County Coordinator's Helper Sample Pages

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Sample Pages

NOTE: This software and associated documentation are
Copyright © 1997-1998 Patricia A. Lindsay.
Except for the CCHelper Manual written by Carol A. Haagensen

CCHelper stores the HTML code you use to generate your Web pages as follows:

  1. Page definitions: There are 4 kinds of pages you can define:

    1. Fixed text: Pages that are all "fixed text" (eg the main page for the county, a lookups page, instrucions on how to submit a query, etc.) You do not have to define these pages to CCHelper, but there are some advantages to do doing so.

    2. Query pages: A set of pages that list all of the queries in chronological order, with optional links to the surnames indexed for the query on the surname page and to the researcher who submitted the query on the researchers pages. A 'set' just means that there may be multiple pages of queries because there are too many to fit on one page, each of the pages in the set will have the same format.

    3. Surname pages: A set of pages that list all of the surnames in alphabetical order. This is typically set up to be a surname index page. It can simply have links to the query and researcher pages or it can include as many of the researcher and query items as desired.

    4. Researcher pages: A set of pages that list all of the researchers in alphabetical order by last name. It shows at a glance everything a researcher has posted to the county. It is also a good place to list the researcher's Web page and notes.

    For each page definition you will specify it's title, what filename to use, and the HTML sections that make up the page. A page can be of made up of more than one HTML section, and it can share HTML sections with other pages. This makes it possible to set up, for example, a common section of HTML that is used as the "header" for each page.

    If you use basically the same page formats for multiple counties, you may need to define each kind of page only once and use the same definitions for multiple counties.

  2. County Definitions: One for each county you are coordinator for. You will define the county name, state name, which directory to store the generated HTML in, how to divide the query, surname, and researcher pages, and which pages should be generated for the county.

  3. HTML Sections: The HTML text for a portion of a page. You will specify the HTML tags, what HTML should be repeated for each query, and where to substitute things like the county name, text for a query, the researcher's e-mail address, etc.

An overview of the Web pages generated by CCHelper

CCHelper is delivered with a set of sample pages. The set of pages includes the following:
  1. qryindex.htm: A page that serves as a launching place for the following pages. You should add a link to this page from your existing county home page.

  2. query001.htm, query002.htm, etc. : Pages that contain the queries in chronological order. Each page will contain at least one month of queries and break at the end of a month. CCHelper gives you some control on how many queries go on each page.

  3. sura.htm, surm.htm: Surname index pages. CCHelper comes configured for 2 surname pages, sura.htm is for names A thru L and surm.htm is for names M thru Z. You will be able to change how many surname pages there will be and which letter each page begins with.

  4. resa.htm, resm.htm: Researcher profile pages. CCHelper comes configured for 2 researcher profile pages, resa.htm is for names A thru L and resm.htm is for names M thru Z. You will be able to change how many researcher pages there will be and which letter each page begins with.

  5. howtoqry.htm: A page that describes to your visitors how to submit a query. The sample page is a blank page with comments showing you where to copy your current query instructions.

  6. howtosur.htm: A page that describes to your visitors how to submit surname registrations. You can either copy in your current instructions or use the sample instructions.

  7. howtores.htm: A page that describes to your visitors how to submit changes to their researcher profile information.

HTML Sections

Each page is made up of multiple pieces of text, called HTML Sections. The text is split up into pieces because parts of each page look the same and this allows you to maintain that part in one place.

Once you are ready to start changing the sample HTML to suit your tastes, more information on how these HTML sections are defined and how they work can be found in Customizing Your HTML.

Each page is generally made up of a top and bottom portion which looks very similar to the the other pages. These commons parts are defined in the following HTML sections.

  1. common header: This is the top part of a page. It contains the HTML tags to begin a page and the page title. This section is used by all of the pages, but a different title will be substituted for each page.

    Sample that comes with the 1.05 version:

    <html> <TITLE>[[COUNTY]] County, [[STATE]],
    <H1><IMG SRC="usgenweb.gif" align=left>  
    <center>[[COUNTY]] County, [[STATE]]</H1> 
    <h2>[[TITLE]]  [[SUBTITLE]]</H2></center><br> 
    SURNAMES: [[atozsur]]<br>
  2. common return: This section provides a link back to the home page. By changing this section to point to your home page, each of the pages generated by CCHelper will then link back to your home page.

