Archives of Maryland, Volume 0018, Page 0356 - Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution

  Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 356


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356	Records of Maryland Troops in the Continental Service

			Loyd Beall, Lieut.
   			Philip Hill,  "
	  Serjts.			  Corpls.
	Stephen Fluharty  		William Bruff
	Samuel Filison    		George Field
	Charles McNabb    		Pett. Stephens
 			Fifer	      Drum.
              	   Benj. Williams   Bosston Medler
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George Devatt		Michael Curtis   	William Casey
Saml. Clarke 		Fredk. Harty     	Pett. McGwire
Zedk. Whaylay 		Willm. Mann     	Theops. Lincey
Wm. Hiliman 		Jno. McA Nally     	Benj. Massh
Alexander Ross     	Wm. Quinton       	Jno. Armstrong
George Buck        	Jno. Twiner       	Henry Townley
Josa. Lesster      	Luke Sampson      	Geor. Hamillton
Robert Duncan      	Chas. Clements    	Jno. Hullett
Absm. Fardo        	Moses Foster      	Paull Roan
Darly Crowley      	Richard Gae       	Edwd. Crossgrove
Wm. Linkins        	Jno. Mansfield    	Wm. Elikins
Jno. Knox          	Jno. Mills        	Jno. Fullford
Jno. Ryan          	Wm. Niblett       	Wm. Taylor
Elijah Pepper      	Saml. Wedge       	Wm. Phearson
Neal Morris        	Lar. Harman       	Jos. Phearson
Jno. Loveday		Chas. Simpkins
Joseph Blasse		Wm. Craill

   				Thos. Beatty, Lt.


    A Return of the Commissd., Non Commisd. Officers and Privates
Names of the 7th Company who have been in Service Since the 1st of
August, ‘80 till the 1st of January, ‘81.

	Samuel McPherson, Capt. Lt. and Adjt.
        Edmund Compton, Lieut.
        John Brevitt, Ensign. Promoted to Lieut. Sept. 20th, 1780.
	   Serjts.  			   Corpls.
      	William Collis           	Wm. Braithwate
        Humphrey Spencer, (dead) 	Bartholomew Essom
        Robert Scrivner             	   Drummer
        Aaron Spaldin            	John Head
 					Andrew Garnett
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