Archives of Maryland, Volume 0043, Page 0168 - Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1779-1780
Volume 43, Page 168
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1 68 Journal and Correspondence

Liber C B
No. 23

gated with 18 Men mounting 8 Carriage Guns belonging to John
McLure and Thomas Yeates of Baltimore.
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Majr Archd
Anderson & Lieut Henry Baldwin of the 3d Regimt each 1 piece of
Brittanies. to Majr Alexander Roxburgh of the 7th Regt and Capt.
Walker Muse of the 1st Regimt each Trimmings for a Coat and one
piece of Brittanies. to Ens. Edmund Compton of the 1st Regt Trim-
mings for a Coat, 1 piece of Brittanies and 1 pr Stockings, to Lieut
Patrick Donnelly of the 7th Regimt Cloth for a Jacket and Breeches,
Trimmings for a Suit of Cloaths I piece of Brittanies and 2 pair
Stockings, to Lieut. Peter Hardcastle of the 7th Regiment Trimmings
for a Coat, I piece Brittanies and 2 pair Stockings, to Colo Thomas
Woolford of the 5th Regimt Trimmings for a Suit of Cloaths, i
piece Brittanies and two pr Stockings, to Capt. Jonathan Sellman
of the 4th Regimt Trimmings for a Suit of Cloaths & I ps Brittanies.
to Lieut Edward Duvall of the 2d Regt Cloth sufficient for a Suit of
Cloaths with Trimmings & I piece of Brittanies. to the Reverend
Mr Montgomery Chaplain to the 1st Brigade of Maryland Troops
i ps of Brittanies in part of the Articles allowed by the Genl Assem-
bly & also to Capt John Smith of the 3d Regimt 2 Coats, 29 Waist-
coats, 7 pr Overalls & 2 pr Stock88 for the Recruits of said Regt as a
Bounty allowed by the Act of Assembly, 31 Blankets to be charged
to said Regimt also 2 Coats, 2 Vests, 2 pair of Overalls, 2 Shirts and
2 pair of Shoes to be delivered over to the Recruits of the 4th Regimt
as a Bounty allowed by the Act of Assembly and 12 Blanketts to be
charged to the said Regiment, and also to Lieut Jacquess Bagness,
7 pieces of Brittanies one of which to be retained by himself the other
six to be delivered one to each of Capt. Lieut. Findley, Lieuts. Robert
Wilmot, Young Wilkinson, Isaac Rawlings, Clement Skerett and
John Chever of the Artillery Companies in the Contl Service, to
Capt Richard Dorsey I ps of Brittanies for Lieut James Mcfadon
of Artillery in part of the Articles allowed by the General Assembly,
to Jacob Owens a private of the late Capt. Gales Compy 1 shirt, I pr
Overalls and 1 pair Shoes, to Capt Henry Gaither 30 Blankets for
the 1st 2d & 3d Regt also 10 Blankets for the 5th & 24 Do for the 7th
Ordered That John Shaw Armourer Deliver to Colo Forrests
Order Water Casks for a Transport taking Troops to Virginia to
be charged to the Continent, also 20lb of Musket Powder for the Use
of the Transports going to Virginia with Troops to be charged to
the Continent at £15. p Lt.
That Capt. George Keeports deliver to Capt. Lieut. Eben Findley,
Lieut8 James Mcfadon, Jacques Bagness, Young Wilkinson, Robert
Wilmot, Isaac Rawlings, Clement Skerett & John Chever of the
Artillery Compy8 Trimmings sufft for a Suit of Cloaths.

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