Archives of Maryland, Volume 0028, Page 0447 - Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1732:1753
Volume 28, Page 447
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Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1749. 445

Shoar of the Proceedings in their Circuit held in September
last, whereby It appears that they had passed Sentence of
Death upon three white men, namely, William James George
Simonett and William Jones and on One Negro man called
Ignatius the Slave of the Reverend Mr Hugh Deans of Balti-
more County for breaking open the Store house of a certain
William Dallam of the sd County, and stealing Goods to a

Lib. C. B.

considerable Value; and also that they had passed Sentence of
Death upon Negro Phill the Slave of Mr Thomas Baldwyn of
Ann Arundel County for breaking open the Storehouse of Mr
Thomas Worthington in the sd County and stealing several
Goods from thence to the Value of about Ten Pounds sterling;
and that they had passed Sentence of Death at Calvert
County Assizes on Benjamin Tucker and a Negro Man named
Roger for breaking the Storehouse of Mr Ireland and taking
from thence about the Value of Six Pounds sterling; and at
Charles County Assizes that they had passed Sentence of Death
upon a certain Thomas Compton for Horse Stealing, And It
also appearing to this Board by the Return of the said Justices
that in Baltimore County William Jones had made a voluntary
Confession of his Crime, and that a Magistrate of the said
County had promised tp intercede for a pardon for him, &
that Negro Ignatius was an Object of Mercy, It is therefore
the humble Advice of this Board to his Excellency that he be
pleased to grant a pardon to the said William Jones and to
Negro Ignatius and to order Warrants to issue for the Exe-
cution of William James and George Simonett: And It appear-
ing that in Ann Arundel County upon Application of Mr
Thomas Baldwyn to spare the Life of his Negro called Phill
upon Condition of his being immediately transported out of
the Province It is ordered with the Advice of this Board that a
Pardon issue accordingly: And it appearing likewise in Cal-
vert County by the sd Return that Benjamin Tucker was a
young man, and this his first Offence and that the Negro was
an Object of Mercy, and a Petition being preferred to this
Board, signed by many of the Inhabitants of the said County
praying that the Life of the said Benjamin Tucker may be
spared It is ordered that a Pardon issue for Negro Roger, and
also that a Pardon issue for Benjamin Tucker upon his leaving
the Country within One month from this Day, or that he give
Security for his good Behaviour in the sum of Two hundred

p. 365

Pounds Currency for Three years; And It is also Ordered
that Pardon issue for Thomas Compton of Charles County
upon his leaving this Province in a fortnight, All which issued

p. 366

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