Liber C C
No. 22
Regiment writes the 14th Inst. " Capt
Lieut Benjamin Price, from "the Resignation of
Capt Wright, who resigned the first of July " 79. is
entitled to a full Captaincy and Lieut John Gassaway
from " the same Date, entitled to Capt
Lieut and Ensign William Wool- " ford with the Rank of
second Lieut entitled to a first Lieutenancy " from
the Resignation of Lieut. John Read, who resigned 11th
Apt " 1779." be pleased to issue the Commissions
accordingly. Col. Wool- ford also in another Letter recommends
Mr Zedekiah Moore as Ensign in the second Maryland
Regiment; we approve & appoint him. General Gist has
recommended Thomas Boyd Son of Abraham for an Ensigncy in the
second Maryland Regiment, we approve and appoint him and request
his Commission to issue. General Small- wood mentions that
Edmond Compton has acted for some Time by Brevet as Ensign in the
first Maryland Regiment, we approve and appoint him an Ensign in
that Regiment and request he may be commissioned. We are
apprehensive the only Way to settle the Rank in these new
Appointments will be to leave it to the Officers of the Division
or with the General commanding it and we wish it to be so if it
can be done with Propriety.
Liber C B No. 23 p. 70 October 28
Thursday 28th October 1779
Present as on Yesterday — Commission issued to Joshua Seney
elected Sheriff of Queen Anns County Francis Osborn who was of
Simms's Company of the old Maryld Regimt
was brought before the Board and on Examination appear- ing to
be in no sort fit for the Service nor likely to be so. It is
ordered that he be not interrupted but permitted to go at Large
at his own Will and Pleasure —
p. 71
Mr Thomas Wright of Queen Ann's County having resigned
his Commission as Register of Wills of said County per Letter
dated 26th Octr 1779 This Board have
appointed Samuel Turbutt Wright of same County to succed him and
Commission issued to him accordingly — Sir, By Virtue of the
Resolution of Congress of the 9th Day of this Instant and this
order pay to Mr John Smith forty thousand Pounds to be
delivered over to Colo Richard Dallam and by him to be
expended in the Purchase of Flour and Wheat for the Continen-
tal Army — To Thomas Harwood Esqr Contl
Treasurer in the State of Maryland — Summons issued for Thomas
Duckett, James Mullikin, Thomas Boyd, Hugh Lyon & James Beck
of Prince Georges County to Testy on the Hearing of
the Petition of Fielder Bowie complaining of an undue &
irregular Election for Sheriffs of said County —