House of Delegates, Anne Arundel County (1790-1966)
Archives of Maryland
Historical List
House of Delegates, Anne Arundel
County (1790-1974)
Source: Edward C. Papenfuse, et al., Archives of Maryland, Historical
new series, Vol. 1. Annapolis, MD: Maryland State
Archives, 1990.
a - appointed; d - died; dcl - declined; dns -
did not serve; ds - dismissed; e - elected; ev - election
pres - president of the Senate; pres p. t. -
president pro tem of the Senate; psa - post-session appointment;
psd - post-session death;
psr - post-session resignation;
r - resigned; s - suspended; spkr - speaker of the House;
spkr p.t. - speaker pro tem of the House;
(D) - Democrat; (R) -
William J. W. Compton
Robert W. Kent
Abner Linthicum
Charles R. Stewart
Thomas Burgess
William J. W. Compton
Eli Duvall
Henry Ellicott