Archives of Maryland, Volume 0018, Page 0364 - Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution

Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution

Volume 18, Page 364  


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364	Records of Maryland Troops in the Continental Service

   				4TH REGIMENT.
  Lt. Col. 				14 Lieut. James Simmes 	27 May ‘78
  Commd. Thos. Woolford          	19 do	Peter Hardcastle 14 Sept do
  Major	Levin Winder	17 Apl ‘77 	24 do 	Benj. Garnett	13 Oct do
   do 	Alex. Roxburgh	7 Apl do 	29 do  	Wm. Trueman
4 Capt. John Lynch   	1 Jan ‘77		  Stoddert  	21 May ‘79
9 do 	Jacob Brice 	do   do 	34 do   Elihu Hall 	1 Aug do
14 do 	Henry Gaither 	17 Apl do	39 do 	Levache de Vaubrunne
19 do 	John C. Jones 	20 Sept do   	44 do	Nathan Smith	15 Dec ‘79
24 do 	Richd. Anderson 15 Nov do  	49 do  	Edmd. Compton 	18 Feb ‘80
29 do 	George Hamilton 25 Jan ‘78 	54 do 	Joshua Rutledge 1 May do
34 do 	David Lynn 	22 May ‘79	59 do 	John Brevett	20 Sept do
39 do 	John Mitchell 	15 July do   	64 do	John McCoy 	1 Jan ‘81
44 do 	Jona. Gibson	1 May ‘80    	4 Ensign Robt. Halkerston 26 Jan ‘80
4 Capt.Lt. Saml. McPherson 7 Apl ‘80	9 do   	Henry Gassaway 	do    do
9 Lieut. Nicholas Mangers 15 Apl ‘77    Surgeon William Kilty

   				5TH REGIMENT.
  Lt. Col. 				15 Lieut. Archd.McAllister 27 May ‘78
  Commd. Benj. Ford        		20 do	Gassaway Wat-
  Major Archd. Anderson            			kins	14 Sept do
   do 	John Davidson 	1 Jan ‘81   	25 do 	Jacob Norris    26 Nov do
5 Capt. Wm. Dent Beall 	1 Jan‘77  	30 do	John Lynn    	1 June ‘79
10 do 	John Smith, (3rd) do  do   	35 do 	Saml. Hanson   1 Aug do
15 do 	Edward Oldham	20 May do	40 do   Thomas Rowse
20 do 	Horatio Clagett	10 Oct do  	45 do 	Robert Denny   3 Jan ‘80
25 do 	John Gale	10 Dec do  	50 do	Benj. Fickle	19 Feb do
30 do 	Perry Benson	11 Mch ‘78	55 do   Roger Nelson 	15 July do
35 do 	James Somervill	1 June ‘79 	60 do 	Thomas Boyd    	1 Jan ‘81
40 do 	William Bruce 	1 Aug do	65 do	John Sears	do   do
45 do 	Edward Edgerly	10 Sept ‘80  	5 Ensign Henry Clements 26 Jan ‘80
5 Capt.Lt. Thos. B. Hugou 1 May ‘80     10 do	Adam Jamison   	1 June do
10 Lieut. James Bruff	7 Oct ‘77

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