380 Records of Maryland Troops in the Continental Service PROMOTIONS RANK NAMES. WHEN COMMISSIONED. SINCE JANY. 1st, '81. 42 Lieut. David Lucket 7 Apl ‘80 47 do Walter Dyer 15 Sept do 51 do Nathan Wright 1 Jan ‘81 60 do John Boone 12 Apl do vice Lyles, resigned 3 Surgeon Levin Denwood 4TH REGIMENT. 2 Lt.Col.Comd. Thomas Woolford 1 Major Levin Winder 17 Apl ‘77 5 do Alex. Roxburgh 7 do ‘80 2 Capt. John Lynch 1 Jan 7 do Jacob Brice do do 11 do Henry Gaither 17 Apl do 16 do John Courts Jones 20 Sept do 21 do Richd. Anderson 15 Nov do 26 do George Hamilton 25 Jan ‘78 30 do David Lynn 22 May 79 35 do John Mitchell 15 July do 40 do Jonathan Gibson 1 May ‘80 3 Lieut. Nichs. Mangers 15 Apl ‘77 8 do James Simmes 27 May ‘78 12 do Peter Hardcastle 14 Sept do 16 do Benjm. Garnett 13 Oct do 19 do Wm. Truman Stoddert 21 May ‘79 29 do Levache de Vaubrunne 33 do Nathan Smith 15 Dec ‘79 38 do Edmd. Compton 18 Feb ‘80 43 do Joshua Rutledge 1 May ‘80 48 do John Brevett 20 Sept do 52 do John McCoy 1 Jan ‘81 61 do Robert Halkerston 25 Apl do vice McPherson, promo -ted into 2nd Regt. 63 do Henry Gassaway 12 May do vice Hall, resigned 4 Surgeon William Kelty 5TH REGIMENT. 3 Lt.Col.Comd. Benj. Ford 6 Major John Davidson 1 Jan ‘81 8 do Benj. Brookes 16 Mch do vice Anderson, killed 3 Capt. Wm. Dent Beall 1 Jan ‘77 8 do John Smith, (3rd) do do 12 do Edwd. Oldham 20 May do 17 do Horatio Clagett 10 Oct do 22 do John Cale 10 Dec do |