    Sample that comes with the 1.05 version:

    <h3><a href="_____.___">Return to [[COUNTY]] Co. [[STATE]] Genealogy page</a> </h3>
    Recommended for 1.06 version:
    <h3><a href="[[HOMEPAGE]]">Return to [[COUNTY]] Co. [[STATE]] Genealogy page</a> </h3>
  3. common links: This section provides links to the other pages generated by CCHelper, it acts as an index to the query, surname, researcher and how-to pages. The qryindex.htm page contains these links and therefore acts as a launching pad to the other pages, but this section is also included at the end of every page to link all of the pages together.

    Sample that comes with the 1.05 version:

    <h3>View ...</h3>
    <li>Surname Register and Query Index: [[NDXSUR]]  
    <li> Researcher Profiles: [[NDXRES]] 
    <li> Queries for [[NDXQRY]]
    <H3>Post ... </h3>
    <li><a href="howtosur.htm">A Surname to the Register</a>
    <li> <A HREF="howtoqry.htm">A Query</a>
    <li><A HREF="howtores.htm">To the Researcher's profiles</A> 
  4. common trailer: This section is the end of all of the pages generated by CCHelper. It contains the county coordinator's name and address and the HTML tags needed for the end of a page.

    Sample that comes with the 1.05 version:

    For questions about this page contact  
    [[CCName]] at <A
It is the middle part, or body, that is different on each page. The following body HTML sections specify what the middle of each sample page will look like:
  1. query body: This section is the middle part of the query001.htm, query002.htm, etc. pages. It will repeat for each query (only one query is shown in the example below).

    Sample that comes with the 1.05 version:

    <dl> [[Tag]]  <dt> [[surline]] 
    posted by 
    <a href="[[ResRef]]" >[[resname]]</a>
     on [[postdate]] <br> <br> <dd>
    /[END REPEAT]/
  2. surname body: This section is the middle part of the resa.htm, resm.htm pages. It will repeat for each surname.

    Sample that comes with the 1.05 version:

    <dt> <h3> [[Tag]] [[surname]] </h3>
    /[ IF SeeLine EXISTS ]/  <dd> see [[seeline]]     /[End IF]/
    <dd> <a href="[[ResRef]]">[[resname]]</a>
     registered this surname on [[postdate]]
    /[END  REPEAT]/
    <dd> <a href="[[QryRef]]">Query</a>  posted 
    [[postdate]] by <a href="[[ResRef]]">[[resname]]</a>
    /[END REPEAT]/
    /[END REPEAT]/
  3. researcher body: This section is the middle part of the resa.htm and resm.htm pages. It will repeat for each researcher.

    Sample that comes with the 1.05 version:

    <center>RESEARCHERS: [[atozres]]</center><br>
    [[atoztag]] [[Tag]] <h3>[[ResName]]</h3> <ul>
    /[ IF ResEmail EXISTS ]/
    <li> Email: <a href="mailto:[[resemail]]">[[resemail]]</a>
    /[ ENDIF]/
    /[ IF ResWebPage EXISTS ]/
    <li>  Personal Web Page:  <a href=" [[ResWebPage]]"> [[ResWebPage]] </a>
    /[ ENDIF]/
    /[ IF ResNote EXISTS ]/
     <li>  Other:  [[ResNote]] </a>
    /[ ENDIF]/
    <li> Registered surname(s)  [[surline]] on [[postdate]]
    /[END REPEAT]/
    <li> Posted <a href="[[QryRef]]">Query</a> on [[postdate]]
     for surname(s) [[surline]]
    /[END REPEAT]/
    /[END REPEAT]/
  4. howtoqry body: This section is the middle part of the howtoqry.htm page. Here is where you will paste your instructions (for your visitors) for submitting a query.

