Archives of Maryland, Volume 0018, Page 0677 - Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 677  
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Index. 677 
Crafford, Robert Beall, 49.
Crafford (Craylord), Thos.,
11, 68.
Craft, Fredk., 828.
Craft, James, 93.
Craft (Craflt, Croft), John,
196, 264, 266.
Cragan (Cragain) (see
Cragg, George (see Craig),
Cragg, John (see Craig),
Craggs, George (see
Cragg), 356, 491.
Cragon (Cragan, Cragain),
Dennis (see Cregan), 331,
461, 607, 529.
Cragon (Craigen), Law-
rence (see Cregan), 318,
Crague (see Craig).
Craig, Alex., 663, 566, 668,
Craig, George (see Cragg),
Craig, Jas., 14.
Craig (Crague), John (see
Cragg), 96, 98, 99, 841,
864, 415, 489, 627.
Craig, Michael, 191, 606.
Craig, Reubin, 30.
Craig, Robert, 673.
Craig, Saml., 100.
Craig (Craigg), Thomas,
100, 351, 420, 466, 602,
Craig, Wm., 641.
Craigen (see Cragon).
Craighton (see Creighton).
Crail (Crale), James, 61,
194, 277.
Crail (Craill, Crale), Wil-
liam, 61, 195, 356, 890,
395, 439, 493, 628.
Craine, Henry (see Crane).
Craine, Lawrence, 276.
Craine, Michael, 98.
Cramdale (see Crandle).
Cramer, Adam, 18.
Cramer, Jacob (see
Cramer, Mich„ 47.
Cramer, Peter, 388.
Cramphur, James, 91.
Crampton, James, 99.
Crampton (Crompton),
Thomas, 386, 405, 460,

Crandle (or Cramdale),
Joseph, 40.
Crane, David, 63.
Crane (Craine), Henry, 196,
342, 358, 460, 498, 628.
Crany, John, 662.
Crapell (or Creppell),
Jacob, 47.
Crapper, James, 21.
Crapper, John, 606, 665.
Crasberry (see Cresbury).
Crasby (Cosby), Jesse (Jea-
see, Jesaey), 686, 687,588.
Crasby, Joseph (see Croa-
by), 40.
Cratcher, Matthew, 666.
Crating, John, 93.
Craven, Andrew, 60, 196.
Graver, Jacob, 328.
Cravin, Jeremiah, 100.
Crawford, A., 399, 400, 401.
Crawford, Hugh, 407.
Crawford, J„ 351.
Crawford, Jacob (Lt,), 92,
363, 379, 402, 403, 439,
479, 619.
Crawford (Crauford, Cro-
ford), Jas., 97, 191, 335,
Crawford, Jno. 100, 276.
Crawford, Jonas, 426, 473.
Crawford, Nehemiah, 603.
Crawford (Crauford, Craf-
ford), Robert, 11, 95,
Crawley, James, 666.
Crawley, Patrick, 326,
Crawley, Joseph, 43.
Cray, Alex., 610.
Cray, John, 194.
Crayton (see Creighton).
Creager, Valentine, 72.
Creagon (see Cregan).
Creaighton (Creaghton or
Creaton), William, 62.
Creamer, James (see Crom-
er), 97.
Creaton (see Creaighton).
Credo, George, 394.
Cregan, (Creagon), Dennis
(see Cragon), 92, 896.
Cregan, Lawrence (see
Cragon), 98.
Cregannon, Dennis, 623.
Cregar, Michael, 407.
Creighton (Craighton, Oray-
ton), James, 393, 398,
452, 508, 630.
Creppell (see Crapell).
Cresap, Joseph, 28.
Cresap, Michael, 28,
Cresbury (Crasberry, Cris-
bury), James, 394, 446,
495, 529.
Creswell, James, 345.
Cretzinger, George, 19.
Cretzinger, Solomon, 20.
Criegh, Philip, 828.
Crime, Michael, 196, 848.
Cripps, Nathan, 444.
Grips, Nathaniel, 92.
Crisbury (see Cresbury).
Crismond, Leonard, 94.
Crisp, Benj., 24.
Crispin (Chrispin), Alex-
ander, 96, 296,
Crisps, Benjamin, 92.
Crist, John, 92.
Criswell, Matthew, 648.
Critchet (Critchets) (see
Croane, Timothy, 276.
