Archives of Maryland, Volume 0018, Page 0675 - Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 675  


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Index. 675 
Cole (Coale), James, 672,
Cole, J. B. 276.
Cole, Jessey, 388.
Cole (Coale), John, 62, 66,
93. 198. 263, 293, 396, 398,
449, 464, 483, 490, 529,
Cole, Joseph, 99, 317.
Cole (Coale), Michael, 92,
311, 627, 617.
Cole, Patrick, 606, 665.
Cole (or Coale), Richard,
Cole, Thomas, 64, 277.
Cole, William, 26, 78, 92,
195, 848, 642.
Coleby John, 196.
Colegate, Asaph., 99, 868,
468, 486, 627.
Colegate, John, 98, 619.
Colein (Coicing), John (see
Colin), 68, 868, 456, 486.
Coleman, Isom, 466, 502,
Coleman, James, 426, 472.
Coleman, John, 99, 196.
Coleman (Coaleman),
Michael, 99, 661.
Coleman, Patrick, 608.
Coleman, Thos., 67.
Coleman, William, 193,
418, 469, 610, 530.
Colon, Thos., 835.
Coleson, John, 92.
Coley, James, 881.
Coley, Joseph, 831.
Coley, Robert, 831.
Coltax, W., 605.
Colfield, Francis, 191.
Colgain, William, 197.
Colibert (see Colbert).
Colin, John (see Colein),
527, 626.
Colin (Coulin), William,
468, 604, 680.
Coil, Edward, 22.
Collard, James (see Chol-
ard), 92, 858, 393.
Collard, William, 196.
Collen, Michael, 194.
Colless, Pompey, 663.
Colley, George, 61.
Collier, William, 97, 623.
Collierd (see Cholard).
Collior, Thos., 416.
Collings, George (see Col-
lins), 829.
Collings, William, 94.
Collins, Benja., 198.
Collins, Charles, 194,
Collins, David, 56.
Collins, Edward (Edmund,
Edmond), 194, 348, 414.
Collins, Emory (Emmory),
612, 613.
Collins, Ephraim, 69.
Collins (Collings), George,
96, 194, 298, 329, 370, 446,
Collins, Jacob, 93, 375, 449,
499, 629.
Collins (Colins), James,
40, 94, 192, 196, 276,
208, 306, 362, 396, 406,
464, 629, 606, 612, 613,
Collins, Jeremiah, 64.
Collins, John, 44, 51, 69,
96, 100, 276, 277, 298,
302, 369, 872, 896, 464,
629, 692, 693, 698, 651.
Collins, Levin (Levy), 383,
Collins, Patk., 11, 100, 303,
Collins, Peter, 406.
Collins, Richd., 417.
Collins, Robert, 616.
Collins, Solomon, 62.
Collins, Thomas, 61, 95,
Collins, Timothy, 10, 98.
Collins, William, 40, 56,
68, 70, 192.
Collis, William, 340, 856,
394, 448, 494, 528.
Collison, James, 870.
Colman (see Comer).
Colon, John, 277.
Colour, Philip, 261,
Colson (see Coulston).
Colter (Coltart), Antipas,
82. 96, 295.
Colter, Willan, 502.
Colvert, Thomas, 24, 293.
Combes (see Coombes),
Combest, Isreal, 59.
Combly, Benjamin, 369.
Comegys, Cornelius, 64.
Comegys, Jesse, 61.
Comegys, Jonathan, 61,
Comegys, William, 66,
Comer (or Colman), Geo.,
Stibbonds, 67.
Comerford, Thomas, 69.
Comini, Absolum, 27.
Comining, Willm. (see
Cummings), 391.
Commott (Commett), Wm.
419, 470.
Compton, Alexd., 93,
Compton (Cumpton), Igns.
(see Crumpton), 197,389,
Compton (Campton), Ed-
mond, 92, 366, 364, 365,
380, 460, 476, 481, 619.
Compton, James, 676.
Compton, John, 80, 49,
579, 583, 666.
Compton, Thomas, 529.
Compton, Wm. 26.
Compton, Wm., S., 32.
Conavough (see Cave-
Conaway (see Conway).
Concella, Andw., 277.
Conderall, Thomas, 576.
Condon (Conden, Cunden),
Martin, 666, 666, 669, 674.
