Archives of Maryland, Volume 0045, Page 0123 - Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1780-1781
Volume 45, Page 123
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of the Council of Maryland. 123

is time I have settled for the receiving of them. I am greatly dis-
appointed in the intrest, many pretences are made for the disap-
pointments. Money must be had for near one half of my purchases
of the 10000 ordered by the Council on the Sheriff of this County
only £510 is paid; I should be glad that Vinegard cou'd be engaged
to drive the Beeves to the head of Elk as I know of no one here
equall to the task ;
Your Excy by the return of Lansdale will I hope fill the hands of
Your Excellencys Most obt Serv'


[Stephen Compton to Danl Jenifer]

Dear Sir I am informed, that Thos Hungerford is commissioned
by some person in Baltimore to purchase Beef & is now offering
100£ per 100 wt and allso allows for the fifth quinten. I am afraid
if you dont make your purchase before this Report gets Spread
abroad, it may greatly hurt your purchase.

[Lem'l Barritt, Colo., to Gov. Lee]

May it plese your Excelency I have thought it my Duty to again
acquaint you that many officers have moved out of this State to Ken-
tucky and else whaier belonging to the militia in the western Batal-
ion I hope your Excellency will be pleased to grant Commitions for
New ones in their places Colo Bruse & myself Roate to your Excel-
lency sum time agoe on that subject But have never had aney Re-
turns which makes me think that the latter never Came to hand
I hear by inclose to your Excellency a Coppy of them mens Names
that seems to us to be the most spirited and best for that purpose if

your Excelleney thinks proper to apoint them I humbly Bege the

Returns to be sent by Capt Joseph Crisop I have no news to acquaint
your Excelency of from this quarter the Enemey are Daly Doing
sum grattus mischiefs on the fronteers of pensilvania but have not
crossed in over Lines of Late how Long it may hold so I am not
able to say we are all in high spirits but very scarse of amunition
should be glad if sum suplys should be sent up as soon as possible
I am your Excellencys most obdt and very humble Servant to
command Lemi Barritt Colo

Oper old Town Capt. Joseph Crisop 1st Lieut Moses Ayrs Junr
2nd Lieut Thomas Dawson Ins. Bynon Bahman
Willstown Capt Henery Gunteman 1st Lieut Zepeniah Ball 2nd
Lieut. John Naff Ins. Stephen Workman
Keyston Capt. John Ruggard 1st Lieut William Gordin 2nd Lieut
Michel Collye Ins. Joseph Nicholas

Letter of
Jenifer to
Gov. Lee
Sep. 26.
by Jenifer
on Sat.
Sept. 23,

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