Archives of Maryland, Volume 0018, Page 0476 - Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution

Volume 18, Page 476  


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476	Records of Maryland Troops in the Continental Service


	Arrangement of the Maryland Line, January 1st, 1783.
		      COMMISSIONED.		             COMMISSIONED.
Col. 	John Gunby 	17 April ‘77   Lieut.	Nicholas Gassaway 1 Jan ‘80
Lt. Col. Levin Winder	3 June ‘81		Phillip Hill	9 May ‘78
Major 	John Eccleston 	10 Dec ‘77		Hezekiah Ford  	16 Aug ‘80
Capt. 	Joseph Marbury 	1 Jan ‘77 		Arthur Harris  	26 Oct ‘79
 	Jacob Brice  	do			William Pendergast 29 do do	
 	John Smith,(late 6th) do  		William Raisin 	26 Jan ‘80
 	Henry Gaither	17 April do		Nathan Wright   1 Jan ‘81
 	Edward Oldham	20 May do		John Sears  	1 do do
 	Walker Muse	10 June do 		John F. Lowe   	20 Jan ‘81
 	John C. Jones	20 Sept do 		Samuel Edminston 14 Mch do
 	Horatio Claggett 10 Oct do		Robert Halkerston 12 April do
 	Richard Anderson 15 Nov do		Henry Clements 	25 do do
Lieut.	John Lynn  	1 June ‘79		Henry Gassaway 	25 do do
 	Wm. Adams   	8 do do   		Francis Ware	Aug
 	Regnal Hillery, died  			Basil Burgess 	18 June ‘81
 	   11 Aug ‘83 	13 July do	Surg'on Richard Pendell
 	Samuel Hanson 	1 Aug do  	Mate 	Alexander Smith

Lt. Col.  				Lt.	Joshua Rutledge	1 May
Commd. 	Peter Adams 	1 Aug 79  		Thos. Rouse
Major 	Henry Hardman  	22 May do 		Walter Dyer	15 Sept
 	Alexander Rox-				John Brevill	20 do
	 	burgh 	7 April ‘80   		Thomas Boyd	1 Jan ‘81
Capt. 	John Gale 	10 Dec ‘77 		Mark McPherson do do
 	James W. Gray	26 do do 		Thos. A. Dyson 	8 Sept ‘81
 	George Hamilton	25 Jan ‘78 		Basil Warring  	25 Oct do
 	Percey Benson	11 March 		Malakiah Bonham 12 Sept do
 	John Mitchell	15 July  		John D. Carry  	16 Oct do
 	William Bruce 	1 Aug ‘79 		William Hanson 	25 do do
 	John Gassaway 	2 April ‘80   		Thomas Beatty  	8 Sept do
 	Lloyd Beal 	19 Feb ‘81   		Joseph Cross	6 Nov do
 	Francis Reveley	18 June  		*Wm  Goldsborough     ‘82
Lt.  	Henry Baldwin11 11 Feb ‘81 		William Telson 	9 May do
 	Edmond Compton	18 do		+Surg.	Walter Warfield
 	Benjamin Fickle	19 do  		Mate	Wm. Watts 	15 Aug ‘81
 	David Luckett	7 April
*On Arthur's resignation Spring of ‘82.		+ To be found in Council Office.

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