Archives of Maryland, Volume 0049, Page 0522 - Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1663-1666
Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1663-1666
Volume 49, Page 522
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               522  Provincial Court Proceedings, 1665.
              Liber F F  giuen to the aforesaid John Edmondson & Sarah his wife the sume
                     of ffiue thowsand pñds of tobacco in Caske
                      Taken and Acknowledged  Daniel Jenifer
                      In Open Court                28 3/m 64
                          Philip Calvert  The Attorney of the aboue said
                                          Jn° Edmondson and Sarah his
                                          wife as by a power giuen him
                                                         p Contra
                       Know all men by these prsents that I Richard Watson of Charles
                     County in the prouince of Maryland planter doe Constitute & ap
                     poynt my trusty & well beloued freinde Abraham Rowse of the same
                     Prouince merchant my true & lawfull Attorney for to make Ouer
                     unto Wm Cross and Thomas Hensall a parcell of land of two hun
                     dred and fifty acres more or lesse, as more at large will appeare by a
                     Certifficate from undT W Jn° Lewgers hand deputy surueyr taken up
                     by the abouesaid Watson in St Marys County Ratifying & Confirm
                     ing all that my said Attorney shall doe herein as if I were there prson
                     ally present
                     Testes Francis Pope     Wittnes my hand 30th Septembr 1665
                          Ro: Conant                 Rich: Wattson
                 [p. 118] To the honble the Leiutennt Generall
                       January 16th 1664
                       Laid out for Richard Wattson of this prouince plantr a parcell of
                     land in St Marys County Called Wattsons Choice lying in the woods,
                     adjoyning to the land of Edwd Swann Called Eagleton, beginning
                     att a bounded White Oake the bound tree of the said Edwd Swan and
                     John Compton and running west by a swampe side the length of One
                     hundred twenty flue perches to a bounded Oake bounding on the west
                     by a line drawne south from the said Oake for the length of three
                     hundred & twenty perches to a bounded oke on the south by a line
                     drawne East from the end of the former line One hundred twenty
                     flue perches to a bounded Oke standing in the line of the said Edwd
                     Swann on the East wth the said Swans land on the north the
                     said west line, Containing and now laid out for Two hundred and
                     fifty acres more or lesse         John Lewger
                  On the back side writ thus           dept surueyr
                       I Abraham Rowse Attorney of Richard Wattson doe by Vertue
                     of the said Letter of Attorney Assigne ouer this suruey unto Wm
                     Cross & Thomas Hensall theire heires or Assignes for Euer as witt
                     nes my hand this 13th day of Octobr 1665 Abraham Rowse
                       Acknowledged in Open Court
                          Daniel Jenifer Clke

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