    No sample comes with the 1.05 version, here's a suggestion that works with the CCHelper Central query submission page:

    <H2>Query Guidelines:</H2> <P><ol> <LI>Your request must have a [[County]] County, Ohio, 
    connection or it will not be posted. <br> 
    <li>If you are looking for others researching the same SURNAME and do not have a specific
    query,  see the <a href="dosur.htm">Post a Surname</a> page.
    <li>Enter your Query information <i>exactly</i> as you want it to appear.<br>
    <li>Keep it simple and to the point!  Fifty words or less is best.<br>
    <li>Avoid redundant language such as "looking for information about...".<br>
    <li>For best results, focus your Query on a marriage.<br>
    <li>In the text of the query, use all caps for any surnames that you would like to have included
    on the [[county]] Co. <a href="sura.htm">Surname Register and Query  Index</a> page.
    <li>You may also want to register SURNAMES you do not reference in a query,
     see the <a href="dosur.htm">Post a Surname </a> page.
      <li>If you are not on the <a href="resa.htm">Researcher's Profile</a> page, I will create a profile for you using the name and e-mail address from the query.  
    <H2>Query Process:</H2>
    <LI>Enter your query by clicking <a href="[[countyid]].html">
    <LI>The query will be sent to me via e-mail.
    <Li> I will post your query on the [[county]] County <a href="query001.htm">Queries</a> page, index capitalized
    surnames on the <a href="sura.htm">Surname Registry and  Index </a> page, and update the <a href="resa.htm">Researcher's Profile</a> page where applicable.
  5. howtosur body: This section is the middle part of the howtosur.htm page. This is where the instructions (for your visitors) on how to submit a surname registration are stored. Sample instructions come with CCHelper, but you may want to paste your own here.

    Sample that comes with the 1.05 version:

    <H2>Guidelines for Registering a Surname:</H2>
    <li>Please post only surnames of those who lived in [[county]] County.<br>
    <li>Send me your surnames (1 per line) and the eMail address where you want to receive
    <H2>To Register Surnames on the List:</H2>
    Send me eMail at: 
    <A HREF="mailto:[[CCeMail]]">[[CCeMail]]</A>
     formatted like the following example:<br> 
    <dd><b>Subject: </b>[[COUNTY]] SURNAMES<br>
    <dd><b>Text: </b>
    <dd>your name
    <dd>your email address*  (not required, if you do not have e-mail, please include postal address)
    <dd>your personal genealogy web page URL (if applicable)*
    *Note that if you are already on the <a href="resa.htm">Researcher's Profile</a> page and do not wish to change the information, you need not include this information.
  6. howtores body: This section is the middle part of the howtores.htm page. This is where the instructions (for your visitors) on how to submit a change to a researcher profile are stored. Sample instructions come with CCHelper, but you may want to paste your own here.

    Sample that comes with the 1.05 version:

    <H2>Researchers' Profile Guidelines</H2>
    <li>The Researchers' Profile is for those who have either Registered a Surname or Posted a Query to the [[county]] Co., [[state]] USGenWeb Project. 
    <li> You will be automatically added to the <a href="resa.htm">Researchers' Profile</a> the first time you submit a Surname or a Query.<br>
    <H2> To change or add information to your profile.</H2>
    Send me eMail at: 
    <A HREF="mailto:[[CCeMail]]"">[[CCeMail]]</A>
     formatted like the following example:<br> 
    <dd><b>Subject: </b>[[County]] Profile<br>
    <dd><b>Text: </b>
    <dd>your name
    <dd>your email address (not required, if you do not have e-mail, please include postal address in notes below)
    <dd>your personal genealogy web page URL (if applicable)


Using a Greene County Ohio query page, each portion of text is labeled with it's corresponding HTML Section name. Note that the format is for illustration purposes and does not exactly match my Greene Co pages, nor do the links work.

common header

Greene County, Ohio

Posted Queries for March 1997


query body (repeats for each query)

BLESSING, MOORE, SKEEN Jane Moore on Saturday, March 1, 1997

Need information about families with possible connections to Shenandoah Co VA: Strother MOORE married Clarissa SKEEN in Greene Co OH in 1833; Clarissa BLESSING (nee SKEEN?) in 1830 Greene Co OH census.

common return

Return to Greene Co. Ohio Genealogy page

common links

View ...

Post ...

common trailer

For questions about this page contact Patty Lindsay at [email protected].
End of Example

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Copyright © 1997-1998 Patricia A. Lindsay. All rights reserved.
Patty Lindsay
[email protected]