renew them, and recommend them strictly to the care of
our Lieutenant there for the tyme beeinge to see them put in
due execution. And wee doe further add and appoint that in
all Graunts whatsoeeuer from vs for the future of any land
there for or in respect of any person or persons which shall
bee transported thither after the 20th day of June
next there shall bee reserued to vs and our Heirs the rent of two
shillings sterling yearely for euery fifty Acres, and that this
our declara- tion bee forthwith published there for that purpose
by our Lieutenant or Commissioners for the Gouernemt
there for the tyme beeinge. Giuen vnder our hand and lesser Seale
Armes this th day of October in 29" ycarc of our
ouer Maryland and in the yeare of our Lord God 1660. C
Then came Hannah Lee widdow and surrendred the howse and
Plantation at st Marys purchased by the
Country. Ordered that the Chancellor and Secretary take the
con- ueiance therof and that they giue the said Hannah
Lee sufficient Security in the name of the Councell to pay the
sum of Tobacco agreed vppon according to the Act of
Assembly: and that the Chanceller and Secretary shall appoint
such con- ueyances for the Secretarys office as they shall think