January 9 Liber C. B
No. 2, p.24
dred and forty two pounds, six shillings and three pence due him
per Account passed by the Aud. Genl That the said
Treasurer pay to Alexander Contee Hanson Esquire one hundred
pounds of the same Emission on Account That the said Treasurer
pay to Colo Peter Adams Two hundred and seventy pounds
of the same Emission, thirty pounds to be by him retained and
thirty pounds to be delivered over to each of the following
Officers viz. Major Levin Winder, Captains John Jordan, William
Bruce John Mitchell, Samuel McPherson, Richard
Waters Edward Compton and Peter Hardcastle agreeably to a
Resolution of the Genl Assembly of the 30th
Decemr last on Acct That the said Treasurer
pay to Joseph Brewer forty nine pounds fourteen shillings and ten
pence farthing of the same Emission in lieu of one thousand nine
hundred and eighty nine pounds, four- teen shillings and four
pence half penny due him per Account passed by the Aud.
Genl That the said Treasurer pay to His Excellency
Thomas Sim Lee Esquire three hundred and forty three pounds
fifteen shillings of the same Emission on Account. That the
said Treasurer pay to Henry Schnebely Fifty pounds of the same
Emission to be by him expended in the purchase of Forage for the
Horses committed to his Charge and to be ac- counted
for. That the said Treasurer pay to Joshua Dorsey Contractor
for Horses in Ann Arundel County four hundred and sixty four
pounds, three shillings and two pence farthing of the same
Emission in lieu of eighteen thousand five hundred and sixty six
pounds seven shil- lings and six pence in part of his Account
passed by the Aud. General. That the said Treasurer pay to
Gassaway Watkins two pounds ten shillings of the same Emission in
lieu of one hundred pounds for the use of Benjamin Ogle due him
per Account passed by the Aud. Genl That the
Issuing Commissary deliver to Lieut Clement Skerret eight Gallons
of Rum & six pounds of sugar due him for the year 1780