Archives of Maryland, Volume 0018, Page 0389 - Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 389  


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		during the War of the American Revolution, 1775 83.		389

Cuthbert Able		1 Feb ‘80			A. F. M. Jan-July
Stephen Flaharty   					In Hospital 19 June and July
David Love		8 Sept ‘80			Lt. Infantry, transfd. 12 Mch
Benjamin Fitzgerald	Oct ‘79		absent		Recruiting in Md. Jan-July
Samuel Filson				   "		    "          "     "
Moses Barney				   "		    "          "     "
Gabl. Williams		6 Feb ‘80	   "		    " 	       "     "
Igns. Wheeler				   "		    "          "     "
Aquilla Cheatham			   "                "	       "     "
Samuel Davis				   "                "          "     "
Ch. McNabb				   "                "	       "     "
Owen Carey		1 Feb ‘80			Light Infantry, dead Mch ‘81
John Scott		9 July ‘80	present		State Regt.,joined 12 Mch '81
Wm. Bruff
Peter Stephans						On guard.
James Kelley						Light Infantry, transferred
							   12 Mch ‘81
John Falling				   "		State Regt.,joined 12 Mch ‘81
  Drum. & Fifes
John Riggs		6 May ‘80			Light Infantry, transferred
Jesse Barnett, (or Barrett)		   "				[12 Mch ‘81
Abram Stallings				   "	
Saml. Taylor						Dead, June ‘81
Edward Clancey				   "
Joshua Ishome				absent		Recruiting in Md. Jan-July
Michael Carey				   "			ditto	   ditto
Thos. Wingate		26 Oct ‘80			P. War, 25 April
Zadock Whaley				present		On guard
Peter Outhouse				   "
Michl. Curtis				   "
Alexander Ross				   "
Jos. Mattingly				   "		On guard
Jon. Hadan				   "
Robt. Dunkin				   "
Chas. Simpkins				   "		Sick, July
John Loveday				   "
Richd. Taylor				   "		On guard
Danl. Smith				   "
Jon. Maxfield				   "
Igns. Cumpton				   "		Sick, July
George Devit				   "		Sick, July
Thos. Peacock				   "
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