Condon, William (see Con-
dron), 191, 276, 407.
Condren, James, 400.
Condron (Condrone), John,
60, 196.
Condron (Condran, Con-
dram), Thomas, 572, 580,
682, 683.
Condron, William (see
Condon), 60, 400.
Cones, Peter, 448.
Congleton, David, 92, 640.
Congleton, William, 98.
Conies (see Coines),
Conley, Henry, 338.
Conley (Connley), John,
70, 608, 665.
Conn, Hugh, 9.
Conn, John, 328.
Conn, Peter, 328.
Conn, Robert, 96.
Conn, Timothy, 269, 271,
Conn, William Young, 42.
Connady, John (see Kenne-
day), 192.
Connally, Francis, 96.
Connally, James, 196.
Connally (Conaly), John,
344, 429, 461.
Connally, Josias, 9.
Connally, Laurence, 198.
Connally, Michael, 02, 194.
Connally, Patrick, 196,
Connally, Philip, 100.
Connally, Thomas, 92,
Connally, Wm., 100, 429.
Connan, Patrick, 46.
Connar (see Connor).
Connard, Thos., 194.
Connaway, Samuel, 66.
Connegin, John, 93.
Connel, Patrick, 192.
Connell, Jeremiah, 70.
Connell, Michl., 614.
Connell, Thomas Way, 6,
Connelly, Edward (see
Connolly), 316.
Connelly, Henry (see Con-
nolly), 449.
Connelly (Connely, Cono-
ly, Connally), John, 91,
192, 277, 382, 398, 471,
472, 610, 629, 580, 676,
684, 600.
Connelly (Connely, Con-
nerley), Laurence (Law-
rence), 24, 63, 92, 276.
Connelly (Connely), Mich-
ael, 94, 304, 349.
Connelly (Connerly, Con-
norly), Patrick, 27, 95,
311, 340, 360, 644.
Connelly, Roger (see Con-
nolly), 868, 386.
Connelly (Conolly), Timo-
thy, 676, 680, 682, 683.
Connelly, William, 196,
426, 467, 603, 630, 676.
Connely, Daniel, 192.
Conner, Alexius, 7.
Conner, Caleb, 89.
Conner, Cornelius, 63, 198.
Conner, Daniel (see Con-
nor), 885.
Conner, David (see Con-
nor), 93, 294, 506, 527,
Conner, Dennis, 99, 193.
Conner, George (see Con-
nor), 192.
Conner, Hugh, 192, 277.
Conner, Hughett, 69.
Conner, Jas. (see Connor),
61, 62, 96, 98, 192.
Conner, John, 36, 92, 96,
293, 296, 466, 502, 530.
Conner, John Claggett, 97.
Conner, Michael (see Con-
nor), 26, 93, 582.
Conner, Patrick, 93.
Conner, Robert, 606, 666.
Conner, Thomas (see Con-
nor), 8, 196, 563.
Conner, Timothy, 372, 435.
Conner, William, 94, 98,
198, 388, 372, 461, 501,
Conner, Wm. I., 603.
Connerwey, Benj., 65.
Connery, James (see Con-
way), 16,
Conniey (see Conley).
Connolly (Connoly), Ed-
ward (see Connelly), 287,
Connolly, Henry (see Con-
nelly), 366.
Connolly (Gonoly, Conly),
John, 192, 344, 392, 407,
421, 424, 565, 667.
Connolly, Michael, 414,416.
Connolly, Roger (see Con-
nelly), 407.
Connolly (Connerly),
Thomas, 25, 193.
Connon, Pope, 339.
Connor, Ambrose, 276.
Connor, Daniel (see Con-
ner), 407.
Connor, David (see Con-
ner), 473.
Connor, George (see Con-
ner), 66, 270.
Connor, James (see Con-
ner), 62, 297, 623, 617.
Connor (Connar) (see Con-
ner), Michael, 679, 584,
Connor, Patrick, 530, 617.
Connor, Thomas (see Con-
ner), 91, 566, 669, 674.
Connor, Timothy, 342.
Connoway (Conaway),
Lawrence (see Conway).
Conolly, Hugh, 698.
Conolly, Timothy (see
Conoly, James, 306,
Conrad, John, 47.
Conrod, Wm., 328.
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