Crockett, John, 99, 293,
302, 424.
Crofford, Thos., 464.
Croford (see Crawford),
Croft, John (see Craft),
Croft., William (see Kraft),
Cromer (Cramer, Crou-
mer), Jacob, 182, 198,
261, 262,
Cromer (Creamer), James,
97, 884.
Cromey, Andrew, 98.
Crompton (see Crampton),
Cromwell (Crumwell), Jas.,
393, 401, 407, 461.
Cromwell, Thomas, 97.
Cron, Thomas, 665.
Cronan, John, 91.
Croney, William, 406.
Cronise (Cronies), Henry,
198, 261, 262.
Crook (Crooke), Henry,
840, 436, 505, 528, 630.
Crook, John, 42.
Crook (Crooke,), Joseph,
34, 93, 329.
Crook, Martin, 276.
Crook, Wm., 648.
Crookshank, William, 690.
Cropp, John, 264.
Cropper, Edward, 872.
Cropper, Levi, 872.
Cropper, Ruben, 372.
Crosby, Danl., 461.
Crosby, George, 99, 414.
Crosby, James, 95, 275.
Crosby, John, 80, 456, 470,
Crosby (Crosbey, Crosbie,
Crasby), Joseph, 18, 40,
90, 196, 276.
Crosby, Richard, 99, 661.
Crosby, William, 601.
Crosingbury (see Coosing-
Crosley (or Crossley), Wil-
liam, 666.
Cross, Charles, 98.
Cross, James, 196.
Cross, Joseph, 93, 468, 476,
482, 619.
Cross, Robert, 191.
Cross, Samuel, 93.
Crossgrove, Edwd. (see
Cosgrove), 856,
Crossley (see Crosley).
Crotchett, John, 474.
Crothom, George, 198.
Crouch, Amos, 193.
Crouch, Arthur, 277.
Grouch, James, 612.
Crouch, John, 67, 98.
Crouch, Joseph, 96, 342,
892, 398, 531, 621.
Crouch, Robert, 686, 687,
588, 689,
Crouch, Stephen, 69.
Croumer, Jacob (see Crom-
er), 261.
Crow, Adam, 197, 391, 628.
Crow, Edmund, 318.
Crow, Thomas, 607.
Crow, William, 42.
Crowd, Jeaneth, 366.
Crowder, John, 67, 387.
Crowder, Sami., 194.
Crowell, Samuel, 428, 429,
474, 505, 530.
Grower, Rudolph, 198, 265.
Crowley, Darby (Darly),
197, 311, 314, 356, 438,
493, 528, 621.
Crowley, Dennis, 195.
Crowley, Edwd. (see Cow-
Crowson, Ezekiah, 360.
Crozier, James, 345, 368,
430, 498, 629.
Crozier, John, 194.
Cruckley (see Crutchley).
Cruell, John, 99.
Crumm, Adam, 100.
Grummet, Jacob, 182.
Crummy, Andrew, 368, 441,
497, 628.
Crumpton, Igns.. (see
Compton), 341.

Crumwell (see Cromwell).
Crush (see Grosh).
Crutchley (Cruckley), Ben-
jamin, 98, 407.
Cry, John, 646.
Cudwick, Lewis, 276.
Culbertson (Colberston,
Culbertston), Wm., 664,
667, 670, 674.
Cullanan (see Callahan).
Cullember, Nathl., 33.
Cullen, John, 276.
Cullenber, John (see Gal-
lender), 84.
Cullimane, Jerema., 98.
Cullin, David, 70.
Cullinane, Dennis, 96.
Culling, James, 96.
Cullip, William, 95.
Cullis, John, 91.
Cullomine, John, 96.
Cullumber, Thomas, 396.
Culpepper, William, 607.
Culver, Benj., 401.
Culver, Levin, 339.
Culver, Stephen, 339.
Culver, Thomas, 42.
Cumber, Christian, 72.
Cumings (see Cummins),
Cummings, Alexander, 607,
Cummings, Nathaniel, 407.
Cummings (Comining),
William, 197, 391, 439,
607, 528,
Cummins, Anthony, 68.
Cummins, Ephram, 96.
Cummins, John, 70, 686.
Cummins (Cumings), Rich-
ard, 68, 99.
Cummins, Thomas, 62.
Cumpton (see Compton).
Cunden (see Condon).
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