Archives of Maryland, Volume 0007, Page 0102 - Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 102
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          102 Assembly Proceedings, October November 1678.





       Liber W. H. St Maryes To Capn Justinian Gerrard one thousand pounds of

               & L. County Tobacco To Leivtenant Samuell Maddox seven hun-

               dred pounds of Tobacco lo Ensigne Wm Watts six hundred

               pounds of Tobacco To Thomas Robyson four hundred pounds

               of Tobacco To Collein Mackenry four hundred pounds of To-

               bacco To James Moody To William Tetherton To Thomas

               Dueberry To James Garrard To Abraham Price To John Wil-

               liams to Thomas Dant To John Peacok To Nicholas Durass

               To William Brewer To John Houlden To Joseph Stradford

               To William Taylor To Jeffry Hudson and to each & every of

               them three hundred pounds of Tobacco To John Vander sar-

               geant four hundred pounds of Tob. To Thomas Reeves To

               James Brewer To John Ross To John Singleton To Jacob

               Morrice To Thomas Tirkill To John Weare To William Rans-

               man To William Porter To every & each of them Three hun-

               dred pounds of Tobacco To Capt Gerrard Sly Sixteen thou-

               sand two hundred fifty seven pounds of Tobacco To William

               Shirtliffe five hundred twenty five pounds of Tobacco ‘To Jus-

               tinian Tennison one hundred pounds of Tobacco To James

               Cumpton two hundred and forty pounds of Tobacco To Nich-

               olas Pay nter two thousand pounds of Tobacco ‘To John Green

               Three hundred and twenty pounds of Tobacco To Jacob Lock-

               erman two thousand pounds of Tobacco To Mr John Goode

               seventeen hundred pounds of Tobacco To Elizabeth Dela

           p. i8o Roche two thousand Eight hundred and thirty pounds of To-

               bacco To Clement Hill four thousand & Eighty pounds of

               Tobacco To Major William Boarman two thousand pounds of

               Tobacco To Leonard Green four hundred pounds of Tobacco

               To Thomas Hinton one hundred and fifty pounds of Tobacco

               lo William Taylor Thirteen hundred pounds of Tobacco To

               W Henry Carew sixty pounds of Tobacco To Stephen Murtee

               three thousand two hundred & twenty pounds of Tobacco To

               Ann Martin two hundred pounds of Tobacco To Henry Exton

               Twenty Nyne Thousand Eight hundred twenty one pounds of

               Tobacco To Richard Sweatnam five hundred twenty Three

               pounds of Tobacco To the Chancellor Nyne hundred forty

               Eight pounds of Tobacco To John Wynn fifteen hundred

               pounds of Tobacco To John Garnish Three thousand five hun-

               dred and Nynteen pounds of Tobacco To the Estate of Richard

               Chilman three thousand Eight hundred twenty Nine pounds

               of Tobacco To Francis Shefield seven hundred & fifty pounds

               of Tobacco To Hugh Thomas seven hundred & fifty pounds

               of Tobacco To James Bowling two hundred and sixty pounds

               of Tobacco T o Dennis Hascula three hundred thirty six pounds

               of Tobacco To John Blomfield five thousand Nyne hundred

               Sixty Nyne pounds of Tobacco To John Barnes twenty six

               thousand seven hundred pounds of Tobacco To Thomas Clip-


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