Saskatchewan Gen Web - Cemetery pictures submitted by Red Lauttamus Hoffman_Cemetery

Cemetery Pictures submitted by Red Lauttamus

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Lipton Hebrew Cemetery, Lipton, Saskatchewan, Sk, CA, Can, Canada, Red Lauttamus, Cemetery photographs,Lipton Hebrew Cemetery, Lipton, Saskatchewan, Sk, CA, Can, Canada, Red Lauttamus, Cemetery photographs, New Finland Cemetery, First Ebenezer Cemetery, St. Pauls Lutheran Cemetery,
Photographs by Red Lauttamus

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Web Page title: Hoffman_Cemetery.html
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Home Page: Yorkton Area photographs school/Red
Copyright © Web Publish Date: Thu Nov 02 2023 All Rights Reserved
Jaroslaw Church Cemetery,Lipton Hebrew Cemetery, Lipton, Saskatchewan, Sk, CA, Can, Canada, Red Lauttamus, Cemetery photographs,Lipton Hebrew Cemetery, Lipton, Saskatchewan, Sk, CA, Can, Canada, Red Lauttamus, Cemetery photographs,Lipton Hebrew Cemetery, Lipton, Saskatchewan, Sk, CA, Can, Canada, Red Lauttamus, Cemetery photographs, New Finland Cemetery, First Ebenezer Cemetery, St. Pauls Lutheran Cemetery,Jaroslaw Church Cemetery, Lipton Hebrew Cemetery, Lipton, Saskatchewan, Sk, CA, Can,New Finland Cemetery, Canada, Red Lauttamus, Cemetery photographs,Lipton Hebrew Cemetery, Lipton, Saskatchewan, Sk, CA, Can, Canada, Red Lauttamus, Cemetery photographs,Lipton Hebrew Cemetery, Lipton, Saskatchewan, Sk, CA, Can, Canada, Red Lauttamus, Cemetery photographs, First Ebenezer Cemetery, St. Pauls Lutheran Cemetery,
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It is the intention of this site to make place names and locations available to persons with a historical or genealogical interest in this area. There are no service charges or fees for use of these photographs, and use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Conditions of Use. This website is dedicated to the free sharing of these photographs, placename and location historical data. Any further use of these photographs would require contacting the Submitter and copyright holder, Red Lauttamus, and the webmaster: Julia Adamson
Jaroslaw Church Cemetery,Lipton Hebrew Cemetery, Lipton, Saskatchewan, Sk, CA, Can, Canada, Red Lauttamus,New Finland Cemetery, Cemetery photographs,Lipton Hebrew Cemetery, Lipton, Saskatchewan, Sk, CA, Can, Canada, Red Lauttamus, Cemetery photographs,Lipton Hebrew Cemetery, Lipton, Saskatchewan, Sk, CA, Can, Canada, Red Lauttamus, Cemetery photographs, First Ebenezer Cemetery, St. Pauls Lutheran Cemetery,