Archives of Maryland, Volume 0045, Page 0685 - Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 685  
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Continental Congress: Acts,
correspondence, requisitions,
etc., 5, 8, 18, 35, 39, 45, 73,
89, 92, 100, 112, 138, 159, 1 66,
172, 174, 180, 183, 186, 195,
2l8, 221, 222, 245, 273, 307,
312, 347, 348, 353, 355, 357,
358, 361, 374, 387, 407, 424,
430, 444, 450, 454, 457, 464,
542, 622, 631, 669. Appoint-
ment of General Greeue to
command of southern army,
166. Md. Delegates, 116, 120,
121, 134, 142, 195, 221, 276,
283, 347, 361, 379, 399, 430,
450, 452, 457, 458, 461, 483,
538, 543. 546, 634.
Contractors for」 Horses, see
Collectors and Contractors.
Convention Troops, see British
Convoys, 342, 344, 483, 578.
Conway (Conaway), 覧 , Mrs.,
200; Capt, 71, 200, 207, 247,
248, 254, 349; John Span, 224,
225, 575; Richard, 141, 143,
214, 230, 231, 230, 253, 349.
614; Robert, 349.
Coosle, John, 656.
Cooke, John, 656.
Coombe, William, 569.
Cooper, Charles, 332; John, 335.
Coopers, 6, 95, 103, 114, 119,
136, 139, 173, 201.
Copper, 169,
Corbin, George, 107; William,

Cord and Cordage, 466, 514, 551,
552, 567.
Cormack, John, 568; William,
Corn, see Indian corn.
Cornthwait and Boreley, 293.
Cornwallis, Lord, 78, 88, 335,
373, 383, 452, 454, 455, 456,
434, 469, 554, 590, 60 1, 603,
609, 649, 651, 659, 660, 661,
665; surrender of, 651; see
also British Army.
Coroners, 452, 523, 548.
Corps of Invalids, 414.
Corsica, 32, 60, 88, 115. 164, 166,
171, 178, 190, 194, 205, 637.
Cot, 638.
Cotman, Joseph, 575, 670; Wil-
liam, 575.
Cotton. 675.
Conirhran, James, 466; John,
Coulter, Davis and Parker, 411.
Council, Agreement with
Stephen Steward & Co., 341 ;
blank book purchased for,
311; clerk and asst. clerk, 201,
215, 234, 309, 643; see also
Dorsey, Joshua and Johnson.
Thomas, Jr.; members of, I,
213, 287, 288, 295, 302, 367;
messengers, 309, 391, 545: see

also Fowler, Jubb and Keith,
Robert; resignation of Daniel
Carrol, 276; see also Eastern
Shore, Special Council.
County Courts, Commissions
for, 382.
County Lieutenants. 227, 256,
265, 272, 276, 281, 282, 289-
291, 293, 297, 298, 301, 311,
312, 319-321, 326. 334, 336,
356, 358, 371, 373, 383, 384,
386, 387, 391, 394, 395, 397,
398, 401, 404, 409, 410, 412,
413, 415, 425, 427, 441, 453-
455, 457, 459, 460, 464, 467-
471, 477, 486, 488, 495, 517,
538, 540, 542, 549, 550, 56i,
587, 600, 606, 648.
Conrsey, Edward, 288; Henry,
Court, contempt of, 607.
Court houses, 117, 170, 251, 669,
675, 676.
Court martial, 403, 404, 416, 478,
479, 536, 537, 539, 627;
Eastern Shore, 670-675.
Court of Admiralty, 130, 234,
235, 473, 507, 634; of Appeals,
134; of Chancery (England),
4.29; of Judicature, 479; of
Oyer and Terminer and Gaol
Delivery, 481, 482, 496, 549,
550. Special court at Freder-
ick Town, 491; see also East-
ern Shore; General Court ;
Orphans Court.
Courtenay (Courtnay), Henry,
298; Hercules, 224, 316, 333,
Courtlandt, Mary V., 629.
Courts, John, 571.
Cowan, Capt., 531.
Cowman, Alexander, 334; Jo-
seph, Jr., 286; Richard, 241,
269; Samuel, 277.
Cowman & Dowson, 628.
Cowpens, battle of, 353, 355,
Cox, Cornelius. 656; George,
477: John, 250; Thomas, 651 ;
William, 571, 642.
Crabb, Richard, 663.
Cradock, John, 224.
Craik, Tames. 245, 287.
Cramer, see Kreemer.
Crampbin, Damnund, 391 ;
Drummond, 385, 386; Thom-
as, 646.
Cramplim & Bayly, 107.
Cramplim, Thos., 368.
Crampton, Thos., 459.
Crane, Michael, 402.
Cranford, Jacob, 272.
Craten, Robert, 220.
Crawford (Crauford, Craufurd,
Crawfurd), 覧 , 473; Ens.,
67; Alexander, 640; David,
224, 260, 617; J, 46; Jacob,

331, 332, 423, 424, 507, 584,
Crawley, Patrick, 495, 496.
Cresent, see Vessels.
Crier, 覧 , 208.
Crisall (Chrysall), 覧 , 43,
519, 521, 554, 562, 563, 640,
653; John, 302, 410, 424, 451,
480, 498, 505, 507, 515, 539,
585, 602, 646, 659.
Crisop, Joseph, 123.
Crist, Jacob, 636, 676.
Crockett (Crocket), Col., 266,
299, 300; Oto, 489.
Cromwell, 覧 , 399, 404, 444;
John Hammond, 293, 397,
419, 449, 475, 659; Richard,
159, 224, 651; Thomas, 459;
William, 198.
Cross, Joseph, 475, 600, 611.
Cross Creek (S. C, 89, 374.
Cross Roads (S. C), 167.
Crossley, James, 220.
Croxall, Charles, 430, 431 ;
Charles M., 433.
Cruise, Christopher, 293.
Crysal, see Crisall.
Cullember, Thomas, 595, 596.
Culver, Robert, 466.
Cumberland, 69.
Cumberland County (Pa.), 148.
Cunningham, Arthur, 534, 536,
539; Robert, 607.
Currency, see Money.
Curson, 覧 , 401; Richard, 397.
Curtis, Isaac, 577, 627.
Cutlasses, 202, 259, 604.

Daffin, Charles, 475.
Daffon, Robert, 426.
Dagworthy, Colonel, 90.
Dale, Josiah, 10, 353; Thomas,

Dallam, 覧 , 19, 480, 517; Col.,
148, 401; John, 260; Richard,
13, 38, 42, 49, 62, 67, 87, 98,
109, 112, 140, 147, 160, 164,
170, 195, 198, 230, 240, 243,
245, 258, 260, 261, 282, 291,
376, 3o6, 398, 400, 412, 433,
444, 458, 466, 479, 5i6, 572,
588, 592, 604, 644; see also
Damquarter, 127.
Darnall, Henry, 225; Mary, 308.
Dashiell, Capt., 49, 52; Col., 41,
155, 267, 325, 348; Charles,
356; George, 11, 38, 51, 52, 71,
91, 129, 154, 182, 201, 223, 225,
301, 347, 398, 44o, 532, 575,
576, 578, 579, 593, 670, 673;
Joseph, 9, 10, 49, 54, 67, 90,
125, 127, 128, 146, 154, 206,
232, 233, 239, 312, 398, 489,
507, 552, Josiah, 224; Robert,
67, 125, 127, 128, 154, 576, 618;
Wm. Francis, 575.
Daugherty, Michael, 6?.


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