Archives of Maryland, Volume 0021, Page 0387 - Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 387


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of the Council of Maryland, 1778-1779. 387

in, in that light; and when the continental Tax is actually raised
you may then reimburse the State Treasuries. Congress as
they have no Authority, so they never will enquire into the
manner by which the State has raised her quota. If however
the Emissions alluded to above, were not expressly levied for
Continental Taxes, and you do not, as we conceive you may,
consider them in that light, no way is open but to throw them
into the Loan office, either on Loan or to be exchanged, the
former of these Alternatives we do not approve of and the
latter will deprive the State of the use of the money for some
Mr Harwood's power as a continental Loan Officer extends
no further than to receive these Emissions either on loan or to
be exchanged, we therefore think he did right in not receiving
them in the way you proposed to him.
Enclosed you have Extracts of Letters from the General
they were received yesterday and will be sent by the president
to you, but least his Copy should miscarry, we have thought it
proper to send you the one enclosed their Destination is not
To rescue the Troops of Burgoyne may possibly be part of
their object, tho the prevailing opinion is, that their main
design is further South.
We are Sir with highest Respect
and Esteem your obt Hble
Geo Plater
Wm Paca
John Henry
Dan of Thos Ienifer

The Board of War desire to know the Condition & Price of
the Powder if they liked the latter, a Person will be sent down
to examine the State of it, & close the Bargain


Wednesday 12th May 1779

Present as on yesterday
Commissions issued to Abraham Haff appointed Major.
John Compton 2d Lieut John Johnson Ens. of Capt Keephearts
Compy. Thomas Beatty Capt, in the room of John Adlum,
Conrod Doll 1 Lieut, Nicholas Hisler 2d Lieut, Henry Hup-
stadler Ens. Baltzer Gitzadanner 1 Lieut. & William Miller
2d Lieut of Capt John Storess Compy belonging to the
Frederick Town Battalion of Militia in Fred. County
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Nathan
Harris Thirty five Pounds Eight Shillings and also the further

C. B.

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