Commissaries General, ixvi, 518.
Commissioners, li, 202; see also
Courts; Judges; Justices. To
Ascertain the Rate of Addi-
tional Land-Tax, 259, 260,
261, 336-339, 345, 367, 373,
375, 386. For Emitting Bills
of Credit, see Loan Office,
Commissioners of. Under the
Income Tax Law, 286, 287,
288, 289, 291, 202, 293, 294,
295, 206, 297, 298, 300, 301,
302, 303, 304.
Committee to Inspect the Loan
Office, 213-214, 229, 230, 250-
251; see also Lower House,
Comm, to Inspect the Loan
Common Law. 18. 203: see also
Rights of Englishmen; Eng-
lish Law.
Compton, Aquilla, 504.
Conecochiege, 501, 502.
Conococheague, see Coneco-
Constables, 298.
Constitution, Violations of, 198.
Contested (Controverted) Elec-
tions, 19, in, 164; see also
Woodward, Henry; Maccub-
bin, Nicholas.
Convention in Assembly, 3, li.
Conveyances, Act for Enrolling,
see Possessions, Act for
Convicts, see Servants; Prison-
ers. Testimony of, 428, 453,
459, 481.
Cook, John, 506.
Cooley, Edward, 56.
Copper Mines, see Mines.
Coppin, James, 508.
Corn, xxviii, 154, 155, 156, 157,
190, 529; see also Grain.
Coroners, 288.
Corporals, 369, 449.
Couden, Robert (Clerk of
Comm, to Inspect the Loan
Office), 315, 413; see also
Carter, Robert.
Council, 137, ISO, 158, 193, 328,
329, 433, 528; see also Upper
House. Clerk of, iviii, ixviii,
ixix, 433, 438, 468, 480.
Council Chamber, 183, 435.
Council House Repairs to, ixix,

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